Fmc san diego acutes - hard times

Specialties Urology


FMC acute HD nurses, let's act now and stop all this mess that FMC is making by twisting our benefits, salaries, cutting our hours, and not adjusting the pay to the cost of living.

Got a patient? Lucky you. Tomorrow you will start a tx and another nurse will finish it. Like it? They are bringing 10 new nurses from abroad. We have to oppose them!

Hey F160, how fast can we set up a union only for San Diego acutes? And how much will it cost PER PAY CHECK? We have about 130 RNs.

BTW, F160, all acute nurses know about this forum. They are not posting since they think they will be spotted and fired by the administration

if you want to join unac/uhcp, or want information about organizing a union at your place of employment,

call [color=#293869](800) 762-5874.


[color=#990000]fighting & winning—for health care professionals

unac/uhcp members enjoy some of the best pay, benefits, and working conditions in california. why? because our union, unac/uhcp has a proven track record of fighting – and winning – for health care professionals!

this is what i and find out. it shouldn't take too long, as long as everyone in the majority signs! the big push!

As for how much per paycheck, you would have to check with the organization. I'm sure once called, they will give you all the information that you would require to make an informed decision about the whole matter.

I hope this helps, it must be very frustrating for you to carry this burden for your colleagues. Congratulations, on being the one to hopefully get the ball rolling. I applaud your efforts F200.

Vague response. Give me a ballpark number for now. You say it should not take long. What are you talking about, months, years?

If you are serious about getting San Diego Acutes organized, you'd have to call the number that I have given you. I am not a psyhic, and can't see the $$$ or length of time it would take to organize in my crystal ball. However, in the morning you should call and they will be able to answer every single question, without question.

If you and the San Diego Acutes want it bad enough, they will pursue it. I think it is well worth the look. You may be happily surprised. It doesn't cost anything to ask information.

i agree, we need to step stand up for our rights. just some issues that was brought up when i talk to people about union, can you give some input

1. everybody get the benefits or only those union members? - i personally favor union members getting the benefits only, because were the only ones paying.

2. fears about a useless union that only get our money without really working for the union members.- this is one of the concerns of some of them.

3. i forgot the others, i'll add some later.

i'd like to have a union, especially if were going to fight for a 10 hour guaranteed time, since that is what we signed up for in the first place.

yeah, poor philiphinos who gets taken advantage of and us too. we should really put a stop to this. hope this snowballs and everybody sees the big picture.

so how are we going to get the union in? how many people are required?

I think the unions have been at this a long time, and they have dealt with the most difficult situations. They are fair, that is what they are all about. Patient care is paramount and patient safety. Workers rights, and the negotiations. You have to have a certain percentage signed on for the union to be legally able to step in and represent. Not everyone has to sign, but a certain percentage. They will be able to answer all these questions so perfectly tomorrow for anyone that calls to enquire.

I know Sharp and Scripps, not all of the Sharps, or not All of the Scripps got representation, and not all of the nurses signed, but enought to implement the representation. I believe that you will all get the same benefits that the union fights for, but bonuses fought for by the union and other things, may only affect the unionized nurses only. The nurses can opt in at anytime, I believe. Not sure, but write down all your questions and then call tomorrow and ask them. I'm sure they will answer everything.

I'm curious to know the details of what information you found F200? Or whoever may have checked with the Union today? If you'd rather not share the details here, send me a private email. Or know that I wish you the best of luck! You guys work hard, and deserve the best!

I don't see many people on here discussing the issue, so if you want change you have to step up and take action. Or quit complaining. Let Big Business control your lives, and dig yourselves deeper into dependence, and exploitation. They love that. You are eating right out of their hand. Big Business Loves that!

Maybe most of them don't have complaints? Good luck trying to start a union against Fresenius. You'll get as far as the front door of your unit. It won't happen in San Diego, SF, BFE, or anywhere else in the USA. There has to be another place to work in SD. You'd do yourself a favor and vote with your feet.

I think the unions have been at this a long time, and they have dealt with the most difficult situations. They are fair, that is what they are all about. Patient care is paramount and patient safety. Workers rights, and the negotiations. You have to have a certain percentage signed on for the union to be legally able to step in and represent. Not everyone has to sign, but a certain percentage. They will be able to answer all these questions so perfectly tomorrow for anyone that calls to enquire.

I know Sharp and Scripps, not all of the Sharps, or not All of the Scripps got representation, and not all of the nurses signed, but enought to implement the representation. I believe that you will all get the same benefits that the union fights for, but bonuses fought for by the union and other things, may only affect the unionized nurses only. The nurses can opt in at anytime, I believe. Not sure, but write down all your questions and then call tomorrow and ask them. I'm sure they will answer everything.

Unions are far from being fair. And the reason for that is because they are fun by fallible human beings. If the shop steward don't like you you won't get anything.

You need to know not believe. If you get a closed shop, tha's a BIG I F you have to pay dues whether you want to or not. Cali nurses have been threatened with termination for not paying dues. So you could get a union and still lose your job. Is that the representation you want. Are you aware of the money union management officiers recieve?

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