I was raised that you should NEVER call a person who is older than you by his or her first name unless that person says otherwise. It's something that even now, at the age of 40, I still maintain and make sure my children do as well. That was also something that we were taught in nursing school.
I work in a medical clinic and the staff there regularly calls all patients by their first names regardless of age. I cannot bring myself to do that. It goes against everything that I have been taught. When I was in the hospital for surgery 2 years ago roughly 3/4 of the nurses I met called me Laura instead of Mrs. "Sc".
Now tell me, is calling patients by their first names now the norm? As I get to know my patients at work, I will usually switch to first names if they are around my age or younger, but the elderly are still Mr and Mrs. For me it's a matter of respect.
How do you refer to your patients?