Felt so Bad for Resident...so Impressed with CNAs


We have two residents with very similar names. Yesterday the business office manager approached the charge nurse and informed her that we needed to get "Jane" ready because her family was coming to get her. The charge nurse found that to be strange because "Jane's" family almost never comes to see her...and they have never taken her out. The charge nurse verified that it was "Jane" and not "Jean." The CNAs also questioned it. The business office manger said she called "Jane's" daughter to verify and it was definitely "Jane" that was going out.

The CNAs had "Jane" dressed, with makeup and jewelry on. She was excited. When "Jean's" family arrived to get her, they were angry that she was not ready to go. "Jane" was devastated.

Each CNA spent their entire 30 minute break with "Jane." One bought her supper from her favorite Mexican restaurant, one prayed with her, and one sang Christmas songs with her.

"Jean's" family said their supper was overcooked because they had to wait for us to get her ready.

The business office manager laughed and informed us that things happen.

What a *******

Specializes in hospice.

Disgusting. These are human beings with feelings and needs and rights. It being Christmas time, I kind of wish the Ghost of LTC Future would visit your business manager and show her what it's like. :mad:

Also, maybe your business manager is an idiot who doesn't know how to pronounce "Jean."

This nearly takes my breathe away. Each person's actions speaks volumes about their character. God bless those CNAs. And my heart hurts for the one left behind. As for the others - shame on them. :/

Specializes in hospice.

Anyone considered calling Jane's family and explaining a little of what happened, and asking if they could actually visit or take her out? Maybe a little guilt would be good for them.

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.

Wow... I seriously want to cry for this resident. I'm a CNA and I don't get too sad when residents pass because that's life but when something like this happens I get so sensitive. I cried just last week (at home in my personal time) because earlier that day there was a resident/family Christmas party and when it was over I found one of the residents crying in her room. I asked her what was wrong and she said none of her family came to the party; my heart broke. I had her call her daughter and granddaughter to see if they could come out the next day (they did). Ugh, I hate when stuff like this happens. The office manager, words can't explain how cruel and ignorant she seems.

Anyone considered calling Jane's family and explaining a little of what happened, and asking if they could actually visit or take her out? Maybe a little guilt would be good for them.

maybe she hasn't any close family left.

Specializes in nursing education.

Bless your CNA's for making something beautiful for that resident out of disappointment.

It sounds like it's time for your facility to start using two patient identifiers- it can prevent a lot of hurt.

Specializes in MDS/ UR.
Anyone considered calling Jane's family and explaining a little of what happened, and asking if they could actually visit or take her out? Maybe a little guilt would be good for them.

Sometimes people are not involved because of family dynamics and happenings that occurred that caregivers are not aware of.

You never know the stories or reasons for sure why someone stays away.

Specializes in hospice.
Sometimes people are not involved because of family dynamics and happenings that occurred that caregivers are not aware of.

You never know the stories or reasons for sure why someone stays away.

Oh trust me, I know. Wherever my mother lands, the staff will think I'm horrible, but my lack of involvement is her choice and based on years of bad interaction between us. Not many mothers would order their only daughter to stay away and not help when she ends up having surgery to remove a diseased kidney, but mine did. So yeah, we never know what sucky stuff came before.

Specializes in LTC.

Those CNA's deserve a raise! I work with some incredibly compassionate, caring CNA's that go above and beyond. My residents are blessed to have them in their lives!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

That just breaks my heart. God bless those CNA's! If I were working with them I would get them each a small treat or give them a thank you card for that. So often in LTC the caregivers are closer to the residents than the family. And SHAME on the business office person for not caring about her mistake and the impact that it had on this resident. I understand that mistakes happen, but couldn't she at least say she is sorry and feel guilty about it?

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