From a Graduate RN to CNA/UAP



I'd like to ask some advise from you. I'm a graduate registered nurse but unfortunately I failed my first attempt in passing the NCLEX-RN :scrying: I have been working at a hospital near my house as a graduate nurse and actually this week is my last week of orientation on the floor. My dilemma is I haven't told my nursing director that I failed...I don't know how to tell them and I'm scared to get their reaction or possibly fire me...but I know I have to let them know...Some nurses at work told me that normally they will retain me but will make me work as a nurse tech/cna/uap until I pass the board as an RN. I guess my question per se' is is it worth working as a CNA or should I just quit or file a leave of absence while I study for the board? What other tasks will I learn from working as a Tech/CNA? I mean at work what I noticed is the CNA's role is mainly limited to taking vitals (using a BP machine), I/O's, hygiene care, making beds, ambulating patients and toher tasks that I've learned during my first year in nursing school. I'm not trying to belittle the CNA's job but I guess I'm just trying to see if it's all worth doing or just cncentrate more on my studying. Please help................. :uhoh21:

I too am in the same boat. I really don't know what I want to do. I finished 5 weeks of my 12 weeks of orientation and then failed boards in 121 questions. I don't see how working as an PCT is going to help me other than a very small paycheck, which is almost belittling considering the time I spent in school. Back to the drawing board.

Specializes in med/surg, ortho/neuro, ambulatory surg.
I too am in the same boat. I really don't know what I want to do. I finished 5 weeks of my 12 weeks of orientation and then failed boards in 121 questions. I don't see how working as an PCT is going to help me other than a very small paycheck, which is almost belittling considering the time I spent in school. Back to the drawing board.

As I see it you have two choices 1) quit working and study your butt off and pass that dang NCLEX so you can get paid what you are worth or 2) work as a CNA (get a little paycheck) study as well and get experience from it I know it is disheartining to not be working as an RN right now but I really think it would show your job that you care and want to do this!!! A lot of people dont pass NCLEX the first time so what! Study, and do it again besides experince the paycheck will help pay for you to retest ;) just look at it possitively!

The point isn't really whether working as a CNA is a good educational experience for you; the point is that you can no longer legally work as a GN/RN, but the hospital/facility is doing you a favor by offering you continued employment of some kind instead of just firing you.

It's entirely a personal choice whether it's more important to you to work as a CNA and earn the smaller paycheck, or can do without the income and would rather have your time free. Some other factors to consider: If you quit, you may not be able to get another job there once you are licensed. The possibility of taking a "leave of absence" would depend on the facility's policies about leaves. Staying on and doing a good job as a CNA will demonstrate to your employer that you are a dependable employee and have a positive attitude.

Good luck with your studies and your next NCLEX attempt!

Hi there, guys, CNA is as important as RN job, specially the fact that you have to face all the patient needs, even if you can't administer meds, etc.

I am a foreing graduate, very thankfull, for my CNA job at a vascular-orto floor, I just pass the Nclex last 29, but actually I don't have licence in NY state yet!

Imagine, I am RN in FL since August 1, and I am still making my living as a PCT, night shift, I have to wait for the credential verification process, those papers have to come from my school in Cuba, straight to the CGFNS, then they have to send it to the NY Health department, at this point they have to send the form to me, and from me to them, hopefully when all this conclude i can say that I will be RN in NYC someday!

As far as you can see the Nclex is not the only one nightmare for plenty of us outhere, my advice, get a job as a CNA, practice, listening meds terms, keep in touch with the reality, i am a full time employee, none english 2 years and a 1/2 ago, a long way, but I am an RN in the Us already, this CNa job have been so helpfull!

Hope that this could help you to make the right choice!

Good luck!

Ulices a Cuban RN from Brooklyn!

I talked to my unit manager today and she was real cool about the situation. She said she could pull some strings and get me a job as a scrub tech if I wanted it, but she came up with something that I think will work out great. I will be working weekend 7a-7p and making around $6.00/hr less than my new grad RN pay.

Good luck to you. I have 39 days left until I can take boards again and I will pass this next go around.

Hi, Guys!

Thanks for all the feedback about my situation. I've finally had the courage to tell my director. I called her at work and told her that I've falied the exam. She was cool about it and offered me a nurse tech position at work. She's giving me a couple of days off to get my self and my thought together. She said it will be a good experience for me while I'm preparing for the boards. She said I will know my unit better and at the same time get to observe the RN's functioning at work and gain more knowledge about different patients and diagnosis. I still don;t feel good about it, in someway I feel belittled and I'm so embarras to show my face at work ( I guess I'm thinking that people at work may think less of me for failing the exam). I don't know how much of a pay cut off they will take form my current salary. I don't rally want to work as a CNA but I'm also afraid that once I get my license I will have trouble getting back in the hospital for reemployment. I need more advise.... :uhoh21:

Hi, Guys!

Thanks for all the feedback about my situation. I've finally had the courage to tell my director. I called her at work and told her that I've falied the exam. She was cool about it and offered me a nurse tech position at work. She's giving me a couple of days off to get my self and my thought together. She said it will be a good experience for me while I'm preparing for the boards. She said I will know my unit better and at the same time get to observe the RN's functioning at work and gain more knowledge about different patients and diagnosis. I still don;t feel good about it, in someway I feel belittled and I'm so embarras to show my face at work ( I guess I'm thinking that people at work may think less of me for failing the exam). I don't know how much of a pay cut off they will take form my current salary. I don't rally want to work as a CNA but I'm also afraid that once I get my license I will have trouble getting back in the hospital for reemployment. I need more advise.... :uhoh21:

Only you know whats best for you if your really not able to work because you think its a bad idea or it will take away from studying then dont....i was in your position on june 23rd i took my boards and failed i was so scared to call my hr rep but i finally did and she said i could work or push my nursing orientation back till the next scheduled spot august 15th i went with my gut and said ill wait...i figure if they dont hire me back then it wasnt meant to be....i had alot of free time and studied my butt off till i passed and i did and i started my job today and when people asked i told them yes i failed the first time....DONT be ashamed it part of who you are and dif anythin i think having failed makes me a stronger person because i could have pityed myself and been to scared and nervouse to take it again but i wasnt i sucked it up and went back in their not defeated but confident that i couldnt do any worse and could only do will too :) Go with your gut u know whats right for u good luck

keep us posted

If you have not failed before then you have never risked anything. We have all even the RN's where you work failed at some point and each of us has feared failing the big test weather it was for LVN or RN. So we all probably have some compassion for you weather we/they show it or not. I would take a break the week before the test and cram but follow your own style.

Specializes in Telemetry, ICU, Resource Pool, Dialysis.
Hi, Guys!

Thanks for all the feedback about my situation. I've finally had the courage to tell my director. I called her at work and told her that I've falied the exam. She was cool about it and offered me a nurse tech position at work. She's giving me a couple of days off to get my self and my thought together. She said it will be a good experience for me while I'm preparing for the boards. She said I will know my unit better and at the same time get to observe the RN's functioning at work and gain more knowledge about different patients and diagnosis. I still don;t feel good about it, in someway I feel belittled and I'm so embarras to show my face at work ( I guess I'm thinking that people at work may think less of me for failing the exam). I don't know how much of a pay cut off they will take form my current salary. I don't rally want to work as a CNA but I'm also afraid that once I get my license I will have trouble getting back in the hospital for reemployment. I need more advise.... :uhoh21:

I don't think there's any shame in working as a tech for several weeks until you re-take boards. I've worked with a couple of GNs who failed the 1st time and worked with us as techs. Nobody looked down on them, or treated them badly. Don't count on getting a leave of absence. Most employers require a certain length of employment before any kind of leave can be granted. If you want to be sure of a job your best bet is to take the offer and stay where you are.

If I were you, I would accept the nurse tech position, even part time, while I'm studying to retake the state board exam. Not because I think you'll have a problem getting a job as an RN when you pass but because you'll continue to learn about and experience more nursing-related stuff. If you'd rather not work as a tech then quit the job and focus on studying for the exam.

What will likely happen in this circumstance is that your pay will be cut from the GN rate (which is usually the same as what an entry-level RN makes) to whatever a tech makes (which is usually substantially less).

Hi, Guys!

Thanks for all the feedback about my situation. I've finally had the courage to tell my director. I called her at work and told her that I've falied the exam. She was cool about it and offered me a nurse tech position at work. She's giving me a couple of days off to get my self and my thought together. She said it will be a good experience for me while I'm preparing for the boards. She said I will know my unit better and at the same time get to observe the RN's functioning at work and gain more knowledge about different patients and diagnosis. I still don;t feel good about it, in someway I feel belittled and I'm so embarras to show my face at work ( I guess I'm thinking that people at work may think less of me for failing the exam). I don't know how much of a pay cut off they will take form my current salary. I don't rally want to work as a CNA but I'm also afraid that once I get my license I will have trouble getting back in the hospital for reemployment. I need more advise.... :uhoh21:

I was a CNA for 3 years and just passed the board this month. I strongly recommend you that just asked for leave of absence and study really really really hard because I remembered that I was so tired after I got off from work and did not have any strenght to study after.Keep in mind!! CNA has more patients load, even the tasks look simple but it will make you exhaused easily.

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