Published Jul 25, 2013
CapeCodMermaid, RN
6,092 Posts
We're having a discussion at my facility about fentanyl patches and covering them with a clear opsite to prevent them from falling off.
One nurse tells me the pharmacy says we can't cover them since it speeds up absorption. Years ago I called the company that makes Duragesic patches. They told me they make opsites specifically to cover them.
What do all y'all do?
119 Posts
When on the floor we would cover them with opsites, never was told that it would speed up absorption. If we didn't cover them the patch wouldend up rolling up on itself or falling off.
nicenurselpn, LPN
120 Posts
We cover them with Oposite as well. Especially with patients who tend to sweat a lot, it keeps the patch in place.
CT Pixie, BSN, RN
3,723 Posts
The pharmacy told us the same thing, do not cover the patch with anything as the increased heat would change the absorbancy. None of my residents have had the patch in quite some time.
My coworker has a couple residents w/the patch and I am pretty sure she uses something to 'tack' the perimeter of the patch down that doesn't cover the entire patch, althought exactly what it is they/she uses I can't recall. I'll have to ask her what they are using for those and get back to you.
101 Posts
Our DON has told us to cover with opsite so that the patch doesn't come off...cause since it is considered a narcotic, if you lose that patch, then you are searching every square inch of that res. as well as the bed, room, chairs, shoes, ect...trying to find that patch. I would rather have a opsite covering it than to lose it
savoytruffle, BSN, RN
154 Posts
Our pharmacist said that covering them would not change absorbency. We cover with tegaderm. Check with your supplying/advising Rx and medical director.
36 Posts
We are not allowed to cover them in our facility
ktwlpn, LPN
3,844 Posts
Omnicare has told us that opsite is permissible. We check placement and document each shift and we only have a few residents who have oily skin and issues with the patch.
If opsite is allowed by most pharmacies would tegaderm be the same? We have a resident who frequently removes her nitroglycerin patch. I will ask pharmacy if we can cover it but I don't think we carry opsite in our facility
308 Posts
I too learned that you should never cover the fentanyl because it increases the heat captured within the opsite/ tegaderm causing increased absorption. Most patients shouldn't have issues if it's placed right unless they are sweating heavily. In that case, we use a single, thin cut piece of tape (hypafix usually) across the center of the patch. It leaves the majority open to air and keeps it in place. Hope that helps!
1,526 Posts
I used to cover them with transparent dressings all the time when I worked in LTC and never had any issues.
582 Posts
I was told not to use transparent dressings either by our pharmacy.