Hello nurses and students! Here's the question; you've all seen the commercial by Johnson & Johnson, those smiling, yet serious, faces proclaiming BE A NURSE! This is supposed to promote the career of nursing. They are even showing male nurses in an attempt to promote this career choice among our male populous (good for them!). Who is really benefitting from this add? It's obviously being aired because of the hype of a "nursing shortage" in our country, but what affect is this add having on the nursing profession? What is this commercials real purpose? I believe this commercial is helping create a glut of new nurses (as evidenced by the 2-3 year wait at most nursing programs, and the "cooling" of hiring new nurses in many locations). This will result in a cheaper labor force for hospitals to choose from in my opinion - "the dime a dozen theory". What do you think? Here is my suggestion or "strategy". Many hospitals are now hiring non RNs to do RN type tasks and skills. They give these people fancy little technical titles and pay them less. This results in fewer RNs being hired. Why not have a commercial where some sick or elderly person, or a concerned family member looks seriously into the camera and states: I WANT AN RN!! This would help reinforce the legitimacy, professionalism, and technical expertise that has been associated with the RN designation, and create a demand among our population that they expect to be treated by an RN, not some "Walmartish" "technical associate" who is willing to work for peanuts. Honestly, this commercial scares me a little because all it is designed to do is flood the market with new nurses, and this will lower pay scales and weaken the "bargaining power" (what little there is) that RNs have. What do you think? Snoopd
P.S., this commercial is by Johnson & Johnson, who supply many hospitals with products (see any connection)? Why doesn't the ANA shell out some of its own money and run a commercial like "I WANT AN RN" that would actually strenghten the RN profession?