those who have done both....PP or LD?


Specializes in Ob, NICU.

what do you like and hate about both?

what would be your fist choice and why?

just trying to make up my mind! :bugeyes:

PP not a cake walk, but to me, easier and less stressful. I did it for 7 years before doing LDRP. It was nice to have less stress, because my kids were little which required a lot of my time and attention. I also had one w/ a chronic illness who needed a lot of care. Work could almost be a break. It was mostly very pleasant. I could relate well to the patients. With all of its good points, I prefer L/D. It challenges you more and is faster paced. I feel like I am always learning something new. I never lose interest. It depends on you. Things worked out to be at the right place in the right time for me. Knowing the mother-baby end made learning L/D much easier. I have done LDRP for 11 years now. The orientation for PP/M-B is going to be much shorter, so that may factor into it too, if you have kids. It's great to have to choose between two good things, heh? Good luck!

Specializes in Ob, NICU.

I'v been a PP nurse (also NICU) for 6 years now...and I have 4 children. (14, 10, 3 and 8 months old)

I'm supposed to start L/D in a new hospital in a few weeks (after my maternity leave) and I'm so scared...sometimes I wonder if I should just stay in PP and take the easy road...

although I was kind of bored with pp and was thinking of doing LD for a few years (without actually having the guts to do it yet)

I did all 3 for years, meaning L & D, Nursery, and PP.. It was always combined where I worked... Labor and Delivery is stressful... never know whats is walking in that door, nor do you know how many will be walking (or being wheeled I should say) thru that door.... We were always understaffed so it made it much harder.... I personally felt like I was on easy street when I just did PP or Nursery, because the other was soo stressful.. (but probably made it much worse, was the understaffing)..

but it is definately challenging!!!!

Specializes in Ob, NICU.

thats what I think all I have to do is choose between a challenging but stressfull job...or one that I'm so familiar with it can get boring...but at least I can focus on my family and other stuff in my life

Specializes in OB.

I do all of the OB areas - L&D, PP, Antepartum, Nsy (and the occasional old lady gyne thrown in). I find straight PP to get boring, L&D is getting to be more phyically stressful as I get older and more women opt for epidurals - holding those legs up for hours, rolling them from side to side when they can't move their legs, etc. Antepartum is a lot better physically and more challenging although the patient's stress and long term admisssions can add their own stress to the job.

This is why travel contracts are perfect for me as I can alternate which type I do every few months.

My favorite units, though are the ones like I'm in now where you do it all!


I just joined , I am happy to say I have done all. PP,LDR and LDRP, NSY, antepartum. I have to say I find LD and Antepartum the best of all of the areas. I find caring for my long term patients as rewarding as caring for the laboring patients. LD is more challenging at times. Teaching is the good side of post partum . thx for listening:nurse:

Specializes in L&D.

Hi, I do L&D, Antepartum and and PP. I find PP to get pretty boring. I work nights. L&D is so much more interesting to me and can be challenging. Also makes the night go by fast.

Specializes in all things maternity.

I love all 3 areas as well. Every OB job I ever had we had to do all 3 areas so I feel like I am evenly skilled in all 3.

L&D can be very challenging....and physically hard on us old nurses, lol. Its a young nurses job:bugeyes:

PP is wonderful if you love teaching as much as I do. One of my fave areas.

Newborn Nursery care is usually done at moms bedside as we mostly have rooming in moms who keep baby with them. So I enjoy the teaching aspect there too.

I come to work not knowing which area I will assigned to that night so its always a nice surprise for me. I have the best job in the whole world!


I did some L&D right out of school, and I'm in PP now and I'm enjoying it. It can be boring and repetitive, but I love teaching moms about their babies and I'm a huge sucker for babies. L&D was exciting, and I miss the skill I used to use there, but I found it stressful, and I prefer the coaching/teaching role in PP.

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