Does your hospital require color coded scrubs?

Nurses Uniform/Gear Nursing Q/A

The hospital where I work is instituting color coded uniforms for all staff (except MD's) in patient care areas (RN/LPN-royal, PCT-teal, Radiology-black, Transport-brown, etc) to help patient's be able to identify who is who. Tops and bottoms are the same color. They are providing all staff with a ONE TIME only stipend toward buying the new uniforms. Full-time staff will receive $100, part-time $60, and per diem $40. Staff will be required to buy the scrubs online through the hospital and there is one brand (Cherokee) with 6 styles to choose from. If your scrub order costs more than your stipend, you pay the difference. The scrub prices range from $12-$24 each piece with the unisex being on the low end and the more fashion forward and maternity scrubs being on the high end. You will not be allowed to go to your local scrub store and buy another brand of scrubs, even if they are the correct color. If you choose to wear a shirt under your scrub top, it must be the same exact color as your scrubs or black, no prints. Also, no jackets are to be worn over the top.

Currently the hospital provides scrubs to the OR staff at no charge and will continue to do so. They also provide uniforms to the environmental staff at no charge and will continue to do that. If they are limiting our attire to one specific brand and specific styles and we have to purchase them from the hospital that seems like a uniform and not a dress code and the hospital should be providing them like they do for the other departments wearing uniforms. As far as I know, other companies outside of healthcare that require uniforms actually provide the uniforms.

I, like many of my coworkers, am fine with the required colors but am upset that I have to use my own money to buy the scrubs and can not even buy what fits me best. I wear tall length Koi cargo scrub pants, they are available in royal blue (I own 2 pairs) but I can not wear them. Instead I must buy pants I don't like for $24/each, because that is how much the tall length pants are through the vendor. My other option would be to buy the cheaper regular length scrubs and have them be 2 inches too short or buy the unisex pants and worry about my butt showing every time I bend over or feel gross and unprofessional because the crotch is sagging halfway down my thigh. According to the head of the uniform committee, staff should feel lucky though that they did not dictate what type/color shoes we must wear.

For those of you that work in hospitals with color coded scrubs, can you buy whatever brand fits you best as long as it is the right color? If your hospital does require a specific brand/color, do they provide you with the scrubs or do you have to purchase them from the hospital?

Obviously I am going to suck it up because I love my job and certainly am not going to quit over something like this, I just needed to vent my frustration and also wondered if this was the norm.

Specializes in LTC Rehab Med/Surg.

Something sounds fishy between the uniform people and the hospital.

I don't so much object to the mandated colors, as I object to the specific brand and type.

We went gray. On most days I feel like a big gray elephant.

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Sounds like your facility isn't handling going to mandated colors in a good way. Mine allowed us to vote on colors (nurses chose navy and white, assistants chose teal and white, and other ancillary staff like radiology/respiratory chose black and white but no all black). No allowance, but we did have a year's warning, so those who needed to purchase scrubs during that time wisely chose the colors voted on. Peds still gets to wear prints, but that makes sense to pretty much everyone.

I'd just like to make a comment on how you talk about the hospital providing OR scrubs. There is reasoning behind it- no one wants pet hair or other contaminants from peoples' home leading to an increase in surgical site infections. AORN (the professional organization for OR nurses) strongly recommends hospital-provided and laundered scrubs for OR personnel. At my facility, we were always required to change scrubs if we exited the facility, and due to a recent spike in infections, we must now change after leaving the department (which leads to people needing to take longer lunches, but that's another post). We may not take scrubs home and wear them in the following morning. Even though AORN does provide recommendations for laundering personally owned scrubs, I can tell you that my consumer-grade washer and dryer can't get to those specified temps while the hospital's industrial grade ones can.

In my hospital, we also have mandated colors. Royal blue for nurses too! Well, except for the ER. They were allowed to keep their black scrubs. When every other department protested the unfairness, we were told the reason was because they were learning a new computer charting system, and admin didn't want to add additional stress by changing scrub color! Does this make sense to anyone???? Sorry- got off topic! We are allowed to buy whatever brand we want. No prints, jackets must be white or royal, and undershirts white or royal as well. We were offered no money to purchase new scrubs. Seems like royal has become the "go to" color for nurses in many facilities these days. I wonder why????

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At least you got to pick scrubs that fit you. If I am going to spend $25 on a pair of scrub pants I want it to be something I like and can wear if I ever leave the company. I forgot to mention that the scrubs will have the hospital name embroidered on them so if you want to work a second job or leave the hospital you will need different scrubs. I would have thought there was a law against that. Grrr

We're allowed to but any brand we want.

Our color is navy, one of my favorite scrub colors, so it doesn't bother me much...

While I do not love royal blue, I wouldn't care if the scrubs were paid for by the hospital or if they let us buy whatever brand we wanted.

The Cherokee scrub styles are are the itchy cotton/poly stiff scrubs. Reminds me of being back in nursing school. I work hard for my money and want to spend it on things I actually like.

Specializes in L&D Endo Pre-Op.

Don't you wish you could make administration work a few shifts in their "mandatory scrubs"? They might just change their minds!

Oh and new hires do not get any money toward the scrubs. They are being told they can pay for the scrubs with a credit card on the website or the cost can be payroll deducted from their first check.

Don't you wish you could make administration work a few shifts in their "mandatory scrubs"?? They might just change their minds!

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Lol. One nurse in the ED brought up that the docs wear scrubs and asked if they would be prohibited from wearing the mandated colors to which the answer was no. So the attending that is wearing teal today is going to look like a PCT and the one wearing navy will be confused with respiratory.

Specializes in Emergency Nursing.
I actually like Cherokee and they fit well on me...I use the Cherokee Workwear cargo style pants and the mini wrap top. The unisex cargo pants fit comfortably.

I am sure there is are people at Loo's hospital who feel the same way but not everyone has the same body type/comfort.

My hospital has mandatory colors, but we can wear 2 different color pants (royal/gray) and 3 different colors on top (royal, gray, white). Have to buy the tops from a specified store because of the logo embroidery, but can buy pants anywhere. However, FT staff are allowed 7 items annually, paid for by the hospital. Basically 3+ outfits a year.

See now that sounds fair! My hospital is a magnet hospital and teaching facility and considered by many to be the "place to work" in our area. While I understand their reasoning behind wanting standard attire I am not sure that placing the financial burden on employees is the way to go about it. I feel like they should either provide embroidered uniforms in the style they want at no cost to staff ( I am sure it would be a tax write off) or institute a new dress code policy where employees pay for their own clothes that are within the dress code policy but allows them the freedom to buy clothes that fit them and make them feel good.

Specializes in Med Surg.
Buying uniforms is a tax write-off for YOU and benefits your tax base much more.

I write off my uniforms EvERY year, including shoes, and other items as well.

Situations vary and it depends on how much you make. Even with my union dues my work expenses were too small to deduct.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
Situations vary and it depends on how much you make. Even with my union dues my work expenses were too small to deduct.

Yes, situations are different; however, all appropriate to deduct either way; and it does add up enough in most situations, and people don't take advantage of it.

Buying uniforms is a tax write-off for YOU and benefits your tax base much more.

I write off my uniforms EvERY year, including shoes, and other items as well.

Even if I were able to deduct the cost of the uniforms, that is next year.

I am sure like me, many employees don't have the extra money today to buy new uniforms. Only a month ago we were told the uniform idea was in the "beginning stages" nobody expected to have to pay for them since the hospital pays for the uniforms for OR, maintenance, and environmental staff. Finding out that not only do we have to pay for them but we can not even bargain shop at our local scrub stores or online and have very little notice. Just because I make a good wage doesn't mean I have extra money.

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