Drug testing TN

Nurses Recovery


Hello, I had a question about drug testing. I was recently asked to submit a urine drug test to my job. I did so, I went to the place on time and submitted my test. They called me the next day and said I needed to submit another test that was supervised (meaning someone would watch me). I refused. I told them I was not comfortable with someone watching me urinate and I had already provided a drug test as requested. Well, they terminated me. Now I'm wondering whats next? Are they going to report me to the board of nursing? If so, what will they do? How long will the process take for me to be notified? I am in the state of Tennessee if that matters.

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

thanks, it orriginaly was under WORLD NURSING, I was wanting additional input for OP.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, to you......gotta go back to work this morning. ;)

Specializes in hospice.

OP, why couldn't you call a cab, borrow a car, use Uber or Lyft, call a friend or family member to take you....I mean, there are so many transportation options besides your own car.

no ive never tested positve. and yes i am uncomfortable with someone watching me pee, plus i can never pee when someone is in the bathroom, but either way i wouldnt have made it in time.

I have given several reason as to why i wouldn't sub,it the 2nd drug test, but they are all reasons why. 1) I can't pee in front of anyone and im not comfortable with it. 2) they called me at 3 pm to get there by 430 3)I did not want my husband to miss any more work and it would have been pointless for him to leave work at that time bc we still would not have made it in time. All of these reasons played in together. Unfortunately, I do not have any other family, abd the few friends i know here were working. I had 20 bucks in the bank which wouldn't have paid for me to take a cab, I looked at the bus route and it said my arrival time would be in 2 hours (which would have been too late) my hands were tied. I spoke to am attorney and he said that if anyone is going to contact me, it would be an investigator from the BON and usually they would contact me within 2 weeks. He said not to say anything to them, only to ask to be read the exact charge against me and ask for the results of my urine drug test, and at that point immediately seek counsel

Well done! You did the exact right thing. While it's still fresh write down as much of your conversations with these people as you can remember so you can refer back to it. Our memories can deceive us and I am certain they kept a record of your responses to them. You're doing well!

I agree that you should take you own steps to prove yourself. Find a licensed company that does chain Of custody and do your own. You can even do a hair test. It is unfortunate situation but if your clean then there shouldn't be any worries. You will never win if you have to against the nursing board. Sorry our in such a predicament.

Do you have an update on what happen?

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Unlikely. This is a 3.5 year old thread and the original poster hasn't been on all nurses since January 2017, almost 2 years ago

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