Dropped test


I meant to write this in the general nursing forum. I mustve accidently wrote it in the pre nursing forum.I had the same ap2 teacher and micro teacher both classes she dropped a test grade which boost our grade. Now I'm wondering if I'm really able to take on nursing. My question is did your AP or micro teacher drop a test or curve test to improve your classes grade

Specializes in N/A.

Yes. My micro teacher dropped two tests and made an "A" an 85%. She curved big time. I still earned an "A" anyway and am doing well in the nursing program. I start level three in the fall.

Specializes in Nursing Assistant.


BUT, we did have some questions dropped on some tests for my first semester of nursing...

This was based on a generated report after all students toon the exam.

My anatomy and physiology class was curved- Big time. My teacher was awful. My micro was not and I had an awesome teacher. If you don't think your prepared enough just study those topics when you have questions or if you don't feel comfortable with something :)

Everyone tells me ill be fine ...how do they know.that!

None of our exams for A&P I and II were dropped or curved, but we could drop one quiz in lab. If our lecture exam grades (we have 4 exams) are all above 90 OR average 92, we are exempt from the lecture final. We have 3 lab practicals that everyone must take; there is no final exam in lab.

In my A&P I and II the professor dropped our lowest test grade. My microbiology teacher also had a big curve. I am doing well in my nursing classes. My advice, if you feel you are lacking in any areas review, review, review. If class starts is August/September you have plenty of time.

Thanks.for.the support guys


Specializes in Nursing Assistant.
Everyone tells me ill be fine ...how do they know.that!

They are trying to ease your mind!

Would you rather hear that your not going to be ok? Lol.

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