During Clinicals, What Were You Afraid Of?


Plastic surgery is one of my worse nightmares. I volunteered for an inpatient plastic surgeon office and was able to view from outside, a breast augmentation as well as a brazilian butt lift and I WAS FRIGHTENED!! There was so much "jooking" and blood. Oh my!

Although I know I will see that, and I have seen that in Cardio, its just different in Plastic Surgery.

I am frightened because we have to work in one for clinicals. Were you ever scared of a clinical?

Specializes in psych.
Woah! It was LOCKED?!! Was it at night?

As other have said, most psych units are locked. It's really for safety. I work on a locked psych unit and it's not like people see in the movies.

For me, the clinical that scared me the most was my day in the infant nursery. Babies make me really nervous!

Probably psych because we had to sit among the patients and while some of them were honestly fine, others had erratic behavior that made me nervous. The nurse was the best at keeping them in check... this one guy would always come and lick the window and then suddenly start hitting it repeatedly during our private meetings. It was so freaky but after a few times of seeing him, we got used to it.

Specializes in Critical Care.

My least favorite part of clinical is not having enough to do and feeling like I'm underfoot of the real nurses. I don't mind practicing skills in front of patients, that's what I'm there for. I just hate waiting for something to do, but I know that'll change because soon I'll get to pass meds instead of just caring for hygiene and doing vital signs/assessments.

Performing a new skill on a patient while the RN watches. My instructors so far have been kind but I've had 1 less than friendly RN...which was actually great for me. She got me out of my comfort zone and made me realize I know more than I think I do.

Specializes in Nephrology Home Therapies, Wound Care, Foot Care..

My only fear has been a clinical instructor!

I was always so scared of messing something up and getting thrown out of the nursing program. LOL. You get through it. I look back now and wish I wasn't so nervous all the time.

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