Published Jul 26, 2010
437 Posts
I work days and it seems like once a week our night shifts have a food day. This is where everyone brings a dish, they set it up in the back, etc. Day shift never does this. Occassionally someone might bring in donuts and patients' families sometimes drop of bagels as a thank you, but otherwise, we don't have big pot lucks.
Is this a night shift thing? I know they don't have access to the cafeteria like we do. (Honestly I only use the cafeteria when they offer a free meal around a holiday time.) But day shift never does this.
Is it because they are getting up at 5:00 pm instead of 5:00 am and cooking is more commonly done at that time? Is it just my shifts culture? Is it a night shift thing?
57 Posts
I work dayshift and usually about once a month or so we do a potluck day when everyone brings something in. Like this month it was salad people brought things to make salad and some people even made there own. dayshift at my facility is a pretty close group. we all look out for each other and feed one another from time totime. lol
clemmm78, RN
440 Posts
I used to love pot lucks but now, not so much. I guess I'm getting paranoid in my old(er) age and I'm never sure what is going on in someone else's kitchen.
When I worked nights, we would bring food in, but it wasn't ever an organized thing.
mamamerlee, LPN
949 Posts
Local culture. The night shift people are apparently close and well-organized. We used to do it on the weekends when the cafeteria had a minimal cold selection.
And I worked at a place where we did at least monthly pitch-in type things.
See what happens if you suggest it. Make it about 10 days from the time you post a sign-up sheet. Discuss what you want, or a theme, and let people 'volunteer' for what they want to bring. Don't forget paper goods, utensils and beverages. Invite admin and docs if appropriate.
Pepper The Cat, BSN, RN
1,790 Posts
The day shift on Sundays usually orders in lunch. As the people working Sat usually also work Sunday, they decide on Sat if they want to order in. Some do, some don't. Sometimes only part of the shift will order. We do it cause its fun and you don't have to worry about packing a lunch!
277 Posts
Days will have a carry-in probably once a week. The only time nights eat together is if we decide to order something and even then, it's pretty rare.
6,011 Posts
Suggest it. Maybe your co-workers just haven't the imagination you have. It's lots of fun, but you have to do it on a slow day like Sunday or a holiday. We had soup and sandwich day, full Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, we dyed eggs on Easter. We tried the carry-out one time from a Doctor's church. Fried chicken, rice and gravy and beans. It arrived with a deep fried CHICKEN FOOT on top of each. I wasn't hungry for lunch that day.
realnursealso/LPN, LPN
783 Posts
My goodness, lol , a chicken foot? Laughing so hard here!!!!!!!!!:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
25 Posts
Who are you kidding? Every day is food day at the hospital! Food is like currency around my hospital.
516 Posts
We do a big potluck every other weekend on days. Our "mom" co-worker organizes it and picks a theme, and we all pitch in some food. She is a Sam's Club/CostCo addict so we have a TON of food and feed our residents too. I think it's good for staff morale, and it makes the weekend 12 hour shifts go a little faster when we are eating all day long. I have to admit it hasn't done much for my waistline, though.
PostOpPrincess, BSN, RN
2,211 Posts
Once a month and it is a FEAST! WE have many, different cultures and it is awesome to taste the dishes. My place of work is NOT a good place to lose weight =)
315 Posts
I rotate day and night shift, and both shifts we have had potlucks for special occassions. People do sometimes bring in snacks, but mainly on day shift here.