Full Moon


Specializes in Transplant, homecare, hospice.

Have you all experienced an increase of strange behaviors from your patients around the time of a full moon? Or an increase of patients in the ER on days of a full moon?? I'm curious if the fable is true.

honey.....the stories i can relate to you....

[color=#483d8b]everyone gets extra "vitamin a & h" at my place. they get more cranky, confused, agitated......:uhoh3: have had one guy walk on the patio and howl at the moon! they tend to be a bit goofier.

[color=#483d8b]suebird :p

Specializes in Transplant, homecare, hospice.
honey.....the stories i can relate to you....

[color=#483d8b]everyone gets extra "vitamin a & h" at my place. they get more cranky, confused, agitated......:uhoh3: have had one guy walk on the patio and howl at the moon! they tend to be a bit goofier.

[color=#483d8b]suebird :p

lol....that's funny! vitamin a&h and the howling...too funny!

Yes, the psy. pt's at the VA Hosp. get combative and exhibit strange behavior.

I would rather be home on those evenings.

YES, it is totally true about the ER being extra crazy with psych patients on the nights that there are full moons. I work at one part time and it is amazing the difference in patients that come in. And this goes for psych patients as well as regular patients(if you really want to call them that). For example we get more ear aches and my big toe hurts on full moon nights then on non full moon nights.

It's very interesting. As I always say, never a dull moment in the ER!! :uhoh3:

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I wrote in my blog yesterday about how rude my patients were to me yesterday. Even my patient with dementia smacked me across the head. Guess I'll chalk it up to a full moon.

We always seem to have a greater influx of psych patients to our ED during a full moon.

A couple of months ago Myth Busters was riding with an ambulance in our area to debunk the story. I don't think they were able to that particular night because we were overflowing with psych patients. We'll see when they air that episode what they say.

Get this, I heard that mental health workers would request off on the night of the full moon! I'll bet this is true with nurses!! Imagine where they got the word LUNA tic from?


Specializes in CNA/ ALF & Hospital.
Have you all experienced an increase of strange behaviors from your patients around the time of a full moon? Or an increase of patients in the ER on days of a full moon?? I'm curious if the fable is true.

Yes, the maturnity ward is full of new babies on a full moon. i was full moon baby as some ther people in my family.Today,Hubby is 54 :balloons:

Specializes in ICU, telemetry, LTAC.

Monday night I had just one patient nearly die on my shift. Tuesday night was the kicker. Two bleeding from IV lines/sites (one on heparin),one in acute withdrawal (while drinking golytely, poor man), one code who lived, and a total of three IV lines yanked out altogether that needed restarting, and one guy on fall precautions who slept standing up or in a chair, but not in his bed. He wasn't always dressed.

Next year's wall calendar is gonna have to be one with the moon phases on it so I can feel somewhat forewarned.

Specializes in CNA/ ALF & Hospital.
Monday night I had just one patient nearly die on my shift. Tuesday night was the kicker. Two bleeding from IV lines/sites (one on heparin),one in acute withdrawal (while drinking golytely, poor man), one code who lived, and a total of three IV lines yanked out altogether that needed restarting, and one guy on fall precautions who slept standing up or in a chair, but not in his bed. He wasn't always dressed.

Next year's wall calendar is gonna have to be one with the moon phases on it so I can feel somewhat forewarned.

So sorry that you had a bad night.Things could be worse so, don't give on me.:chuckle

Specializes in M/S, OB, Ortho, ICU, Diabetes, QA/PI.

I used to work at a nursing home and if I forgot it was a full moon, all of the "whipped up" dementia residents reminded me............

my friend is a police officer and she told me that cops usually dread full moons because it means a very busy night for them................

as for babies being born on full moon nights, isn't it the same as lots of babies born on stormy nights? something about a change in barometric pressure that causes ROM or contractions?

I know my dog is really restless during the night when the moon is full - she's so restless that my husband doesn't sleep well - me, I sleep like a rock no matter what..............

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