excessively tired??

Nurses General Nursing


Alright....all you ER and med/surg nurses, lend me your eyes....

I've been excessively tired lately...and I mean to the point now that even as I'm typing this, I feel all fuzzy and not-really-with-it. Tired to the point that I could fall asleep anywhere, anytime. Only new med is claritin, within the last 2 weeks.

NO I AM NOT PREGNANT....at least I don't think so. Mrs. Susie strawberry is due any day now. Yeah, tmi, but I need a dx here people. Plus I'm an OB nurse, so trust me, pregnancy wasn't far from my mind.

I've only been feeling like this for about a week or so. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON? It's starting to scare me and make me worry about going back to work.

What do you guys know about (other than strange uterine 'growths' that last 9 mos.) that cause such sudden and profound fatigue? Is it the claritin or something else?

Any thoughts?

I wouldn't think it would be Claritin. Whenever I take Claritin, it makes me super jittery and hyper, not tired or exhausted at all...

Drowsiness and fatigue are common side effects of Claritin. Check your drug book or go to the Claritin web site for more information. It's most likely the Claritin. Other thoughts -- mono, low blood sugars -- can you stop the Claritin for a day or two and see how you feel?

Specializes in Community Health Nurse.

I took Claritin for a long time, and it made me feel drowsy. I slept more when on that drug than any other allergy medication I've ever taken except when I take 50 mg. of Benadryl of course. ;)


I'd think the Claritin too. Hubby takes it and sleeps sometimes 10 hours straight.

Or how about plain old spring fever?


Longer daylight?


gotta be the claritin.

Originally posted by bubba

gotta be the claritin.

...or you're pregnant.

1) Maybe your allergies are not sufficiently controlled with claritin. I know that when my seasonal allergies are at their worst, I feel lethargic and mentally fuzzy. And that's before I take any antihistamines! I've had better luck with nasonex spray than claritin. 2 years ago I actually had "allergic bronchospasm". and even needed asthma inhalers temporarily-made a big difference. Before that, I remember sitting at my desk, feeling like sitting upright was taking too much energy, and even the simplest home health paperwork was difficult.

2) Maybe the allergies you are taking claritin for have already caused sinusitis, which could also cause these symptoms. Are you having any other sx, like sinus headache or pressure?

P.S.-My allergies had never been so bad as during the episode I mentioned above. I'm mentioning this in case you're thinking "But I've always had allergies and I've never felt like this".

Originally posted by kids-r-fun

...or you're pregnant.

Alright, lets try to NOT make the already hyper paranoid OB nurse even more so....lol!!

On that note...

Grouchy, I went to the doc about 2 weeks ago 'cause I was sneezing all over the place, getting h/a's, congestion....figured it was allergies. I've never had allergies, so this was all new. He said I had a raging sinus infection and put me on abx and claritin. I'm supposed to see him for a recheck in a week.

I told him that benadryl puts me in a coma, and he assured me that claritin wouldn't. I'm going to skip a dose and see what happens.....

Specializes in Psych, hospice, family practice.

Shay, my treatment recommendation - MORE CHAT!!! But maybe all the tiredness you describe explains your recent chat absence.

But seriously, I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I agree, could be the Claritin. But any possibility of a thyroid problem?

Take care! Keep us posted. Miss you in chat!

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.

When I was taking my advanced health assessment class, my wonderful instructor told us of three pt complaints which are very hard to diagnose (could be ANYTHING):

1) Fatigue

2) Abdominal pain

3) Headache

You have had a change in medication, obviously. So, the Claritin is very suspect. As an antihistamine, can produce a wide range of side effects in people. Some common side effects (listed in my drug book) include headache, SOMNOLENCE, FATIGUE, and dry mouth. I would try going off it and see if this makes a difference.

OTHER THINGS TO CONSIDER: Any other symptoms besides the fatigue? Changes in diet/sleep patterns? Stress at work? Changes in bowel/bladder? Changes in exercise patterns? Change in menses? Have you been feeling depressed lately?

How old are you? Possibility of hormonal--thyroid, adrenal, female hormone imbalance?

My advice--(Besides going off of the Claritin): Go to a GOOD NP (or doctor) and get a THOROUGH health check-up.

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