Doubting myself because I want to be a nurse so I can "give back"
Dear Nurse Beth Advice Column - The following letter submitted anonymously in search for answers. Join the conversation!
Dear Nurse Beth,
I am 27 years old. I take my final prereq this fall, and assuming I can pass the TEAS test I submit my application this fall to the nursing program. My back up plan is to go for a BS like my mother since my final prereq also finalizes my associates. My question is it as rewarding as I hope it is. I want to go into this with my eyes wide open since I will not have the finances to back out if I gain acceptance.
My friends, and family all tell me I am doing it for the right reasons I want to help others. I have been a patient in critical need, and had my needs answered so I want to give back. I think of nursing more as a dream at this point than a career. Something that makes it easy to get up each morning when I have a goal in mind. I want to be one of those people that answers the call of those in need especially since I would be dead if not for nurses and doctors.
I am not asking if It is worth it I believe it is. What I am asking is am I doing this for the right reasons. I have a tendency to doubt myself because I am 27 without a degree, but I have done well in my prereqs, and have been told I have a decent shot at getting in this fall. So assuming I can gain acceptance there will be no going back for me.
Is wanting to help others because I have received assistance the right reason to pursue nursing?
Dear Nurse Beth,
I am 27 years old. I take my final prereq this fall, and assuming I can pass the TEAS test I submit my application this fall to the nursing program. My back up plan is to go for a BS like my mother since my final prereq also finalizes my associates. My question is it as rewarding as I hope it is. I want to go into this with my eyes wide open since I will not have the finances to back out if I gain acceptance.
My friends, and family all tell me I am doing it for the right reasons I want to help others. I have been a patient in critical need, and had my needs answered so I want to give back. I think of nursing more as a dream at this point than a career. Something that makes it easy to get up each morning when I have a goal in mind. I want to be one of those people that answers the call of those in need especially since I would be dead if not for nurses and doctors.
I am not asking if It is worth it I believe it is. What I am asking is am I doing this for the right reasons. I have a tendency to doubt myself because I am 27 without a degree, but I have done well in my prereqs, and have been told I have a decent shot at getting in this fall. So assuming I can gain acceptance there will be no going back for me.
Is wanting to help others because I have received assistance the right reason to pursue nursing?
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