Fmc san diego acutes - hard times

Specialties Urology


FMC acute HD nurses, let's act now and stop all this mess that FMC is making by twisting our benefits, salaries, cutting our hours, and not adjusting the pay to the cost of living.

Got a patient? Lucky you. Tomorrow you will start a tx and another nurse will finish it. Like it? They are bringing 10 new nurses from abroad. We have to oppose them!

Unions are far from being fair. And the reason for that is because they are run by fallible human beings. If the shop steward don't like you you won't get anything.

You need to know not believe. If you get a closed shop, that's a BIG I F you have to pay dues whether you want to or not. Cali nurses have been threatened with termination for not paying dues. So you could get a union and still lose your job. Is that the representation you want. Are you aware of the money union management officiers recieve?

Unions have put manufacturing out of business in this country. Many nurses think nursing can't be outsourced and that's true, but it can be insourced and your situation is a prime example. Before you ever get a union at Fresenius you'll be out of a job and all the nurses will be from another country. Don't waste you time. Either work there or work someplace else.

Be carful what you wish for you just might get it.

Hey F160, how fast can we set up a union only for San Diego acutes? And how much will it cost PER PAY CHECK? We have about 130 RNs.

Probably just before he** freezes over.. Sorry, just that your idea is almost unattainable.

Fmc has a union in Hawaii.

Don't listen to OneKidneyNurse, she obviously is Management. You can do anything you set your mind too. A union Rep will guide you. Just call the number I gave you. Have you done that much? If you want to listen to people telling you how you can't do something, you'll never see something done. has a lot of valid criticism. Union or not we have to secure our hours somehow to get 80 each pay period.

Be careful what you find on the web. There are tons of naysayer type sites out there. You have to talk to a representative, and talk to nurses that have unions that they pay for. They protect nurses rights, and if they didn't you can bet that the nurses would have booted them out long ago. The Unions that I mention, and there is CNA also, are reputable unions for nurses. If you are going to listen to people that want to prevent you from doing the one thing that could make all the difference for you and your colleagues, then you will get exactly what you have. Did you even call to speak with a rep? I don't know what else I can offer. I gave you the number, and examples. It's now a matter of investigating more information and talking with a representative. It's free to talk to someone.

Fmc has a union in Hawaii.

NO FMC bought a unionized unit from St. Francis........ Before Liberity Dialysis could get in. Guess it couldn't have been that good St. Francis had to sell it. BTW Hawaii might not be able to have elections this year because they are broke. That's a place I wanna work.

Why is FMC putting us in the position that we are even considering having a union? After all the hard work and years of dedication we have given them!:confused: And has anyone seen the shcedule those nurses given the option to work 1 case xfive days without call? has anyone else been givin this option? With al the issues brought up in this forum i guess fmc has lots to explain in this next meeting? One case is not going to let anybody survive, so I guess all you old timers, think of a new career option to support your famillies

The why??? is all about "Big Business!" THE ALMIGHTY DOLLAR! It used to be many years ago, in the old days that people were appreciated for their loyalty and longevity with a company; and even rewarded for such consistency and dedication. Now, "Big Business" is all about the money, and we are only numbers. There is no longer the appreciation for loyalty and longevity, no bonuses for this, no anything. Nurses that have been with FMC Acutes for years are paid about the same as anyone else. They don't get bonuses for being a long term employee, or an employee that doesn't call off much, or an employee that helps out when they are desperate. Nope, it's just about how much money can go in the company's pocket. Nurses are a dime a dozen, as the company has proven. Put your coin in the machine~ Out pops a Dialysis Nurse, ready and willing to go into the trenches.

For goodness sakes, they don't even have pensions for nurses, and yet their profit margins are bigger than they have ever been! It makes one think, "is that really a company a professional nurse wants to work for?" Think long and hard on that one, because selling your soul to the devil as we have seen, is no picnic.


First of all onekidney nurse, the majority of nurses in fmc do have complaints. Second of all, no one should have to "start walking", if they are happy with hemodialysis, the specialty they have chosen, just because of injustices within the company. Since you have nothing to do with this company in this particular region and have no idea what is going in the company here, you should really butt out!:nurse:

I guess we need to listen what they say on Monday meeting. the big wig will speak out.

Please, do not even think about discussing minor problems like I came to work and the pt had been discharged 3days ago. Don't let them talk about that. Just focus on our hours, hourly rates, and how they disguise and hire foreigners for a miserable pay in the philipines and then bring them to us as interfacility transfers. They bypass the law. On Monday brainwashing will take place. They will falsely reassure us to win more time to finish their plan. It's naive to think that they will say: "Sorry, we will give you 2 pts from now on. We did not know you really want it." They are working now on how to make us believe they doing the right thing for us.

I guess we need to listen what they say on Monday meeting. the big wig will speak out.

Please, do not even think about discussing minor problems like I came to work and the pt had been discharged 3days ago. Don't let them talk about that. Just focus on our hours, hourly rates, and how they disguise and hire foreigners for a miserable pay in the philipines and then bring them to us as interfacility transfers. They bypass the law. On Monday brainwashing will take place. They will falsely reassure us to win more time to finish their plan. It's naive to think that they will say: "Sorry, we will give you 2 pts from now on. We did not know you really want it." They are working now on how to make us believe they doing the right thing for us.

First, they have to care. If they don't care about the employees, then it is a moot point. They could make you believe that they care about your situation, but they have dealt with this for years. They have heard all the complaints and have a deaf ear to it. That is how they have managed to stay in the positions that they are in. I think the specialty of Dialysis Nursing is a great one, unfortunately,the business has evovled from the hands of a big corporate man.

Corporate man, makes business plan. He's had the plan for awhile. He isn't going to change it for employees. You think he didn't take into account that this situation would arise? He had to plan, every angle like a football game. He might tweek it here and there, but the plan won't deter much from the original.

I hope you get what you want, but don't be surprised if it is just more of the same. To smooth over rough feelings, but continue same business.

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