Does Micro + Chem I = Death


This is my first time posting... But I've gotten to the point where none of my friends and family can help with this question... Do you guys think its wise to take micro and chem in the same semester? I'll be taking an American Studies class as well, but I wont be working so Im thinking it won't be as difficult trying balance them. I'm taking a full load with nutrition and APII this semester, are chem and micro significantly harder? Am I delusional?

I took them at the same time during the summer. Both require intense studying and homework but it's doable.

I think you'll be OK. To me, Chemistry has been relatively easy. You just have to stay on top of reading and homework to make sure you understand everything. Your other sciences (from what I hear) will be harder. I would think it would be harder to take Micro later.

Without having to work, I think it'll be more manageable to focus on your classes. I'm taking Chem II and Micro this semester, and I'm doing just fine in both. I've noticed that there's a lot of repeated material in Micro from A&P, probably because the first half half of the class goes through basic chemistry, cell structure, DNA, etc. and the second half deals with each body system and explains diseases that affects them. Overall, yes, I think it's doable, even with the additional class you mentioned (though, I wouldn't take it just because I'd want to focus more on the 2 sciences).

Thanks everyone!! I feel positive about them. I've checked out the professors for both and they have good reputations among my classmates. What I've noticed is that taking certain sciences together can be complimentary, taking nutrition and AP II together I think had given me a better understanding for both if that makes sense...

I think you should be fine considering you're not working. In my own experience and watching classmates, it's trying to take anatomy, physiology, and/or micro in the same semester that murders people.

I took micro by itself, and worked 20 hrs a week and that class was enough by itself!:)

April, Student Nurse

I think it is possible if you as long as you're willing to work hard and put your mind to it.

Micro itself I would say would be a lot of study time and reading time. Add in chem too and you've got to study and read a lot for two science courses. Of the two I think micro is more info to be absorbed. chem has a lot of concepts and such. Study hard everyday and seek help when needed. I think you will be fine. I took micro during a 8 week summer session it was doable since I focused on it intently.

Good luck to you;)

I think chemistry is either you get it or you don't... Once it clicks it's easy... I'm taking them both this semester and doing really well so far... Just get a tutor if you need it for chemistry so you understand it well before moving to the next topic... It moves pretty fast and you need to know the things before in order to understand the rest...

Only if you lick the Petri dish :)

Only if you lick the Petri dish :)

I can image the bacteria on the dish

Wise? Probably not... But I am living proof it can be done. I took Micro and Chem 1 over a summer semester (only 6 weeks to cover all 16 weeks of material). I also worked as a waitress 6 hours every evening 5 nights a week and had an infant at home. Thank God for my little sister who stayed at my house pretty much that whole time and watched him for free for me. So so I think it's wise? No but if your motivated and really want it it's worth it. I kept telling myself "Jess, if you can just get through this you will have completed two hard (at least to me) classes that are over and done with. They'll be out of your way"... And I didn't realize it then, but after successfully completing them I had a sense of confidence that I was capable.... you can do it if being a nurse is what you REALLY WANT just keep your self positive. Good luck hope this helps. Oh and I am by no means a "smart kid" lol I studied every single day I was in college.

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