Feeling discouraged.

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Okay, So for the second time I've been rejected from my Universities nursing program. The first time was because I didn't pass Human Growth and Development, so I took the class Fall of 2014 and obtained a "B", spring of 2015 I decided to take the semester off and work as a CNA at a specialty hospital and volunteer at the local hospice house. All of which I stated on my application. On July 1st I got an email (which I didn't see until July 3rd) saying that I didn't get in. I plan on calling the dean to see why I rejected and to see if there is anything I can do to make myself more competitive. I guess I'm just posting this up to vent. But, while I was gathering my Letter of Recommendations, one of my professors gave my LOR to another student whom was applying to the nursing program as well. When I got my LOR from her it was in black and white because she said that she couldn't "afford" color. Lets just assume that everything that I did was correct, do you think this small error cost me the ticket to my dream?

I have a 3.79 and only repeated one class, yes I have applied to several other schools and have been accepted to 4 of the 5. Yeah, yeah I know it's a no brained of what to do but it's the simply fact of not knowing why I didn't get into my dream program. Like I said on my post. I'm just Venting.

It doesn't really matter "why" you didn't get in to that program. Nursing school is very competitive; there were undoubtedly many others who also had decent grades who didn't get in either. You are not always going to get what you want, and the best way to handle adversity is to just keep looking forward.

Like Dory said in Nemo, "just keep swimming!"

Good luck. Big picture, this is nothing.

I have a 3.79 and only repeated one class, yes I have applied to several other schools and have been accepted to 4 of the 5. Yeah, yeah I know it's a no brained of what to do but it's the simply fact of not knowing why I didn't get into my dream program. Like I said on my post. I'm just Venting.

Congratulation on the 4 acceptances.

I would consider one of those 4 your future and the 5th one your past.

Pick another dream program for your graduate degree.

Learn from your mistakes and use one of the 4 to get into your new dream program.

Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU.
You've been accepted into four programs? Uh, yeah, checking out of this thread before I say something that will get me banned.

With you on this one, Red. I'm (almost) at a loss for words.

Let's see if I'm following this. OP applied to 5 nursing programs, got accepted into 4 and is now discouraged and desperately trying to pin the rejection on a LOR that wasn't printed in color?????

I can certainly see being disappointed that he didn't get into the "dream" program. But if 4 out of 5 wins isn't enough to keep you from getting discouraged then life is gonna be one hell of a bummer.

Is this one of those kids from that entitled generation that has to get a ribbon for everything?

Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU.
Lets just assume that everything that I did was correct, do you think this small error cost me the ticket to my dream?

Actually you didn't just vent, you asked a question.

My simple answer is, No.

oh gosh, I am trying to get into nursing schooltoo i know your struggle

Don't get discouraged. You are in a much better position than me. My past haunts me until this day. Failing out of a university in my first semester due to health reasons, and depression. Seriously I would love to be in your position, if I get into even one accredited nursing school in the state I fully intend on attending no matter what I have to do. So don't get discouraged good luck in your quest. I had to work years to get my cumulative gpa back up to a level where I stood even a remote chance.

I fail to see why the OP is discouraged.....he/she got into 4 nursing programs, just not The One he/she wanted. Ok....based on what's been posted here, I think the answer is evident: the 3.79 that was good enough for four out of the five was NOT good enough for the fifth....AND/OR the repeated somewhat-simple pre-requisite cost him/her the seat.

Failing what is considered to be a pretty basic pre-requisite, repeating it and getting only a B in that course might well be the reason you didn't get in, just as simple as that.

But having a letter of recommendation not be printed in color....no, that didn't "cost you" anything. A good letter of recommendation from a reputable source might very WELL be in black and white, and I can't even IMAGINE a university considering the lack of bright color to be a problem. You seem to be looking for a blame outside of yourself....and that is not only a bad practice to set for oneself it is also in all likelihood completely untrue.

You weren't good enough for The Dream School. You WERE good enough for four others. Celebrate.

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