Does this job sound like a scam?

Nurses General Nursing


hi everyone,

i am a nursing student looking for work while i put myself through school. i saw an ad on craigslist (i have never used craigslist for anything, because i tend to believe most people are trying to scam) but i replied to the job anyway. the ad was looking for cna's in the texoma area, didn't give much information and gave an email to get more information for anyone who was interested. so, long story short, i sent a very general email (not giving any personal info besides my first name and general experience) and i received the below email as a reply. what do you all think? i'm pretty sure it's a scam and my husband says it is 100% a scam. it just doesn't sound right to me. especially asking where i live so he can move his sister close to me. i copied and pasted so this is the exact wording/spelling. any input is appreciated. thanks everybody!

here is the email:

re: requesting information about the cna job posting on craigslist.

message flagged

thursday, august 4, 2011 2:09 pm

message body

good day,

i have received your message. my sister will be coming from

fayetteville, north carolina and she will be moving on 15th of august

2011. she is 47 years of age. 175lbs ,5.8ft and speaks english

fluently.she is diabetic and hypertensive.we really need you to be

honest and trust worthy in this work. the work basis are below.

- you are to be checking on my sister 4 times in a week for proper

caring and to know about her well being.

- you will be earning $750 per week of handling this work properly.

- you will be handling her transportation to the hospital for proper

medical check up at least once in a month and if you don't know how to

drive, you will hire a car.

-- your working days will be mon,wednesday, friday and

will have to decide the convenient hours during each of these days

which will not affect your other regular work(if you have any) as this

will be a part time work for you and if you want to live with her in

the house for other assistance there will be no problem.

so kindly provide me your full name and mailing address so that we can

ensure the housing agent get her an apartment which will be more

closer to your house and i hope about 10 miles will not be too far for


also i'll will be paying you the first week wages upfront via a

certified check because you will help her to get some medical tools

like one touch basic machine,acu-check machine and test trips in any

nearest pharmacy store around.i need you to know that the funds for

those items needed would be added to your first week upfront pay on

the check and you would be instructed on what next to do once you

receive the check including the funds that would be sent to the

cashier of the realtor headquarter to secure her accommodation.

so i want you to feed me back with the following details so that we

can ensure you are ready for the work.

1. full name

2. mailing address,

3. city

4. state and zip code

5. phone number

6.age, sex and marital status.

i will be sending you her living address very soon so that you will

know where you will be working.i will give you her living address once

the rental agent find her a suitable house.

i will be awaiting your email soonest and we can proceed as you can

understand that the date is getting approach.


mr. jerry brown

I'm so sorry...

your comments remind me of a book that emphasizes the same thing...

Every woman should read this book. It changed my life.

I think I saw this guy on Oprah....good info. The word 'no' is the best word someone can learn... and then be able to run :)

Specializes in ASC, Infection Control.

I live in Michigan and got that same EXACT email when i replied to a job advertiser a month ago. MY MISTAKE: i thought the ad was legit, sounded like it in the posting, and i sent my resume to the email. OMG...they have my name and address now...and all the info i put on my resume.

However they still sent this email and asked for the info so maybe they couldn't open the attachment? my god i hope so. what should i do????? :(

Specializes in LTC, Acute care.

OP: It definitely us a SCAM! Don't even communicate further with this person. Everything about the email seems wrong and makes no sense...

xtxrn: I'm so sorry for that horrid experience. Hugs to you.{{{:)}}}

Specializes in Hospice / Psych / RNAC.

Granted there are a few scams on craigslist but a person with even small amount of brain cells can see them. Craigslist is a great site.

I live in Michigan and got that same EXACT email when i replied to a job advertiser a month ago. MY MISTAKE: i thought the ad was legit, sounded like it in the posting, and i sent my resume to the email. OMG...they have my name and address now...and all the info i put on my resume.

However they still sent this email and asked for the info so maybe they couldn't open the attachment? my god i hope so. what should i do????? :(

I'd find out who deals with internet crimes in your state (it's likely a federal something since it goes beyond state lines) and give them the info- they might not be able to do much, but if something happens to someone else, it could be useful. If you get anything else from anybody you don't know (e-mail or snail mail), don't open the e-mail- create a file for it should there be any sort of investigation in the future...keep the snail mail until (or if) any investigation.

Chances are, if you blow them off, they won't risk any sort of contact. They probably want money- not you. :)

i have received your message. my sister will be coming from

fayetteville, north carolina and she will be moving on 15th of august

2011. she is 47 years of age. 175lbs ,5.8ft and speaks english

fluently.she is diabetic and hypertensive.we really need you to be

honest and trust worthy in this work. the work basis are below.

i agree with others that this description alone does not indicate a need for the kind of help being requested. in fact, i'll bet there are a lot of working nurses who fit the parameters.

- you are to be checking on my sister 4 times in a week for proper

caring and to know about her well being.

- you will be earning $750 per week of handling this work properly.

- you will be handling her transportation to the hospital for proper

medical check up at least once in a month and if you don't know how to

drive, you will hire a car.

that's a lot of money for the job description.

-- your working days will be mon,wednesday, friday and

will have to decide the convenient hours during each of these days

which will not affect your other regular work(if you have any) as this

will be a part time work for you and if you want to live with her in

the house for other assistance there will be no problem.

now offering a live-in position? along with flexible, part-time hours? yeah, right.

so kindly provide me your full name and mailing address so that we can

ensure the housing agent get her an apartment which will be more

closer to your house and i hope about 10 miles will not be too far for


wants to know where you live so sis can get an apartment nearby. what happened to the live-in option?

also i'll will be paying you the first week wages upfront via a

certified check because you will help her to get some medical tools

like one touch basic machine,acu-check machine and test trips in any

nearest pharmacy store around.

you wouldn't need both the one touch and the accuchek.

i need you to know that the funds for those items needed would be

added to your first week upfront pay on

the check and you would be instructed on what next to do once you

receive the check including the funds that would be sent to the

cashier of the realtor headquarter to secure her accommodation.

:redlight: time for alarm bells, red lights, and sirens. now, not only are you not being offered the live in position, you are being asked to handle her real estate situation? and you'll be instructed what to do when you receive the "certified check?" let me guess. they will want you to deposit the check into your account and pay for her "accommodations" (the "realtor headquarter" aka jerry) and her supplies. ooops. the check is no good. now you're out big bucks and jerry and his sis are nowhere to be found.

so i want you to feed me back with the following details so that we

can ensure you are ready for the work.

"feed me back?" sis might speak fluent english, but brother has a long way to go.

1. full name

2. mailing address,

3. city

4. state and zip code

5. phone number

6.age, sex and marital status.

plenty of information to cause trouble. after they crash your bank account, conscienceless scammers like these could set up an appointment for you to meet them. "it was all a misunderstanding. we'll reimburse you in cash including any overdraft charges from your bank plus another $100 for your inconvenience. we really want to make things right." while you're traveling to some goofy location that probably doesn't exist, they could break into your house and clean it out, adding insult to injury and then some.

i will be sending you her living address very soon so that you will

know where you will be working.i will give you her living address once

the rental agent find her a suitable house.

first he asks for your location so he can move his sister within ten miles. then he offers the possibility of a live-in situation. now he's saying he'll let you know where she will be living so you'll know where you're going to be working. which is it? oh, i forgot. scammers don't have to make sense.

i will be awaiting your email soonest and we can proceed as you can

understand that the date is getting approach.

i'll just bet you'll be waiting.


mr. jerry brown

aka california's governor moonbeam

please, report these folks to the fraud people at craigslist. and maybe contact your local police department, as well.

this is just wrong on so many levels.

I once seen an ad for my area from a man that stated he needed someone to care for his disabled, adult daughter. Said he didn't want any men, women must have no boyfriend or husband and must be a live in. Real kicker was he wanted you to send PICTURES with your resume. Would not take that job for any amount of money. Yuck.

THANKS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!! I did not know there was a way to alert craigslist about these type of scams until I read all the replies. I did save the email, just in case it turns out to be some creepo that finds me. I didn't give any information, didn't even give my real name or use my home email, so I don't think they can hack anything and get any info. I did print out the email to turn it in to local authorities if I have any trouble (thanks for that suggestion here).

Again, thanks everybody! I learned a lot about craigslist on here (good and bad). Have a wonderful night everyone! :)

Yep, SCAM. I can spot them a mile away. The wording, grammar, and punctuation is all wrong, in a way that is different than someone who just didn't pay attention in English class. That person probably does not even speak English. Sounds like a Nigerian scammer.

scam: red flag words kindly, feed me back, be awaiting your e-mail soonest,be more closer. Certified check that you send to whom? You need to buy her what?

I frequently recieve e-mails telling me I've won an "international lottery and all I need to do is send all my personal identification (so they can steal my identity?)

to recieve my x-million. The language always contains wording and phrasing as above. My red flags to knowing this is one big fat hairy pustular scam...pop that baby and run!

Specializes in med/surg tele, postpartum, mother baby.

It's a scam without a doubt.

scam: red flag words kindly, feed me back, be awaiting your e-mail soonest,be more closer. Certified check that you send to whom? You need to buy her what?

I frequently recieve e-mails telling me I've won an "international lottery and all I need to do is send all my personal identification (so they can steal my identity?)

to recieve my x-million. The language always contains wording and phrasing as above. My red flags to knowing this is one big fat hairy pustular scam...pop that baby and run!

Eeeewwwww :eek::eek::D:D:D

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