Published Aug 20, 2008
393 Posts
Hi everyone...I am currently a pre-nursing student who cant wait to begin a nurse...but I have one BIG hurdle to get weak somach
This may sound dumb but I was just wondering if during nursing school or even on the job did you ever gag in front of anyone and they saw you or actually vomit? That is my BIGGEST fear right now LOL Because I know I am going to be gagging my like crazy especially in the beginning until I get used to the gross stuff and was wondering if this is a problems other may have had
3,362 Posts
I a patient's bathroom...Had a migraine....vomiting helped.
1 Article; 3,019 Posts
Yep, I have gagged and needed to run to the sluice to vomit. You do get used to the things you see and smell and you are able to control these impulses the more you are exposed to them.
Me I can't bear to watch people vomit, it makes me gag but I can surpress the impulse now
Didnt you feel humiliated...did anyone see you?
Could get in trouble for that happeneing, or like spoken to by your supervisor, or do they understand this sought of thing?
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
Been in nursing for years and some things still make me gag although it's been a long time since I actually vomited in front of a patient. It's uncontrollable and nothing for which to be ashamed. It happens to all of us...
Didnt you feel humiliated...did anyone see you?Could get in trouble for that happeneing, or like spoken to by your supervisor, or do they understand this sought of thing?
I think as a student I was mortified but you do learn to control it. The time I vomited it was as a result of being in a cubicle on a burns unit, in a room heated to prevent hypothermia and with increase humidity. The patient developed Malena which was one of the smelliest things I have ever smelt, he also had infected burns. It was not a pleasant shift and I had volunteered to go in there as I felt it unfair to give that patient to the junior staff. If my boss had spoken to me I'd have told her to look after the patient herself
BelleKat, BSN, RN
284 Posts
I had to leave a pt's room once and barf in the bathroom,there wasn't anything I could do about it,it happens. I can't stand poo smell but I don't react to it anymore. Seeing other people vomit I pretty much distract myself by getting the stuff for them like basin,etc. otherwise I'm a sympathy hurler.
You get used to it though. When I'm going into a smelly room I use a mask and put cepacol in it,you can distract yourself and get over it.
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
i had a 13 yo hospice pt who was vomiting his feces, blood and tissue/pieces of his tumors.
we're talking about abrupt and projectile vomiting.
those present, either scurried out of the room or turned their backs.
i jumped onto his bed so i could hold him while he vomited...
but the smell made me gag so much that i ended up vomiting.
i chose not to go running in the bathroom, because i didn't want to abandon him.
he was absolutely terrified so i chose to puke with him.
108 Posts
While I was pregnant I couldn't stand to see someone else vomit so laboring a patient became an issue since there was only 1 trash can per room. My co-workers were great and swapped up when they noticed me turning green so I didn't ever vomit in a patient's room. Worst case of gagging came from an ER code where a middle aged man choked on a VERY large meal he hadn't chewed very well. Even the respiratory therapist was gagging while he suctioned the patient.
i had a 13 yo hospice pt who was vomiting his feces, blood and tissue/pieces of his tumors.we're talking about abrupt and projectile vomiting.those present, either scurried out of the room or turned their backs.i jumped onto his bed so i could hold him while he vomited...but the smell made me gag so much that i ended up vomiting.i chose not to go running in the bathroom, because i didn't want to abandon him.he was absolutely terrified so i chose to puke with him.leslie
Wow Leslie,how awesome of you to stay with the child through that. Just awesome.:balloons:
165 Posts
Leslie...You are an absolute angel...that brought tears to my eyes. I would only hope to have someone so compassionate and caring to be with my 13yo that was gravely ill. (((((Leslie))) What an amazing person you are!! :icon_hug:
546 Posts
I agree! I'm extra emotional because of these pregnancy hormones, but Leslie your post made me tear up. BTW My name is Leslie too! You sound like a great nurse!