FCCJ/FSCJ Fall 2010 Hopefuls

U.S.A. Florida


I know it is kind of early to start this thread but I thought maybe there were some others out there who are planning on applying for fccj/fscj fall 2010 RN program. Hope you will post on this thread!


I found the TEAS science section was what threw me for a loop. There were many questions involving earth science- i.e.- rocks, etc... that I wasn't prepared for. The rest of it was pretty straight forward. The NAT was easier in my opinion content-wise, but the time constraints were tougher. I left the TEAS with plenty of time to go, while I ran out of time in different sections of the NAT. Be prepared to move quickly on the NAT in the academic aptitude and reading sections. Remember the spelling section doesn't count- so don't stress, because I found it to be the hardest part! Everyone has such a different experience- it depends on your strengths. I'm NOT a math person, but the verbal & reading sections were a breeze for me. If you're studying both books I think you'll be well prepared for both tests. I just wish I would have known to look over earth science more in depth, because it was the LAST thing I expected to see on the TEAS. Hope this helps! :)

Thanks for the information! I looked in the TEAS book on there is 1! page on physical science, so I guess I know now to look that page over pretty carefully.

What sections in the Petersons's ARCO book did everyone study for the NAT? I am studying the Part II: Practice for Registered Nursing School Entrance Examinations. Is this the right section?



The NAT was pretty easy, but the time limit is what usually kills people.

All I really did for the NAT was brush up on some math problems and try to work them as fast as I can. Just know that there will be math questions, those shape questions, and those "which word doesnt belong" questions.

I didnt study at all for the science section and did well because it's mostly the basic stuff you learn from chem, A&P and micro.

Reading was easy, but it was more about the time limit too.

And I agree hjhd, that spelling section was the hardest and im glad it doesnt count. My line graph for the test results were all around the 95% and when it got to the spelling section, it dropped so far down to the 50%, lol.

I didnt even know what a lot of those words meant.

Hi Everyone,

I am just starting out in my journey to the A.S. in nursing at FSCJ. I was wondering where you guys have gotten all of the info you are mentioning about the points system to get accepted, etc... Is there an orientation I am supposed to go to. So far I have enrolled, but haven't had any advising. Is that where I will get the info? My plan is to take CHM and the A&Ps by the Fall semester. If that's all I need, can I take those three in the summer semester? Hmmm, I guess I can't take A&P I&II at the same time. Thanks for your help with all my Q's!


Hi everyone,

I have another newbie question. How many points do you get for classes you CLEP?



Hi Everyone,

I am just starting out in my journey to the A.S. in nursing at FSCJ. I was wondering where you guys have gotten all of the info you are mentioning about the points system to get accepted, etc... Is there an orientation I am supposed to go to. So far I have enrolled, but haven't had any advising. Is that where I will get the info? My plan is to take CHM and the A&Ps by the Fall semester. If that's all I need, can I take those three in the summer semester? Hmmm, I guess I can't take A&P I&II at the same time. Thanks for your help with all my Q's!


From what I've heard, there is an orientation you can go to about the nursing program, but I didnt go to any. For more information, just go to an adviser and say you're interested on doing the RN program for FSCJ. They should give you a packet with all the info you need about what classes you can take, how they calculate points, and a lot of other info. It should also come with the application.

A&P1, A&P2, College Algebra or up, and Chemistry(prereq for Micro and doesnt count for points) is what has to be completed to apply, but since the most points you can get from those 3 classes are 48pts, it's gonna be tough to get in the program with only those 3 classes and your NAT.

They calculate points from grades by multiplying the credit hours by your letter grade(A=4 B=3 C=2). Aim for 200pts when you apply. That's grades and NAT scores.

They calculate the NAT score by looking at 3 sections of your test(reading, aptitude, and science) and multiplying it by .64. Most people apply when they have all their 9 prereq classes done so they can get more points.

I recommend taking your NAT a semester before you plan on applying just in case you want to take it again. There has to be at least 90 days in between each time you take the NAT and you can only take it twice a year.

If you're looking for a full schedule so you can get done faster, you can take CHM, Math, and 2 easy classes like English and a Humanities. Then Take A&P1, Psychology, Sociology, and Human Growth & Development. Then end it with A&P 2 and Microbiology.

Not exactly how I set up my schedule, but I did take Psychology, Sociology, and Human Growth together and it was somewhat easier because we'd go over the same things a lot of times.

I also took A&P2 and Micro together in the end with no other classes and I liked having to focus on only those 2 hard classes.

As for the CLEP, I have no idea what that is, lol.

I was told that they count CLEP as a "C" grade so you'd only get 2 points for it. That's why I decided to take the actual classes.

New to this group. Glad I found y'all. Taking APII and Intro Socio this term. Last classes I need. Will be applying for Fall 2010. Hoping to have 102 points from grades at the end of this term (a few grades from years ago weren't the best). Took my NAT in Dec and got a 107.5 and will retake in March. Living in Nassau Cty and hoping for N/W. 2nd career gal. Wishing everyone luck.

I've emailed nursing at FSCJ but haven't gotten a response and I'm a bit antsy. Hoping one of you can help.

If you take the NAT 2 times, will they take your highest scores (Acad from Dec, Reading from Dec and Sci from March) on a mix and match or your most recent test?

As far as I have heard and read here is that they take the highest value in each category (like how schools handle the SAT).

Thanks so much for answering that. Went ahead and scheduled my retake. Best of luck to anyone else that might be testing in the next month or so!

Hi everyone. I'm new on this thread. Glad to be able to read all your posts. I'm applying for Fall, but I will not have Micro finished when I apply so if I get in it will be tight!!! I will have everything except Micro finished this semester. My grades are all good but without Micro I may be waiting until Spring to get accepted. I'm glad I got on this thread because my advisor told me I could retake the NAT 3 time, but she didnt say you had to wait 90 days. I have to take the first one NOW!! So that I will have a retake before application deadline. Talk about cutting it close! I am a career changer and excited about it Also, I am looking for someone to share my house with me to help with expenses if you know anyone. Nice house, nice neighborhood, Atlantic/San Pablo.

Good luck everybody!

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