Published Dec 4, 2018
26 Posts
OK question...I failed my last exam and consequently failed out of my ADN program. I am heart broken, the highest grade was a 78 for the entire school. I already had a job lined up which now won't happen. My school said i should appeal, but appeal what? I went in to this exam I thought fully prepared. If I am not permitted to retake this last semester, I am out finished and will need to repeat the entire 2 year program if I want to continue. I really need to work after all this. Is is possible to take the NCLEX for LPN's and possibly pass it with the knowledge I have acquired in my ADN program? I'm not sure if that is allowed without taking an actual LPN program but really I have taken all the requirements I've read that are necessary. Any insight would be helpful.
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
If the school is telling you to appeal, do it. You have nothing to lose. You'll need to check with your state's BON regarding the LPN question.
Thank you. Yes they said I should appeal. I'm just so broken right now. I have no good excuse, I did well in all my clinical, I do have trouble with written tests. I did world and passed their tests, did a type of jeopardy game, did well on that. I am so shocked right now that I did so poorly. I have never done so poorly on past exams. Thanks for listening to me whine. Now I will get busy again and see what happens.
Well I did check into LPN, unfortunately you have to sit for the classes and pass the program in order to take the nclex/lpn. The fact that I took all my RN classes & clinical, and failed failed my last semester, mean nothing. Its all gone. If I want to do LPN I have to register and take the course. Its another year and half, then If I want to do the bridge to RN I can but then I have to register for that too and I"m looking at another year. I just have no funds left I'm already in debt for almost 30k. Basically if I don't get my appears I am screwed.
36 Posts
Your information provided is very confusing. Typically, at the half-way point of your RN aspirations, you'd be eligible to sit for the LPN NCLEX. Most do and then continue on to complete their associate degree and sit for the RN NCLEX. Have you not passed classes to make yourself eligible to take the LPN NCLEX?
I also concerned that you've spent $30,000 on an ADN degree! An LPN diploma is a year of school at a technical college, and many of your classes should be accepted.
Well my debt is not all from school..My ADN program was a 2 year degree at local community college. Took me 2 1/2 years. I passed all my courses with the exception of my last semester. I completely bombed the final making my overall grade a 74.88 I needed a 77 to pass the semester. The school says I must take a LPN course in order to sit for the LPN NCLEX. The LPN course is 3 semesters or 1 1/2 years at a additional cost of about $5500. I am not that young anymore I already had a BS in biology when I started the initial program. I am doing some CNA work (PRN) for now to keep me afloat, but really it pays $10-11 an hour, McDonalds pays $15. I don't want to work @McDonalds its not my interest. I am praying they let me repeat my 4th semester but its up to an appeals committee. I don't want to commit to a full time job as it wouldn't be right to an employer to take a job then leave it as I know if I get back in school I have to have study time. If I am not permitted to repeat I cannot do a RN program in this state for 5 years. I can do a LPN program. I will do that if I have no choice but I won't be able to start until Fall semester as Spring semester is already closed. Right now I have to wait until the holidays are over to hear if my appeal is accepted. I guess I am impatient at this point as I'm not sure which direction to take my life into. Sorry for the confusion. I am still shocked that I blew my final.
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
Your information provided is very confusing. Typically, at the half-way point of your RN aspirations, you'd be eligible to sit for the LPN NCLEX. Most do and then continue on to complete their associate degree and sit for the RN NCLEX. Have you not passed classes to make yourself eligible to take the LPN NCLEX? I also concerned that you've spent $30,000 on an ADN degree! An LPN diploma is a year of school at a technical college, and many of your classes should be accepted.
This is not correct information- MOST (not all but most) states require you to complete a specific LPN program to sit for NCLEX-PN. And those that allow the partial RN program option- those licenses are not transferable to LPN program only states. It is confusing- but different rules for different states. (Which is why we need national licensure)
Well just an update on my appeal. Classes start today. Two weeks ago I was advised the the letters would be mailed soon giving me the yes or no on my appeal. I have received nothing. I don't feel I should bother the dean any further, another student did and was told you will get your letter soon. Wish I knew what soon was. I have decided to just find a job full time. Doing not sure what yet. I would like to stay in the health industry and have been working pre while in school as a cna, but really I can make more as a employee at McDonalds. I've put off applying for a job since I was hopeful to get back in school ( and I didn't think it right to take a job then quit a month later) but its not fair to my parents who have helped me out more than on one occasion. So pulling my big girl pants and getting out there . When I save some $ I will try again maybe as a LPN or pharmacy tech, I was good in pharm.) Thanks for all the support, it was appreciated.
Well I am finished, I guess I am not meant to be a nurse. I am a failure. According to the appeal committee I did not meet their criteria for readmission into school. Be forewarned do not fail in you last semester or you are thru finished. My final grade was a 74.8 out of a required 77. I was told I could reapply to nursing after 5 years as a new applicant. I've mentioned before I have a Bachelors in biology and then went for RN nursing. I spent tons on my education and it has gotten me no where and without employment. The school did tell me I could take their LPN program but frankly they I don't feel up to it right now and I am out of money. What I did not like about their RN program is they would not discuss or give the rationale or tell you which question you got wrong on a test. Therefore you never could learn where your weakness was so that you could prepare better. I don't think it would be wise for me to take other classes at this school. I did well in all my pharmacy classes and all my clinicals, it was the exams on the lectures that did me in. Anyway just wanted to update and thank you all for the support . (And by the way the school advised me over a week ago that my notice was in the mail, but it was only postmarked yesterday) Sorry for venting guess I'm feeling sorry for myself. Oh well life stinks sometimes.
1 Post
All is not lost. You still have options.
35 Posts
Please don't be too discouraged. You certainly are no failure. Anyone who can complete all the work of an RN program, while not passing, and still be concerned about their standing with their parents and employers shows maturity and planning. I hope the best for you.
95 Posts
On 12/15/2018 at 7:49 PM, wantobern01 said:Well I did check into LPN, unfortunately you have to sit for the classes and pass the program in order to take the nclex/lpn. The fact that I took all my RN classes & clinical, and failed failed my last semester, mean nothing. Its all gone. If I want to do LPN I have to register and take the course. Its another year and half, then If I want to do the bridge to RN I can but then I have to register for that too and I"m looking at another year. I just have no funds left I'm already in debt for almost 30k. Basically if I don't get my appears I am screwed.
Wow I thought once you did half your program you could apply to take the pn-nclex, if that's what its called. I believe i read that somewhere some time ago.
Hopefully things work out for the best and everything falls into place ☺