Feeling like a Loser * Dropped all my classes this semester *


I'm still doing my prerequisites to get into UTA's Fast Track BSN program. The beginning of the semester I was feeling really unfocused and eventually it took a toll. I started with 3 classes and now I'm not in any. I feel like I have wasted my financial aid and my student loan. I was wondering if anyone has done the same or been in a similar situation and any advice they can give me for next semester. I really want to finish school. I've been in college for 5 years ( on and off and changed my major 4 times). I'm just ready to start my career.

I was forced to withdraw from all classes due to medical reasons. Due to the circumstances, I had to withdraw from the university in order to drop my courses. I had to do what I had to do, my doctor told me I could not drive and the commute to school was an hour and a half. The problem, when it presented itself, was when the Director of the nursing program called me at home and threatened me on the phone. She assured me I would not graduate. I doubt that you are dealing with anyone like this. Reflect on your situation and act accordingly. Five years is not a long time to be in school as long as you get it together and eventually reach your goal. It will be a long time if you decide to leave school altogether.

My first shot at college I dropped out. I owed over $6k in loans, my mom and brother were pissed and stopped helping me financially. Years later I went back to school and now I'm starting nursing school in January. Don't give up. Maybe you just needed a break from school. Take the rest of the semester off and then go back when you are focused.

Why is it that you were unfocused? I suggest tackling that issue before you start school again.

I was forced to withdraw from all classes due to medical reasons. Due to the circumstances, I had to withdraw from the university in order to drop my courses. I had to do what I had to do, my doctor told me I could not drive and the commute to school was an hour and a half. The problem, when it presented itself, was when the Director of the nursing program called me at home and threatened me on the phone. She assured me I would not graduate. I doubt that you are dealing with anyone like this. Reflect on your situation and act accordingly. Five years is not a long time to be in school as long as you get it together and eventually reach your goal. It will be a long time if you decide to leave school altogether.

Im sooo very sorry to hear about that. Are you planning to enter nursing school in the future? How is your health doing now? I hope you're doing ok.

Why is it that you were unfocused? I suggest tackling that issue before you start school again.

I've been dealing with a lot of depression. I don't have a lot of money to get a counselor, but Im going to look in my job that I work full time at ( I work in health care)to see if they have resources. My girlfriend has helped a lot to help me identify my issues and I'm working them out by myself right now.

My first shot at college I dropped out. I owed over $6k in loans, my mom and brother were pissed and stopped helping me financially. Years later I went back to school and now I'm starting nursing school in January. Don't give up. Maybe you just needed a break from school. Take the rest of the semester off and then go back when you are focused.

I'm happy to hear you went back!! That's very unfortunate, but it didn't stop you from going for your dream. I'm take a mental break. I have a CNA class I need to pass. My problem was that I was trying to do it all. I started off with two jobs and tons of school work. Whrn I quit my second job, it was almost like it was too late for me to get focus because I was already failing my classes. Definitely will not work a second job ever.

You have to take care of yourself, first and foremost. A better mindset will help you focus more effectively.

I'm proud of you for noticing that it was too much and putting your mental health first.

You'll get there. :)

I hope I don't sound like a witch. My first thought to your last sentence was "No you are not ready to start your career if you just dropped all the classes in your current semester." Don't rush to "start" get proper help first or the pattern could keep happening and just make you feel worse. You may want to try and identify triggers to your stress and better coping mechanisms before you think about going back in school. You'll give yourself the best chance by getting help first. I do have a lot of faith in self help as long as it's grounded in proof and the person can handle it but I'm glad you're going to look into if you can get professional help too. Try to force yourself not to call yourself things like loser, catch yourself when the feeling comes and go do something else to distract yourself.

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

You are "ready to start my career"? Ok..what "career" is that? You have not graduated college. You "really want to finish school"...ok..well...go finish it. I don't really know what the point of the post is. That you are sick of school and want to just get a high paying job and skip actually finishing school? You "feel like" you wasted your loan. I think you DID waste it. The advice? Focus and finish school. There are no short cuts and they don't give you a diploma because you are "ready to start my career".

You are "ready to start my career"? Ok..what "career" is that? You have not graduated college. You "really want to finish school"...ok..well...go finish it. I don't really know what the point of the post is. That you are sick of school and want to just get a high paying job and skip actually finishing school? You "feel like" you wasted your loan. I think you DID waste it. The advice? Focus and finish school. There are no short cuts and they don't give you a diploma because you are "ready to start my career".

Um I think OP didn't mean that way about skipping school. I'm pretty sure OP just needed to vent, was frustrated with being in school so long, failing to muster up motivation and if you didn't read below, he was depressed and had some issues he needed to sort out. I think he just wanted some support on this forum.

I've been dealing with a lot of depression. I don't have a lot of money to get a counselor, but Im going to look in my job that I work full time at ( I work in health care)to see if they have resources. My girlfriend has helped a lot to help me identify my issues and I'm working them out by myself right now.

Ok that's good. As long as you figure out and find some motivation within yourself. Taking a semester off may help. Are you sure you want to be a nurse? I think the more passionate you are about something, the more willing you are to do what is needed to achieve your goals. I think you may need some time to reflect internally on what is it that will make you happy and go do it. Don't think about what you need to get done and all your shortcomings. That's only gonna dampen your mood and you'll feel even more overwhelmed, especially in this situation. That's not important right now either. What is important is your mental health and your happiness. Think about what will make you happy and what steps you can take to be happy. And defintely solve this issue first before you dive back into school.

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