Nursing Students CNA/MA



Specializes in family medicine.

I hate nurses that are so dependent on the aides!!

- if you can walk in the pts room and observe that her lips are dry, don't ask me to offer her water while im busy charting, do it yourself!!!!

- don't ask me to clean the colostomy stoma for you, that is a treatment and YOU are the nurse!

- don't ask me to get ice beginning of shift and you're the first one to the ice!

- don't ask me to stock your med cart!!! I dont use your straws/spoons/med cups

- don't ask me to give a pt orange juice because her blood sugar and make sure she drinks it, it is your job to control the BS!!

- don't get offended when the DON says he wants all Licensed nurses to answer call lights and toilet people.

Don't ask me whos belongings were left at the nurses station, i just came in to work too!!!!!

Don't ask me to put dishes away, you have hands too.

Don't ask me to help you do a tx because youre scared of the combative pts, grow a pair !

Don't take advantage of your nurses aides, they will screw u over and hide from you

Much respect to the nurses that can handle their own **** and still have time to offer the cnas if they need any help. Much respect to the nurses that call your nAme to ask about how your weekend went, not to put some dishes away or do something for her !!!

Specializes in Elderly.

I am sooo glad I can relate to these issues and know I am NOT the only one who is annoyed with other CNAs, Nurses, and etc. I have only been a CNA for a few months now and I barely got a job at a LTC facility. I've been there for about a month. I'm a floater so I'm barely getting to know the residents and their routines. So anyways, last Friday I had a group I wasn't so familiar with and of course I was all over the place trying to get everyone satisfied with their needs but of course I only have 2 hands and I can't be everywhere at once. I was feeding a resident in her room and one of my other residents put her call light on because she had to go to the bathroom after dinner (I guess that is her routine but I didnt know!) So after I was feeding the resident the nurse comes up to me and says that the other resident had her call light on for like 30 minutes and next time I need to come and let her know that I'm busy and that she needs to wait. And also that I need to turn the call light off because it's makes us "look bad". I got sooo fired up! First of all if that nurse KNEW she had her call light on for so long why didnt SHE go in there and tell her I was busy and turned the light off if it makes us look SOO bad?! I'm pretty sure other CNA's and nurses walked by her room and saw her light on. WHY couldnt anyone help her?????? Or at least ask her to wait??? OR at least tell me?!?! ALL of those residents are OUR residents no matter what. If they are assigned to us or not CALL LIGHTS ARE EVERYONES RESPONSIBILITY! I asked the nurse "Did you walk pass her room and saw that she had her light on?" and she says "No"...SERIOUSLY?! what a LIE! My goodness some of the nurses and CNAs at my job annoy me! Especially the CNAs who just put their residents to bed in like an hour without giving them their showers and then they just sit at the nurses station chit chatting away and gossiping! UGH!

Specializes in LTC.
I'm sick of people:

Our administrator and the DON. They're so fake.

One of the charge nurses, who gets ****** off at every little thing and doesn't lift a finger to help (she's the same one who "didn't know" how to set up a meal tray). Last night I was helping another CNA hoyer someone into bed. I walked out of the room with an armful of laundry and this charge nurse ****** at me because one of my residents had gotten up by himself and set off his alarm. She left him sitting in the bathroom by himself so she could wait for me outside the door of this other room. She was mad because I didn't respond to his alarm... I didn't hear it! If I hadn't left my hall to assist my coworker she would have been yelling at us for that because the patient has an overbearing family that would have tattled on us for not getting their mother in bed at precisely 7 o'clock. It's this type of thing that happens all the time. 2 call lights come on at the same time, you answer one of them and you get yelled at for not answering the other. I don't care if you refuse to wipe a butt with a 10-foot pole, but please stay out of it!

This girl who's been working there a long time who always gets the easiest assignment. And then on the rare occasion that she doesn't get it, she goes crying to the supervisor and they switch it back. She works part time too. You can't suck it up and do a hard assignment once out of the 3 days you work?

Lazy people. A lazy DAY is one thing. I'm just sick of people who are lazy all the time. Sitting at the nurse's station "doing paperwork" for an hour. It doesn't take that long! Documenting that all your people "refused" to be repositioned. Ignoring call lights. Acting like you deserve a reward every time you do something you were supposed to be doing in the first place.

LTC is hard work, if you are DOING your job it is HARD..from the CNAs, nurses, admin....It is hard. As a nurse, I don't ask my CNAs to do anything for me, because I know they have enough to do. If I see them sitting at the desk, I find them something else to do..Like trim all the toe nails on the hall, or clean wheel chairs... or something, even if it is MOP the floor, clean out the fridge. I am with you, I am sick of lazy. As charge nurse, I do try to end the laziness. And if I see the maintenance man, or housekeeper, administrator...walk by a call light....I make sure they know they DID.

LTC is hard work, if you are DOING your job it is HARD..from the CNAs, nurses, admin....It is hard. As a nurse, I don't ask my CNAs to do anything for me, because I know they have enough to do. If I see them sitting at the desk, I find them something else to do..Like trim all the toe nails on the hall, or clean wheel chairs... or something, even if it is MOP the floor, clean out the fridge. I am with you, I am sick of lazy. As charge nurse, I do try to end the laziness. And if I see the maintenance man, or housekeeper, administrator...walk by a call light....I make sure they know they DID.

I thought only podiatrists were supposed to touch toe nails..

I thought only podiatrists were supposed to touch toe nails..

No, keeping the toenails clipped is expected of aides everywhere I have ever worked. The only exception is with diabetic residents, in which case the nurse has to do it. I can't imagine how expensive it would be to have a podiatrist come and clip residents' nails every time they need it.

I'm fed up with co-workers that leave their job half done and having to go behind them and clean up their messes. I hate that! I so agree with what everyone has said. I hate having to wash the crap out of dirty linens! Isn't that what the laundry people are supposed to do? I have a ton of things to get done and having to stop to wash the crap out of the sheets and clothes just takes the time I could have used to do more important things! Like making sure Mrs. Hooha is taken to the toilet so she doesn't poo all over herself to begin with!

I also hate it when a co-worker will run all over the place to find me to tell me I have a light going off!!! Why can't they answer the stupid thing to begin with and tell me what the resident needs?

Don't give me report and tell me everyone has just been changed and I go and find half my residents with freakin' brown rings!!!! That really chaps my behind!

I'll be so glad to get through school. I'll never treat my aides like some of the nurses I have worked with have treated me. I'll always answer a light and help them out. I'll never put myself above the aides. Without the aides, the whole place would go the h*** in a handbasket! CNA's deserve more recognition and respect than they get. I'm going to make sure they know they are appreciated.

That is great.

When I became a nurse, I thought I would still answer lots of call lights and help pts to the toilet and so on because I didn't want to give the impression that I thought I was "too good" after I became a nurse.

I had to stop doing it though, because it made me get way behind on my own work.

So, I have to show my appreciation in different ways. I thank them, tell them how much I enjoy working with them, and bring in food.

I am sick of the families who disappear for years, magically turn up one day and of a sudden have a renewed interest in the loved ones care.

Don't get all butt hurt when the loved one does not recognize you.

Don't compare the loved ones present condition to how they were back in '05.

Don't demand to see his doctor right now.

Don't yell at my CN because you harbor guilty feelings.

Don't get your underoos all wadded up.

Just stop.

I get that life gets busy but please don't come waltzing in and start yelling about Papa's care when you have not been involved for the past 6 years.

Just don't.

I know more about your Papa, as a CNA, then you do as his daughter :crying2:

It hurts me when my residents have no visitors. It breaks my heart.


Specializes in LTC.
No, keeping the toenails clipped is expected of aides everywhere I have ever worked. The only exception is with diabetic residents, in which case the nurse has to do it. I can't imagine how expensive it would be to have a podiatrist come and clip residents' nails every time they need it.

At my job no one is allowed to do it except the podiatrist. He doesn't come in often. People at my facility have some pretty gnarly toenails! I honestly don't know how I would clip most of them anyway, though. A lot of them are so thick it looks like you'd need a chainsaw to trim them.

At my job no one is allowed to do it except the podiatrist. He doesn't come in often. People at my facility have some pretty gnarly toenails! I honestly don't know how I would clip most of them anyway, though. A lot of them are so thick it looks like you'd need a chainsaw to trim them.

That's so odd for me to imagine! Then again, elderly people are more likely to have the foot issues than most of the residents I care for. I have never even seen a podiatrist at my facility.

I might be too new to be fed up, but these are the things that are grating my nerves.

The lack of teamwork - only the newbies help each other, everyone else is outside smoking or hooking up.

The lack of supervision - CNAs sitting at the nurses station all night, their section lit up like a xmas tree and noone saying a word to them about it.

The highschoolish gossip. WTH? Are we all 12?

Regardless of assignment, if you're the first one to bring a pt to assisted dining, you've got to stay...because noone else will.

I've been identified as "a hard worker" so basically, I'm screwed.

And finally, the fact that getting crapped on was the absolute highlight of my evening last night. lol

Specializes in Elderly.
I might be too new to be fed up, but these are the things that are grating my nerves.

The lack of teamwork - only the newbies help each other, everyone else is outside smoking or hooking up.

The lack of supervision - CNAs sitting at the nurses station all night, their section lit up like a xmas tree and noone saying a word to them about it.

The highschoolish gossip. WTH? Are we all 12?

Regardless of assignment, if you're the first one to bring a pt to assisted dining, you've got to stay...because noone else will.

I've been identified as "a hard worker" so basically, I'm screwed.

And finally, the fact that getting crapped on was the absolute highlight of my evening last night. lol

Sounds just like what I'm going thru too! lol

Specializes in geriatrics, dementia, ortho.
The lack of teamwork - only the newbies help each other, everyone else is outside smoking or hooking up.

Hooking up??? Outside during work??? :barf01::barf02:

I can't think of a less romantic place in the world than out back of my facility - there's the smoking area, the dumpsters full of dirty briefs, and a parking lot.

I'd have to be beyond hard-up to be setting my man-traps out there. Oogy!

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