Does anyone ever get tired of people thinking Nursing is easy?

Nurses General Nursing


I saw a forum the other day where a bunch of men were talking about how easy it was to be a nurse. They referred to us as "glorified maids" and we get "paid a lot to wipe asses." When I first started nursing school (I will graduate in a few months), a family member asked me, "So do you know how to use an actual sphygmomanometer now?" That was pretty offensive because that seemed to me like she was insinuating that was the highest extent of nursing knowledge.

A lot of pharmacy students in my area refer to Nursing as their Plan B if pharm doesn't work out.

They say that Nursing is so easy to pass, and the pay is decent for the relatively little education we receive.

If only they really knew how much hard work and brain goes into nursing school, and how much more we do in practice than "wipe asses."

Sometimes it really discourages me to hear what little some people think of nurses. Sometimes it makes me wonder if people think I was just too lazy/dumb to go to med school or whatever. But then I remember what nursing school is really like. How much time and brain I've put into it, how much I've sacrificed, and what I'm REALLY in this field for- making a difference in patients' lives. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what others think, it only matters that i made a difference. This is what I try to remind myself of daily. But I would be lying if I said that some people's negative perception of Nursing doesn't get to me sometimes.

If it's so "easy," then why is everyone not doing it? Sorry for the negative post, just needed to vent. I'm sure some of you have experienced this as well.

I saw a forum the other day where a bunch of men were talking about how easy it was to be a nurse. They referred to us as "glorified maids" and we get "paid a lot to wipe asses." When I first started nursing school (I will graduate in a few months), a family member asked me, "So do you know how to use an actual sphygmomanometer now?" That was pretty offensive because that seemed to me like she was insinuating that was the highest extent of nursing knowledge.

A lot of pharmacy students in my area refer to Nursing as their Plan B if pharm doesn't work out.

They say that Nursing is so easy to pass, and the pay is decent for the relatively little education we receive.

If only they really knew how much hard work and brain goes into nursing school, and how much more we do in practice than "wipe asses."

Sometimes it really discourages me to hear what little some people think of nurses. Sometimes it makes me wonder if people think I was just too lazy/dumb to go to med school or whatever. But then I remember what nursing school is really like. How much time and brain I've put into it, how much I've sacrificed, and what I'm REALLY in this field for- making a difference in patients' lives. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what others think, it only matters that i made a difference. This is what I try to remind myself of daily. But I would be lying if I said that some people's negative perception of Nursing doesn't get to me sometimes.

If it's so "easy," then why is everyone not doing it? Sorry for the negative post, just needed to vent. I'm sure some of you have experienced this as well.

I've never run across this, but I believe nurses are easy to 'abuse'. Most people I've come across are respectful, I'd wonder how old these 'men' are.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

I've got to admit it, I've never run across this sort of thing in all my years as a nurse. I do remember one time when I was working Med/Surg and a little girl came up to me in the hallway and pointed me out to her mom: "Look, Mommy, there's the doctor!" She immediately lost interest in me when I gently corrected her and said I was a nurse and not a doctor. Oh well. Other than that, I've almost always been respected by patients, physicians, ancillary staff, families and the general public. I've never been asked why I didn't go to med school or told I was too smart to "wipe butts". Most people I've encountered who asked what I did for a living were genuinely interested in my career choice. "Oh, I could never be a nurse," is a common response. "You have to deal with poop and blood and guts!" Well, they may not have emerged from the conversation with a firm grasp of what nurses actually do, but I did my best to educate, and no one ever put me down.

Reframe, just sit there and think "I work 3 days a week, I don't pay for dry cleaning, I make very good money, I can do one of 100 different jobs with my nursing degree, nurses are one of most respected professions contrary to these negative creeps, I can work all over the world... yes nursing is my super power a--hole what is yours? When these creeps are sick and in the ER their nasty words will come back to haunt them. Let people think it is easy - if anyone in their stupid honey-boo-boo family was smart enough to get into nursing school, they would know this isn't easy. Remember Ron White's motto.... you can't fix dumb and add to it the ER motto.. but you can sedate it!

Nursing School IS difficult and all encompassing if you put your heart into it. But it brings a true satisfaction and sense of accomplishment every day if you give it your all. I have found so many people appreciate what nurses do and many agree they could not do it. Those who bash nurses and what they stand for are sometimes jealous.

Please don't let those few bother you. You have chosen a noble profession and a nurse can get a job in so many different is amazing!

If you are doing the best you can, which it truly sounds like you are, hold your head up high and reach out to so many who are hurting and need compassionate, beautiful care! We nurses have to stick together and know that we do make a difference!!!!!

I've actually experienced the opposite more. That is, people think that because I am the nurse, I know everything and when the crap hits the fan I am the one they look to for help. They look up to me and think I can slay dragons. It's really quite unnerving. Very rarely do I hear that nurses just wipe ass or that we are dumb and nursing school is easy. On the rare occasions when I suspect that might be the sentiment of the person I'm communicating with, it is always a doctor who thinks EVERYONE is stupid and below him or her. That is unnerving too, but oddly, more easy for me to deal with.

My experience mostly. People are more likely to put you on a pedestal. They also think that psych NP school must have been incredibly hard, academically. I generally let them think that.

Specializes in Emergency, Telemetry, Transplant.

I saw a family feud episode and then 'question' was "name something a nurse is good at doing." Amongst other things, people said "taking a temperature" and "putting someone on the bed pan." Neither of these were said in jest. When I start to feel bad that this is people's perception of nursing, FF turns around with the question of "name something you would love to do a good looking patient." #1 answer was "put in a catheter." These just indicate the ignorance surrounding what nurses know and actually do (and like doing ;)).

There is general lack of knowledge about the duties, education, and expertise about pretty much every job. People also think that being a teacher is easy and teachers are just glorified baby sitters. Accountants just punch a few numbers into a computer and the result comes up. Farmers put seeds in the ground, water and fertilize said ground, and plants pop up. Etc., etc.

You know the education you know how hard you work. Ignore them.

No, I don't tire of it.

I'm never regarded that way by patients, families, ancillary team members or providers. And I have a pretty high tolerance of ignorance that doesn't cause harm as well as being pretty well self possessed.

F the nay sayers. Had one person pull that crap on me, after my friend had mentioned what I do. I asked what they did for a living and they said that they were an Analyst. I said, "So, basically you sit behind a computer eight hours a day, crunching spreadsheets, and sitting in meetings that peck away at every minute of your life?" They shut up real quick. It's easy to put someone down, but the thing is, not to let them get to you.

I take pride in what I do, and yes, we wipe asses from time to time. We also do so much that even the doctors (at least the good ones) are reliant on us to be on our A game and catch their mistakes. With all that said, I always got a chuckle out of the people that think Nursing is a joke. I mean, insult the people that are their to make sure you don't die.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
Reframe, just sit there and think "I work 3 days a week, I don't pay for dry cleaning, I make very good money, I can do one of 100 different jobs with my nursing degree, nurses are one of most respected professions contrary to these negative creeps, I can work all over the world... yes nursing is my super power a--hole what is yours? When these creeps are sick and in the ER their nasty words will come back to haunt them. Let people think it is easy - if anyone in their stupid honey-boo-boo family was smart enough to get into nursing school, they would know this isn't easy. Remember Ron White's motto.... you can't fix dumb and add to it the ER motto.. but you can sedate it!


Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

No. Not even a little. Because just as many who would say that, call/text/email me begging to help with one situation or another. They trust my advice implicitly. And most often, it's out of my scope, and I tell them. I let them know from a nursing perspective, what I think is going on and tell to seek medical advice when it's warranted.

It's amazing how many people who think we are doctors' handmaidens run to us when they need help or advice.

Can't have it both ways. I just press on, proud of what I do.

Back as a new nurse.... *waves cane in air*.... I would get upset at these types of comments. My favorites were those coming from family members who would make statements that they "might as well be a nurse" so they could get paid for XYZ that they were doing.... usually stuff like taking care of their kid that scraped a knee when falling off a bike, etc. I have been considered as a glorified boo boo kisser for many years. ;) I just roll with it now. And then every once in awhile, during a lull in like Christmas Dinner, I'll drop a major disgusting bomb shell of a story about what life is really like for me at work. You know, as punishment. LOL!

I've got to admit it, I've never run across this sort of thing in all my years as a nurse. I do remember one time when I was working Med/Surg and a little girl came up to me in the hallway and pointed me out to her mom: "Look, Mommy, there's the doctor!" She immediately lost interest in me when I gently corrected her and said I was a nurse and not a doctor. Oh well. Other than that, I've almost always been respected by patients, physicians, ancillary staff, families and the general public. I've never been asked why I didn't go to med school or told I was too smart to "wipe butts". Most people I've encountered who asked what I did for a living were genuinely interested in my career choice. "Oh, I could never be a nurse," is a common response. "You have to deal with poop and blood and guts!" Well, they may not have emerged from the conversation with a firm grasp of what nurses actually do, but I did my best to educate, and no one ever put me down.

Well, I've never been told 'you wipe butts'. I just believe that is part of a job, people are in their lowest, can't get up and use the bathroom, somebody's got to clean them up. However, if they can make it to the bathroom, they indeed go. If they can go and just want me to wipe them, they will be directed otherwise.

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