Excelsior colleg grads

Nursing Students Excelsior


Does anyone know why Excelsior college nursing grads cant get jobs in some states such as California? Does anyone know how to get around this?

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.
I understand that the roles are different, I have done both as well. Im just saying that the knowledge base between the two can be bridged with out your traditional clinical experience. I think it stands to reason that the skills learned as a practicing medic are more valuable than those obtained in a clinical where there is very little pressure to perform!!!

Feel free to start your own school, utilizing your own opinions. Until that time, I'm afraid you're stuck with abiding by existing programs' structures & requirements.

I think it stands to reason that the skills learned as a practicing medic are more valuable than those obtained in a clinical where there is very little pressure to perform!!!

I'm sure that someone who thought registered nursing practice was primarily about "skills" would think so. However, "skills" are only one small part of it, and have little to do with learning to think and function as an RN in the larger sense, which is the point of nursing school clinicals.

Most 'formal nursing program' graduates that I know, who have had 'formal clinicals', could NEVER pass the CPNE - EVER - they don't even know how to begin because their 'clinical' experience is quite a farce. This is the excelsior college forum - if your not an EC grad or student why do you think you have the knowledge or authority to answer questions posted here?

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
Most 'formal nursing program' graduates that I know, who have had 'formal clinicals', could NEVER pass the CPNE - EVER - they don't even know how to begin because their 'clinical' experience is quite a farce. This is the excelsior college forum - if your not an EC grad or student why do you think you have the knowledge or authority to answer questions posted here?

FYI--The thread was originally in the general nursing forum and where most of the replies were posted before being moved to the Excelsior forum.

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.

Re-read the content of the reply...

Most 'formal nursing program' graduates that I know, who have had 'formal clinicals', could NEVER pass the CPNE - EVER - they don't even know how to begin because their 'clinical' experience is quite a farce. This is the excelsior college forum - if your not an EC grad or student why do you think you have the knowledge or authority to answer questions posted here?

You are right... I would like to see any one of these nurses even attempt to take the CPNE! Otherwise this argument could just go on forever! Pointless! Thanks for the support ;)

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

I would rather have a year+ of clinicals than a three day, stressed fill capstone. The failure rate is so high at the CPNE it's ridiculous & doesn't surprise me most states BON don't accept it. You get checked off on your skills (which you should in lab before even touching a patient) but you don't experience everything like in a traditional clinical experience. Are there experienced nurses who couldn't pass the CPNE, yes. It's too much stress & what are you learning when you have to teach yourself the lab/clinical component? There are so many areas of nursing that because there are no clinicals you miss out on. You get an adult & pedi patient, great. But what about the OR, ICU, psych, ER or L&D? I realize those are specialities but in a traditional clinical you would experience different kinds of patients. Don't be upset since you didn't get an answer you wanted.

I would rather have a year+ of clinicals than a three day stressed fill capstone. The failure rate is so high at the CPNE it's ridiculous & doesn't surprise me most states BON don't accept it. You get checked off on your skills (which you should in lab before even touching a patient) but you don't experience everything like in a traditional clinical experience. Are there experienced nurses who couldn't pass the CPNE, yes. It's too much stress & what are you learning when you have to teach yourself the lab/clinical component? There are so many areas of nursing that because there are no clinicals you miss out on. You get an adult & pedi patient, great. But what about the OR, ICU, psych, ER or L&D? I realize those are specialities but in a traditional clinical you would experience different kinds of patients. Don't be upset since you didn't get an answer you wanted.[/quote']

For the clinical experience alone is why I don't want to do excelsior anymore. I want to rotate in different specialties and be able to ask questions if I feel I'm doing something wrong. I don't want to teach myself anything TBH.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
For the clinical experience alone is why I don't want to do excelsior anymore. I want to rotate in different specialties and be able to ask questions if I feel I'm doing something wrong. I don't want to teach myself anything TBH.

When I go back to bridge it will definitely be the traditional route. I want to be as hands on & experience as much as I can. I'm fine with online learning, but I don't want to have to teach myself everything. If I have a question I want to know I will get it answered.

I would rather have a year+ of clinicals than a three day, stressed fill capstone. The failure rate is so high at the CPNE it's ridiculous & doesn't surprise me most states BON don't accept it. You get checked off on your skills (which you should in lab before even touching a patient) but you don't experience everything like in a traditional clinical experience. Are there experienced nurses who couldn't pass the CPNE, yes. It's too much stress & what are you learning when you have to teach yourself the lab/clinical component? There are so many areas of nursing that because there are no clinicals you miss out on. You get an adult & pedi patient, great. But what about the OR, ICU, psych, ER or L&D? I realize those are specialities but in a traditional clinical you would experience different kinds of patients. Don't be upset since you didn't get an answer you wanted.

Im not upset about anything! Ive been working as a nurse for a while now and have seen the same things you have. People have to do clinicals for paramedic and LPN programs as well. Based on my experience clinicals are good for people who have no experience in the areas that excelsior requires for entrance into the program. All EC students have participated in clinicals in all areas of the hospital! This whole conversation is subjective! But I will say this, there are individuals out there who have worked hard in the industry and posses a knowledge base just as good if not better than many practicing nurses that I have met! If the whole thing was rocket science to begin with than most people wouldn't make it through at all, traditional or non-traditional route.... Last I checked Harvard wasn't accepting anymore applications to their nursing program!!!

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
You keep on saying that... Im not upset about anything! Ive been working as a nurse for a while now and have seen the same things you have. People have to do clinicals for paramedic and LPN programs as well. Based on my experience clinicals are good for people who have no experience in the areas that excelsior requires for entrance into the program. All EC students have participated in clinicals in all areas of the hospital! This whole conversation is subjective! But I will say this there are individuals out there who have worked hard in the industry and posses a knowledge base just as good if not better than many practicing nurses that I have met! If the whole thing was rocket science to begin with than most people wouldn't make it through at all, traditional or non-traditional route.... Last I checked Harvard wasn't accepting anymore applications to there nursing program!!![/quote']

You say your not upset yet you fight everyone if it's not an answer you like. How do EC students have clinicals in every area of the hospital? They have no clinicals only the capstone at the end. I'm not saying one is better than the other. It's the simple fact that certain states BONs don't accept EC grads due to lack of clinical experience & it makes sense. I don't know what Harvard has to do with this whole thing. I have looked into EC but determined it wasn't a good fit. I have been an LVN for 4 years, but I want clinical experience & help from my profs if needed. With online schooling I realized you are completely on your own. Yes, I have experience but considering I'd be taking on a much bigger role, I think guidance is important. Not surprising so many people fail the CPNE even though they have years of experience. At some point you need someone to help you.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Just to clarify, only one state does not accept EC graduates after 2003--California.

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