Does it always get nuttier at Christmas?


Every year when the Christmas season comes, it gets CRAZY at school. Why is that? Does everyone have their mind on something else so they get hurt more easily? Parents get distracted so they're not paying attention to their kids? What is it??

I'm doing tons of lice checks all day, every day and finding bad cases of it since we got back from Thanksgiving. A teacher just randomly fell down the stairs yesterday and did some serious damage to her leg...we had to call paramedics. Her sons go to this school and her youngest (4th grade) went into some serious anxiety mid-day while we waited to hear from her. My OI kid broke his 36th bone yesterday morning (his 4th or 5th this semester). My 6th grader whose seizures had really calmed down over the past two years fired up a grand mal last week and is in tears every day now worried she'll have another one at school in front of her classmates. A 3rd grader got a serious concussion on the playground last Friday.

I'm thinking I'll go back to med-surg to get some rest.

This will hopefully all calm down after Christmas and we'll just hit steady flu season come January. Oh, boy.


In my school we currently have a sexting scandal going on. 7th graders.

I would love to hear The Twelve Days of Christmas!

Oh boy! Thankfully no sexting scandal here in Elementary school!

We had a sexting scandal at our local elementary school. :no:

(And how do you know for sure there are no kids sexting at the elementary school level?)

I must be Debbie Downer again and assert my usual protestation: Kids don't need cell phones.:facepalm:

We had a sexting scandal at our local elementary school. :no:

(And how do you know for sure there are no kids sexting at the elementary school level?)

I must be Debbie Downer again and assert my usual protestation: Kids don't need cell phones.:facepalm:

No one needs a cell phone, but gosh darn it, they are fun little gadgets, ain't they?

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
I just had the pleasure of visiting the gym and being dragged into four corner dodge ball with 5th graders, those boys throw hard! I need an ice pack my self now! Those kids loved it when I joined their game.

I wish we still played dodge ball. Somebody decided this was a form of ganging up and bullying so we can't play anymore. You'd think we were rounding up the kids and waterboarding them.

I wish we still played dodge ball. Somebody decided this was a form of ganging up and bullying so we can't play anymore. You'd think we were rounding up the kids and waterboarding them.

I agree; that's really sad. :no:

No one needs a cell phone, but gosh darn it, they are fun little gadgets, ain't they?

Really? I like my laptop better. :yes:

When I'm driving around trying to see all my hospice patients and trying to text the doctors :sniff:. . . and then of course I simply must correct all grammar and spelling errors that "voice text" option before I hit "send" which means I'm pulling over on the highway frequently to simply push the buttons but I'm all thumbs and can't just hit the exact key and hit the wrong key and . . . arrggg . . .:blackeye:

Poor Spidey - he has the meanest mom in America. :Emoticon-Devil:

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.
Hey, now! Banning might be a little extreme. Maybe just have a database where all the scabies have to register? #greatergood

Scabies registration, sure. And no longer allowing any new scabies into the school borders. And perhaps a scabies internment camp.

Scabies registration, sure. And no longer allowing any new scabies into the school borders. And perhaps a scabies internment camp.

Can we have the scabies build and pay for the internment camp?

Specializes in ED, School Nurse.

And a sign!!! 'Cause that always works!!! "This is a SCABIES -FREE zone."

I wish we still played dodge ball. Somebody decided this was a form of ganging up and bullying so we can't play anymore. You'd think we were rounding up the kids and waterboarding them.

And we wonder why we are raising such a soft anxious generation of kids. Geez! Let them get dirty! Let them get hit with a ball in gym! Uuuuuuuugh!!!

Specializes in School Nursing, Hospice,Med-Surg.
And we wonder why we are raising such a soft anxious generation of kids. Geez! Let them get dirty! Let them get hit with a ball in gym! Uuuuuuuugh!!!

I don't know. I'm a big weenie and I got tagged everyday by the big, redneck, bully kids in dodgeball. It was awful. I was the smallest kid in class every.single.year. I'm still the smallest kid from 2nd grade up and I'm 43!

Now our kids play Capture The Flag and that's where our worst injuries play out. HATE that game. I have no idea what happens in that game but nothing good happens, I know that.

My daughter loves Pickle Ball. When I googled it, I found tons of videos of very elderly people in Florida playing it. Hmmm.

I don't know. I'm a big weenie and I got tagged everyday by the big, redneck, bully kids in dodgeball. It was awful. I was the smallest kid in class every.single.year. I'm still the smallest kid from 2nd grade up and I'm 43!

Now our kids play Capture The Flag and that's where our worst injuries play out. HATE that game. I have no idea what happens in that game but nothing good happens, I know that.

My daughter loves Pickle Ball. When I googled it, I found tons of videos of very elderly people in Florida playing it. Hmmm.

Meh. Lookit how tough you are, NanaPoo!

Specializes in School Nursing.

Can Old Dude please bag up those scabies !!!

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