Drexel University ACE Spring 2010

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello all,

I just received a letter from saying that my application for the ACE program is now complete and I'm waiting for a response. I was wondering if anyone else here is applying for the same program and received an acceptance letter already?:uhoh3: I'm trying to be patient but I wish I knew how long it will take...


This is the website with 's Academic Calendar. Looks like I wouldn't bank on us being done with finals until March 19th. I'm not sure what tests we'll have after that, I'm sure a graduate ACE could answer that better. Also, if any graduate ACEr's are reading these posts, I'd love to hear what the "test" phase during your last term. Such as, when you took your final Hesi exam, in finals week, before, after? Then, when you signed up to take the N-CLEX and what test center you used/preferred/heard good or bad things about. Thanks!

Does anyone know what the starting salary is for an RN out of the ACE program?

I wasn't really concerned about this knowing that I can work my way up and had plans to get my masters and everything, but my apt building was just bought out and looks like my rent is going to skyrocket next year... So now I'm concerned about what I'll be making and if I need to move. Let me know if anyone has done any extensive research on salaries! Also would be helpful to hear from people who have graduated the program to see what they have come across and heard about through their peers.

Thanks so much!

Hi Guys...check your student schedule under One,our class schedules are posted :eek:!!!!!!!!!!! Time for count down...

Our final HESI was originally supposed to be the last day of finals week, but in the end, we had the option to take it then, or the week after...most of us opted to take it the week after. Once you pass HESI, the nursing dept can send your info to the BON, so I passed HESI on Sept 8 and took my NCLEX at the end of Sept. When I got to the testing center, about a quarter of the people there were from my class. Pinning wasn't until the beginning of October, so a lot of us were actually RNs by the ceremony.

Take your NCLEX asap after HESI - I had done so many practice questions that I did one test the week of NCLEX and that was it for studying.

Salary varies by region, but in Philly/South Jersey, new RNs generally start between $25-$29, plus whatever night & weekend shift diff the hospital offers.

Oh, and don't get too attached to your schedules on DrexelOne yet, they may change, and your clinicals probably aren't scheduled yet.

AugustRain, I remember reading posts that professors and classes can change closer to the first day of classes so I definitely won't etch anything in stone..I guess I'm just more excited that everything is turning into a reality. Would you mind reviewing what they've scheduled so far to see if anything is missing? My schedule is as follows:


Info 204-A-8AM-9:50AM

Nursing 200-10AM-11:50AM

Nursing 201-1PM-3:50PM


Nursing 337-8AM-9:50AM

Nursing 102-10AM-11:50AM

Nursing 201-1PM-3:50PM


Nursing 200-10AM-11:50AM

Info 204-1PM-2:50PM


Nursing 101-10AM-11:50AM


Nursing 200-6:30AM-2:50AM

Looks like everything is in there acrawl, your clinicals should be every other Friday.

That looks like everything. Who are your teachers right now?

Thanks. Right now the professors are as follows:

Info- Prudence W. Dalrymple

101- Susan E. Mojaverian

102- Mary K. Green

200-Regina Wright

201-Kathleen M. Fisher

337-Catherine M. Hasson

Are you familiar with any of them?

I had Professor Wright for Ethics and have her for Pharm now. I absolutely adore her- she learns everyone's name, and in such a huge class, it's something I really appreciate. Heck, *I* don't even know all my classmates' names! Everyone also had Dalrymple for Info, and I felt bad for her because people complained about that class so much but she was actually very flexible with us when she didn't need to be in terms of scheduling and due dates. I don't really know the others though.

I had Professor Wright for Ethics and have her for Pharm now. I absolutely adore her- she learns everyone's name, and in such a huge class, it's something I really appreciate. Heck, *I* don't even know all my classmates' names! Everyone also had Dalrymple for Info, and I felt bad for her because people complained about that class so much but she was actually very flexible with us when she didn't need to be in terms of scheduling and due dates. I don't really know the others though.

Hi hiddencat! How are classes going?

We had someone different for Info and everyone complained too...I think it's just the class.

acrawl, I didn't have any of your professors, but I know people who had Mojaverian and Fisher and liked them.

Did every one else get their schedule? Mine is not posted yet.

Hello joujoubee ... yes, my schedule was posted as well. Mine was exactly the same as acrawl's - not sure if everyone in Spring ACE has the same schedule/is in the same classes???? It takes a couple clicks of the mouse to view your schedule. You have to log into drexelone and then go to the "students" tab. Once there you click on the link that says "student schedule by day and time." This should pull it up. If that does not work then I would check with - I know that if your previous transcripts were not all received than that could hold up your registration. With all that being said, no need to panic as I have heard it is likely for our schedules to change as the start date approaches. Good luck!

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