Exam in 2 days........


I take my test in 2 days and im freaking out bc i feel like i dont know enough pharm, im not sure if at this point i should continue focusing on pharm or focus more on fundamentals and priority stuff. I feel like i could study pharm all night and not even have a question on most of them, so im torn. I did very well in school and made deans list every semester. I just dont want to fail i have a job riding on this test 😮😮😮. Im also just plain tired of studying. I cant wait to be done with all of this. Im questioning my knowledge at this point as well. Im trying to stay positive but its hard with all the stress. Any positive encouragement and tips would be helpful.

Specializes in LTC, Med-surg.

Good luck on the exam. I'm taking mine in 6 days. I feel so stressed. I've been doing each Q-Review from Hurst every day. I will be done them on Friday then work Saturday and Sunday. I will only study briefly in the weekend then not study at all the day before D-Day.

I've been studying for 1.5 months and I'm not sure I'm ready. I've been doing well on Kaplan Q-Trainers and am getting mid 60's to low 70's on Q-Review. I hope what I'm doing is enough.

Good luck!

Good luck to you!!. I got a 63% overall on the kaplan Q bank ( i didn't have the trainers), and that helped me a lot. I am focusing tomorrow on the 38 page study guide, and whatever else I marked in my books as important. I just have to let go and let god do the rest!!

Specializes in ICU.

Practice clearing your mind. The anxiety and stress is the worst part of the exam. Your Kaplan scores are solid. Just take it easy. Get a massage, go for a run, knit, whatever, just relax that overworking mind.

Specializes in pediatric ER, adult ER.

Don't worry about pharm too much. I only remember three pharm questions on my NCLEX and I had never heard any of those drugs before-- never learned about them in school or read about them anywhere. Though, I did figure out one of the drugs since it had a popular suffix (that might be a useful study point). Honestly, I feel that if you did well in school, you should do fine on the NCLEX.

Go easy with the studying on the day before the exam (don't cram) and try to do something enjoyable to alleviate your anxiety.

Good luck!

Hi Ladies!

So I just found out yesterday that I passed my NCLEX and I had the same concerns as you going into it!! Let me start by saying I was an honor student, made awesome grades and scored really well on my Kaplan tests. NCLEX is HARD. I wont sugar-coat it at all. But YOU CAN DO IT! I felt weak on pharm as well and I did have a lot of pharm questions... for example, "You have 4 orders, which do you question?" and it was 4 different meds with different scenarios. Most of the time I didnt know the med, but I could kind of make an educated guess about it. Most my class who are all very smart got 75 questions and passed and I expected the same, but I ended up with 109!! Here's the thing.. every question you are asked is an opportunity to pass the boards. Dont get discouraged if you go over 75. Re-focus and keep pushing forward. Dont study 24 hours before the exam.. give your brain a break. Dont panic... just do your best and trust that the Lord has a plan for you and will give you the desires of your heart. Thats my best advice! You can message me with any questions! Good luck ladies!! And God Bless :);)

Specializes in Med-Surg, Telemetry, ER.

Don't spend time on pharm. The chances of you receiving many pharm questions is slim, and when you do, you might not recognize the drug. (Don't forget that only generic names are used on the NCLEX.) You will be better off learning the suffixes of drugs and some important actions, side effects, and administration info. There's no way anyone can memorize all the drugs, you will be wasting your time. When you do get a pharm question, try to identify what drug class it belongs to. Think of similar drugs and what you remember about them. Read through each choice and think "which makes the most sense?" or "what is the most likely thing they would focus on for this type of drug?" You can do this! Pharm is not where you need to be spending your time at this point.

Specializes in None yet..
Hi Ladies!

... Here's the thing.. every question you are asked is an opportunity to pass the boards. Dont get discouraged if you go over 75. Re-focus and keep pushing forward. Dont study 24 hours before the exam.. give your brain a break. Dont panic... just do your best and trust that the Lord has a plan for you and will give you the desires of your heart. Thats my best advice! ...

:nurse: And EXCELLENT advice it is! Test-taking has a huge mental component and your tips are great for that part.

Good luck on your exam! I just took it and passed thinking that I failed. I too had a job riding on my results which created even more pressure. Just know that you can do this!! Also try not to get too stressed afterwards. The so-called "re-register" trick no longer works. I was able to reregister and I passed with minimum of 85 questions. This was of course after having 6 panic attacks, one nervous breakdown, and 3 trips through Kubler Ross stages of grief thinking I failed! lol

Keep occupied post test and treat yourself well.

I just finished taking my exam . It stopped at 80 questions . I feel like I failed but I definitely got the last one correct . Idk if that means anything , but I will be waiting for the dreadful 48 hours .

Hi ladies, hope you all stay positive. Wishing the best to you all who took yours today! I sit tomorrow! >_

I just finished taking my exam . It stopped at 80 questions . I feel like I failed but I definitely got the last one correct . Idk if that means anything , but I will be waiting for the dreadful 48 hours .

I finished as well at 75 though. I don't know how I did :no: I feel like there were too many easy questions... I did get 22 SATA though so thats good, I think?? Idk. Are you trying the PVT?

I also want to thank everyone for the advice, it was very helpful!! I felt good going into the test, (although I had a mini panic attack b/c i couldn't find the right building).

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