ERI compared to NCLEX?


Specializes in CPU, ICU, HD,CPC,OPSU,PSY.

For those who have used ERI testing in do the questions compare with the NCLEX questions?

Many people have told me that if I have done well on the ERI tests that I will pass the NCLEX exam...Please, can anyone provide me with more input??? :typing

Specializes in Pediatrics Only.


Try doing a search for ERI, you'll come up with a few good threads that answer your question fully.

As for ERI vs. NCLEX, they were nothing alike in my opinion. I think ERI helped me with my test taking skills though nursing school, but it was nothing like the NCLEX.

However, they do say if you do well on ERI you pass NCLEX - I did well on all of my ERI's, in fact - I was one in three of my class of 30+ that passed the final ERI on the first try. We had to pass it in order to graduate. I did pass NCLEX on the first try..75 questions, 50 minutes later.. :)

Specializes in Med Surg.
For those who have used ERI testing in do the questions compare with the NCLEX questions?

Many people have told me that if I have done well on the ERI tests that I will pass the NCLEX exam...Please, can anyone provide me with more input??? :typing

NOT even close...

even did the pre-rn exam...

and kaplan blows this out of water!!!!!!!

not a good predictor for passing the nclex either....definitely a waste of time. Tell me how the only guy that scored SUPERIOR on this exam flunked the nclex and a bunch of people flunked the exam, passed the nclex its first try?

The ERI was much easier than the RN NCLEX. I felt that the Kaplan book was great for how to answer the questions. I also uses Mosby's and Saunder's the CD's only. I liked Mosby's more, it was easier to set up your own tests. I think the most important thing is to reamin calm and use the CD's since the test is on the comp. I just took the RN NCLEX today! 75 Q! 48 hours till I know! Good luck!

I thought that NCLEX was easier. I did well on ERI exams and passed the pre-RN one easily. However, I hated hated hated ERI. Personally, it annoyed me to no end that some of those questions needed to be checked for grammar. Also, if you are asking me which is the appropriate intervention than why I am supposed to choose among patient outcomes? Oh and don't get me started on the random OB questions sprinkled through unrelated material's test. Ack. Ok, I feel better having gotten that off my chest.

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