Nursing Students CNA/MA



I am fed up with feeling that what I do is never enough. Never.

I've been disrespected ever since I took on my first CNA job 8 months ago. Im so tired of people getting mad because I ask for help with the hoyers. When among their clique they happily help eachother! I get talked about behind my back constantly. I try to do as much as I can by myself without bothering the other aides. And that's not enough! Im still labled badly! It's like a high school where I work. And no it's not just me. Another new aide who was hired a few months ago they treat her like crap too. They eagerly report her and say awful things about her to our supervisor. Im ready to just look for another job that is less stressful. Im so fed up I really dont want to work as a cna anymore. Another job in a different field sounds nice.

Finally it happened for me. I got a job as an administrative assistant at the local University in their tutoring department. I folded up all my scrubs and they're going into storage in case someone else in my family needs them. Finally I will be getting paid what I'm worth, receive good benefits, be given opportunities for advancement, and work with mature professional people. All I can say about CNA work is ...... never again.

Specializes in geriatrics( ltc snf and sub acute((.
I am fed up with feeling that what I do is never enough. Never.

I'm tired of the oncoming cnas complaining that their patients are wet. As if

they were all dry when I recieved them. They are ”incontinent” people! Just

shut up and change them already!

I'm tired of the oncoming cnas complaining that their patients are wet. As if

they were all dry when I recieved them. They are "incontinent" people! Just

shut up and change them already!

I am tired of coming in to every single resident being completely soaked through with dried pee rings on their clothes. People are incontinent and no matter what, someone is likely going to be wet...but there is a big difference between a reasonable number of moderately wet residents and a whole group of residents who obviously have not been changed all day.

Specializes in geriatrics( ltc snf and sub acute((.

I'm in total agreement. I have a coworker

that is always leaving her patients soaked. My gripe is

with the cnas who come in early to check if the patients are

wet, only to complain if the patients are the tinniest bit wet.

I'm in total agreement. I have a coworker

that is always leaving her patients soaked. My gripe is

with the cnas who come in early to check if the patients are

wet, only to complain if the patients are the tinniest bit wet.

Oh, I know what you meant, and I agree! :) Just reminded me of my current gripe that's been driving me crazy. The funny thing is that it's usually the people who leave their residents a total mess who also complain if the tiniest thing is out of place. People are annoying.

Specializes in LTC.

I know all about that. I don't appreciate the brown rings either but it bugs me when people ***** about "everyone" being wet when we get there in the morning (practically our whole unit is incontinent). It's embarrassing. These are the same people that won't do extra changes on anyone after our last rounds and here they are expecting the previous shift to work miracles.

Specializes in LTC.

Speaking of people not wanting to do "extra" changes... if someone during our last rounds is farting a lot, I want to put them on the toilet. I don't care how incontinent a person is, chances are if you put them on the toilet they'll poop- gravity, you know? But I have coworkers who refuse to take the time to put these people on the toilet because they're a lift and it's a process. I point out that waiting for them to poop in bed is in fact, even more of a production when it's time for cleanup, but they still won't, because once the person is in bed that means our last rounds are "done" and if they poop after that it becomes 2nd shift's responsibility.... even if we're putting them to bed at 1 o'clock. So if they poop at 1:05, we're supposed to leave them laying in it until 3? I don't think so. If someone is clearly wet or soiled I change them... I don't wait for the right "time" to do it. Especially during the last hour of the shift, which is the easiest and most flexible part of the day. There is no need to rush through everything so you can spend the last 15-30 minutes of the shift standing around chatting. And what do these people expect? That second shift isn't going to smell it when they come in, SEE people standing around chatting, and not say anything? But who cares right? Because you'll be out the door before they can say anything and I'll be the one cleaning it up!

It's gotten to the point where I have to think of selfish reasons to convince people to carry out these no-brainer tasks. "We can't just leave her lying in poop so why risk it?" doesn't cut it, so i have to say things like, "Well when she gets a UTI, YOU can deal with her being combative and YOU can take her vitals every 4 hours while she's on the antibiotics" or "have fun trying to follow the repositioning schedule when her skin breaks down and the supervisor is down our throats about it."

Specializes in Trying to bring a little humor to people.
That's interesting about housekeeping. They make up the beds once a patient is discharged, but they don't make up the beds while the patient is there. Then they only work 8-hour shifts, so after they leave it's the NA's responsibility to take care of trash and spills. It doesn't make any sense to me at all.

I am so happy that I work a union facility for LTC. Our house keepers all have to be CNA's. They have to do their normal duites but also need to help get up and put down residents, do their general cares when needed and help otherwise. Our dietary is the best and even helps watch residents when they are going crazy as we try to feed the rest of the people.

I am so happy that I work a union facility for LTC. Our house keepers all have to be CNA's. They have to do their normal duites but also need to help get up and put down residents, do their general cares when needed and help otherwise. Our dietary is the best and even helps watch residents when they are going crazy as we try to feed the rest of the people.

Sounds like a dream to work there. Our housekeepers just do the regular cleaning and that's cool with me.

:clown: Now if I could just grow an extra pair of eyes and hands I'd be set.

Specializes in Oncology, Palliative Care.

What really ticks me off? There is this one CNA that I work with once or twice a week. She is lazy and she treats her patients like dirt. Excuse me, but I hardly find t appropriate to cop an attitude with a patient because he/she can't perform a task as quickly as you would like them to! She speaks rudely and forcefully to patients and it goes all over me. You are a CNA. It is your job to assist these patients with any ADL's they cannot themselves perform. Yes, I know we all have a thousand things on our to do list, but when you are helping a patient they are your focus at that moment! I wouldn't want myself or a family member neglected or treated badly because they were a little slow at doing something. For goodness sake, half of our patients are Cancer patients and the other half are mainly geriatric. LEARN SOME RESPECT. :mad:

I'm sick of administrative type staff. I am sick of them sitting in their offices all day, for them admitting people that need more care than we can give them (this is assisted living not memory care or a nursing home), for them not properly stalking a room when a resident moves in, "really you couldn't put gloves and garbage bags in that room so that when the resident calls me in because they need help in the BR I have to leave them (unsafe) to run to the supply room on the opposite end of the building because you couldn't get off your butt and put gloves in the room?! really that's ok to you??" or when a new resident moves in and there are no pillows or blankets for HS come on people sure the family should provide it but shouldn't you make sure that the family has provided it. And really learn our freaking names there are not that many of us. I sort of hate my job even though I know there are worse out there. Graduation can't come soon enough.

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