I just started working at a HH agency and actually really love it. The only thing I found to be really weird is this week the administrator, who was out most of last week when I started so just had me fill out new hire paperwork this week - had me hand write on a paper the words to a (clearly) made up “contract” basically stating I won’t slander the agency name, speak against them on social media etc, which I was fine with, I remain professional in that regard. The part I DIDN’T like was the part about committing to the company for 2 years or I will be “fined” $10,000-100,000 for leaving early. Oh, and I’m to give a 1 month notice if I leave, or can be “fined”. I clearly remember signing actual legit paperwork stating that this is an at will employer. Not to mention the “90 day” probationary period. The “contract” also included rqnsom weird bits like swearing not to tell ANYONE, including the “law” about the “secrets” of the company. There was other weird stuff in there too. He literally has me hand write what he was reciting. No legit document. I don’t plan on leaving this company any time soon, however, I don’t like the idea of being fined an insane amount if I chose to leave before 2 years. I honestly don’t think this thing he had me write up (which I basically scribbled and was hardly legible Bc he was freaking reciting parapgraphs to me) would hold up in court or actually be legit. But it’s really fishy that he would even try to push it.
also, this company is owned by a former non US citizen, and there are definitely cultural/slight language barriers. I just wonder if he realizes that here in America, we don’t just make up hand written documents without lawyers consulted and specific wording and clauses typed up to make it legit. Half the stuff he was reciting wasn’t even proper English. He’s a nice guy, just seems fishy.
what do y’all think?
ever heard of this? Did I sign my life away for 2 years or do you think it’s truly a non-binding contract that has no actual legal value?