a doc's take on APRN's


Specializes in ER.

Found this at


Monday, September 18, 2006

A million flies cannot be wrong....


Who is flying up your backside?

At a meeting in London yesterday, the Airways Staffing Authority, representing all the major air line companies, announced the introduction of "Flight Attendant Practitioners", "Specialist Air Hostesses" and "Pilot Air Hostess".

A spokesman said:

"There is a critical shortage of qualified pilots. It takes many years to train a pilot to fly a modern jumbo jet and the expense of this training is enormous. We have a body of young men and women, all keen to help out and fill the gaps. These young people have been serving food and drinks to the passengers for many years, and are valuable members of the Air Crew Team. Given their years of experience it is only economic sense to make more use of them on the flight deck. They have been watching the pilots fly the planes for years, and will have no difficulty in taking over from them in certain controlled circumstances."

B]...more at the website.

Specializes in ICU, ER, HH, NICU, now FNP.

Hmmmmm comparing nurses to wait staff, unskilled personell to those with extensive training and skills - he is so far off on so many counts I don't even know where to begin...

I wonder WHAT flew up HIS backside? Something large and schtick like! :lol2:

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I agree. Those MD's who consistently say there is no place for APNs really need an education of their own. Little do they know, the APN's can help them to have a smoother practice with fewer complaints and more time to do the complex care. At least that is how it is in my practice. Our MD's look to the PA's and NP's to manage the day to day care of the patients so that the MD's can see to the more critical patients.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Geriatrics.

It's a good thing that his opinion does not count. ;) And he doesn't have to worry about anything flying up his backside; his head appears to be occupying the space.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

lol - go Sharon!

Specializes in ICU, ER, HH, NICU, now FNP.
It's a good thing that his opinion does not count. ;) And he doesn't have to worry about anything flying up his backside; his head appears to be occupying the space.


Specializes in FNP, Peds, Epilepsy, Mgt., Occ. Ed.
It's a good thing that his opinion does not count. ;) And he doesn't have to worry about anything flying up his backside; his head appears to be occupying the space.

Oh, that is too funny!!

A serious case of "cranio-rectal inversion!"


I've about had it with dumb*sses like him. I've seen time and time again that an MD after their name means nothing in some cases. There are some NPs that are better than MDs in many areas and of course some MDs that are more competent than NPs. IT COMES DOWN TO THE COMPETENCE OF THE INDIVIDUAL CARE PROVIDOR (MD OR NP) AS TO THE QUALITY OF CARE THAT THE PATIENT RECIEVES. I hope that's clear. Sometimes you need to resort to all caps. Don't make me resort to bold all caps. ;)

I saw an NP bring bring a complex case to an MD, and after the MD reviewed it, he gave it back to the NP and said do the best you can. It was so complex he didn't want to deal with it. MDs aren't even available when you need them.

I myself worked in a clinic where the MD was seeing scheduled routine well checks, and I was seeing more complex cases. It should have been the other way around.

That guy hasn't a clue when it comes to a medical practice.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I have responded to his site several times. I think he enjoys the controversy. I don't mind because it drives more traffic to my site.


Sharon......you're SO baaaad! Hee.

My internist has had NPs for years. He's one of the good guys though. Knows when it's a good thing.

Specializes in Orthosurgery, Rehab, Homecare.
It's a good thing that his opinion does not count. ;) And he doesn't have to worry about anything flying up his backside; his head appears to be occupying the space.

Yes, yes, the poor gent seems to have a bit of an anal blockage issue. Prehaps he should consult his proctologist


Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

I notice that he is a UK NHS doctor, advanced nursing roles are still regarded with much hostility over here so his opinion is not surprising. I recieve a mixed reaction from the docs that I work with some very accepting and some very critical of my role (a surgical nurse practitioner)

Nurse Prescribing is a new concept here and independent nurse prescribing has not yet been implemented in some areas of the UK so we are very much behind other countries in our advanced practice - we are getting there but slowly.

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