freakin out


Well, I took the NCLEX for the 2nd time yesterday. I got 75 questions as compared to 78 the first time. I am so scared to figure out my result. I have had this huge lump in my throat and have felt like throwing up ever since I left the testing center. I spent all of last night crying b/c I'm so afraid I failed it, again. To add insult to injury I don't even know what else I could possibly do to study. I took Kaplan and did all 7 practice tests....3 of them I did twice. I did all 1000 questions in the Q bank and I also studied content like crazy, what else could I do.

I know I'm jumping to conclusions but I looked up like 5 of the questions I remembered and I got all of them wrong. I'm totally buggin...can anyone lift my spirits?

~ Melissa

I didn't get any of the "select all that apply" and that really worries me.............

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Good luck to you. No words of wisdom. It isn't easy. Do something nice for yourself. :)

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.

We are all there keeping you in our hearts and minds. Try to relax...its all over now. Kepp us updated when you find out the results!!

I didn't get any of the "select all that apply" and that really worries me.............

Don't freak out because you didn't get any of the 'select all that apply.' I have a classmate who got all types of new format questions on her NCLEX. Her test shut off at 75 questions, and she ended up failing. Someone told me one time that if you get new format, that means you're doing well, because the new format questions test higher levels of competency. I know this is not true, as evidenced by my classmate. I've also had other classmates who have passed & didn't get any of the new format questions. Good luck.

I can certainly feel for you. You get 3 chances, is that correct? I go to a school that weeds out people who can't pass NCLEX the first time, so we have a 30 percent failure rate in some of our classes. They are committed to giving us a heart attack each semester, but they guarantee that IF we make it, we will pass NCLEX. They say that they are decicated to our success, but they are really dedicated to the 100 percent pass rate that they earned last year. Good luck. I know you'll make it.

well everyone I failed. any advice I"m totally upset.

~ melissa

Specializes in Operating Room.
well everyone I failed. any advice I"m totally upset.

~ melissa

Sorry to know that Melissamac. :crying2: The only thing I can say is, DON'T GIVE UP!! Good luck, and you can do it!! You've made it through school, so you are intelligent. Others have had to take this test several times, so I know it is HARD. Keep studying, and hopefully you can find websites, books, etc to help you with more indepth studying.

:kiss Start the New Year with a positive attitude, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

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