doctor's office gripe


I hope this is in the right place. I need to rant about the decline of professionalism in doctor's offices. I went in for my regular appointment the other day, and my old doctor isn't there anymore. There's a new guy. He looks like he's twelve years old, and he won't stop playing with his phone. He even answers a brief personal call while I'm trying to give him my medical history. He asks me the same questions 3-4 times each in this bored tone. He does no physical assessment. I wanted to scream at him, "can you put your d*** phone down and touch me for a minute?"

He refuses to refill me for antacids and says they are "for long term use only". Apparently he thinks if you just stop taking a medication for a problem, that problem goes away. He's also reluctant to refill me for Flonase. He asks if I blow my nose (duh, I have allergies) and then tells me to stop blowing my nose because it is causing me to need the medication. That's right- if I stop blowing my nose, then I will no longer have allergies. Brilliant. Someone must have warned him about all the drug seekers out there trying to score antacids and steroidal sinus sprays.

It seems more and more that this is the way- crank the patients through and charge their insurance. No interest in the patient whatsoever.

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

That is ridiculous!

Specializes in Adult Nurse Practitioner.

I saw the deal with the telephone during my clinical rotations. I thought it was VERY unprofessional and REFUSE to do the same in my practice setting. Although I do use my phone for looking things up, I keep it on airplane mode while seeing patients. As to his approach regarding Flonase and your antacid, evidence based practice is recommending these as not continuous. HOWEVER, if the patient is not able to wean off without symptoms, then one needs to consider the effectiveness of continuation. What is sad is that he did not take the time to discuss this with you, but then...he was too busy on his phone :sneaky:

Indeed. I'm kind of partial to NPs. I used to see a really good one and he moved to greener pastures.

I agree...I have experienced similar treatment and it is ridiculous. Healthcare is getting worse thanks to the insurance companies' greed and the government's stupidity. They're in kahoots, you know.

I recently went in to the doctor and rather than discuss treatment options he said this is what we are going to do. Needless to say I told him no we we are not going to do that. The procedure he wanted to do was invasive and could cause serious long term damage with minimal if any relief. I told him that I preferred to continue on with my current treatment and physical therapy and would only consider said procedure if all else failed and severe pain persisted. He was not very happy with me putting a halt on his plans for my treatment after all there is absolutely no financial incentive for him if I continue on with current treatment but he has a financial incentive to preform the procedure. Scary, scary.......

Specializes in Med/Surg, OR, Peds, Patient Education.

I hope that you are able to find another physician. My former PCP died, fortunately, I found and fabulous internist upon the advice of another doctor friend who practiced in another state, but knew the doctor whom he recommended. My new PCP looks young enough to be my son, (early 50s) but he is 66 years old. He takes his time, answers questions, is very thorough and has a sense of humor. All of those aforementioned traits, can exists no matter the age or gender and they are essential to a successful practice. Good luck in your search for a more competent PCP.

Specializes in Med/Surg, OR, Peds, Patient Education.

Nola, this is why we need a single payer system of health care. The PNHP (Physicians for a National Health Plan) have advocated this for years, and they suggest a Medicare for All type of system. More and more physicians agree and realize that the insurance industry is now in the business of "practicing medicine without a license." Medicare has a 2-3% overhead whereas the insurance industry is allowed 20% overhead, which is, quite frankly, is much more than the 20% due to over-inflated CEO salaries/benefits and large, extravagant buildings.

Find another doctor pronto and make SURE to tell this one why you are taking your healthcare business elsewhere.

Nola, this is why we need a single payer system of health care. The PNHP (Physicians for a National Health Plan) have advocated this for years, and they suggest a Medicare for All type of system. More and more physicians agree and realize that the insurance industry is now in the business of "practicing medicine without a license." Medicare has a 2-3% overhead whereas the insurance industry is allowed 20% overhead, which is, quite frankly, is much more than the 20% due to over-inflated CEO salaries/benefits and large, extravagant buildings.

Single payer health insurance? As in the government knowing and paying for all the damage caused by environmental toxins/carcinonogens, additives, genetically modified (and patented) veggies, etc... all that stuff which makes us sick makes BIG MONEY for their people. We live in a capitalist society. When our government needs to reach 'an agreement' with banks, farm, food, and (some day soon) the prison industry... it's for show. Special interest groups own our legislators anyways.

I've had a version of this three or four times out of the aborted six or so attempts at getting consistent medical care by physicians within my provider group. I get fed up with telling the CSR at the insurance company that I am fed up with paying for health insurance without receiving health care. Just today, I checked on the referrals that were supposed to have been submitted last week. Gee, the insurance company has no record of any referrals at all. I told the CSR that I had to download the form from the internet and request a second time from the office. The office clerk gave me business cards and told me that is their "referral". So, a week later, she doesn't do the referrals. I could have filled them out myself, to include looking up the codes, (except I would not have known how to figure out how many units), but I couldn't sign the form for the doctor. The CSR was not impressed with my observation.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Oncology, School Nursing, OB.

I had one at an urgent care just like that! Maybe they graduated from the same school! He seemed bored and like I wasting his time. He told me I should go off my antihistamine because they aren't good long term. I said well I ran out and was without for a week and got this wonderful sinus infection so now what? He didn't have an answer.

I had another dr that chewed bubble gum and kept blowing bubbles during my visit. She wore these old worn out clothes or pajamas (couldn't tell) and socks with her birk's. I honestly thought she was another patient at first.

Also, so tired of wasting so much time as the dr's and nurses spend like a half hour updating crap on the computer that I have to repeat every single visit! Then they don't have time to discuss my real issues for being there.

Also so really sick of my symptoms being ignored. So many times me and others in our family received late (to the point of life threatening at times) treatment. We've had appendicitis, heart issues, broken bones, RSV, pre eclampsia, and severe dehydration symptoms that were at first ignored. Every one of those we had to complain more than once and sometimes 2-3 times before further treatment was done finding out these issues. That's ridiculous! I'm so sick of hearing the blood work is ok. Well whoopee-still having the issue! Don't punish me because you have all these people on welfare going to the dr for every little thing so you think I'm blowing things out of proportion too! I can't afford to blow things out of proportion-I have to pay for the part of all my tests after my huge deductible is met! And don't get me started on how these drug seekers somehow get all this Vicodin or whatever and I can only get presciption Motrin even though it hurts my stomach. I broke my ribs (bike riding accident) and couldn't sleep and they would only give me prescription Aleve after I said the motrin was hurting my stomach. Ok still an nsaid and something I can get over the counter. Not helping! Very frustrated with our entire healthcare system!! (If you're on welfare I'm not saying you yourself go to the dr for every little thing but many do. I know. I've seen it firsthand.)

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