Does your floor decorate for Christmas?


Just wondering if your floor decorates for Christmas and if so, who does it?

Specializes in OB, NICU, Nursing Education (academic).

The entire hospital decorates. There is an enormous dove (in lights) with the word "Peace" on the front of the building, and it often stays there long after, until February!

Specializes in chemical dependency detox/psych.

Yes, we do (Catholic hospital.) The office staff and facilities management staff do the decorating.

The individual floors aren't this year. Apparently its not 'professional' or something. Just the lobby. Not sure who does it. I believe staff did the floors before

Specializes in Developmental Disabilites,.

Same as above. Floors no, lobby yes. They tried to tell us it is a JHACO/ fire safety thing.

I remember having my son two days after Christmas at a Catholic hospital and it was still decorated and I loved it! I was just wondering if only Catholic hospitals decorate and the rest have become "politically correct" and don't.

Specializes in Acute Care, Rehab, Palliative.

The unit I work on does.We have out tree up and garlands and lights strung. The big weindows in the hallways have sparkly snowfkes and there are 3-4 wreaths.Our ward clerk and charge nurse did most of it.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

this year we are not allowed unless the decorations are fire retardant. that is per JCAHO

Specializes in Med/Surg/Tele/Onc.

I doubt that is per TJC. It's probably per the fire marshal in your area.

Specializes in ICU, ER, EP,.

Every unit that wants to competes with the holiday decor. Last year they got very picky with this fire hazzard list:rolleyes:, go figure the scrouges.

So we have nothing from the ceiling but do a tree, can have any lighting once checked out by clinical engineering. all the garland and fake santa's. It's pretty fun. We keep the supplies in the locker room and people just keep adding to it each year, although we never seem to win:mad:

Specializes in LTC.

We do a tree or two in the lobby. Then our unit has a nativity set they put up at the front desk every year.

We are also a Catholic hospital.

has any hospital ever caught fire from xmas decorations?

seems google says so..

Hartford, CT Niles Street Hospital Fire, Dec 1945 | GenDisasters ... Genealogy in Tragedy, Disasters, Fires, Floods

I'd imagine xmas lights have come a long way since then though.

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