Do you think patients should have the right to use medical marijuana?

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  1. Do you think patients should have the right to use medical marijuana?

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Do you think patients should have the right to use medical marijuana?

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I have seen the benefits of its use(medically) in a friends father who was dying of cancer. It is a natural plant that grows from the earth and not made in a "lab". I would hate to think that someone suffering would have to go through criminal means just to find relief. I personally don't use it nor feel any urge to try it, but i think people who need it medically should be allowed to have it.:mad:

Absolutely. There is no reason in this day and age that someone should suffer because weed is illegal. We refine it and put it in a pill and give it to people to increase their appetite. Hemp was a good cash crop in this country until someone decided it should be illegal. Research hemp and you will find that our country is a little backwards about it. Think about it. Narcotics are illegal if you don't have a script. Alcohol is legal and look how many people that kills, including driving under the influence. Tobacco kills people and it's legal. I am a hospice nurse, and I think my patients have a right to any substance that's going to ease their suffering and let them have a peaceful death. If it means rolling up and smoking a dube then they should be able to. We have more compassion for our animals in this country than we do our citizens.

Many people who could benefit from medical marijuana refuse to take Marinol because it can have some nasty side effects, even at very low doses, and it's more expensive than weed anyway.

I do not see the difference between growing your own pot and making your own beer and wine. There are millions of people who cannot have beer and wine; there are many people who should not use marijuana recreationally either. I have seen people for whom marijuana contributed heavily to them being unemployable, not taking care of their children, etc. Yeah, yeah, I know there was probably more to the story, but smoking weed instead of taking responsibility for their life didn't help.

Specializes in ER,ICU,L+D,OR.

The difference is. If you grow your own the pharmacies can not make a profit from it. This always has been and will continue to be some antique laws completely based on profitability to the pharmacies. Money Money and Money

regulate it as you would a narcotic. Consider it a controlled substance by prescription only.

But if they do legalize it and regulate it the same as they do alcohol. Then yeah I think we would be out of debt nationally.

I see nothing wrong with legalizing it either for medical purposes or recreational purposes.

Specializes in ER,ICU,L+D,OR.
regulate it as you would a narcotic. Consider it a controlled substance by prescription only.

But if they do legalize it and regulate it the same as they do alcohol. Then yeah I think we would be out of debt nationally.

I see nothing wrong with legalizing it either for medical purposes or recreational purposes.

Legalize it Tax it, should make the gov't happy. As easy as it is to grow it would be difficult to regulate. I mean it is the largest cash crop in 13 states. They can not regulate it now. That is the problem. But it certainly needs to be decriminalized. So many people in prison are there due to MJ as is. And with the 3 strike rule, now really. Might actually put some prisons out of business. Or maybe they can keep real criminals in there. What a thought.

Of course it would put some pharmaceutical companies out of work, smoke a little MJ occasionally and you do not need those pills they give you.

I've suggested it to a few of my hospice patients, but I don't think any of them have taken me up on it. I don't even know how they'd get it as I'm clueless in that department myself. I've never used it, and don't intend to unless I had a condition that would warrant its use. But I think it is a good thing for certain conditions and illnesses. Recreational use? Well.....not so much for that. It's like advocating that oxycontin should be available for recreational use. Just not such a great idea.

Specializes in ER,ICU,L+D,OR.

sorry no comparison

you can easily OD on oxy

MJ you smoke too much, you get hungry, you eat, and you go to sleep. You dont quit breathing like narcs.

Yes. My nephew, who suffered a major birth defect because of a nausea med given to his mother in the early 80s, has pain from amputations and has a photo California license for the stuff. Makes sense to me. What's the difference between a methadone pill or another compared to marajuana? (although I haven't looked up the indication for grass)

Specializes in Post-Interventional Cardiology.
sorry no comparison

you can easily OD on oxy

MJ you smoke too much, you get hungry, you eat, and you go to sleep. You dont quit breathing like narcs.

You beat me to the punch OxyContin is way more sinister (if abused) than marijuana could ever be. I'm not a "legalize marijuana" fanatic but I am dumbfounded by the fact that people would even waste time fighting the legality of medicinal marijuana when there are countless other, far more addictive and dangerous, prescription drugs being abused.

Specializes in ER,ICU,L+D,OR.
Yes. My nephew, who suffered a major birth defect because of a nausea med given to his mother in the early 80s, has pain from amputations and has a photo California license for the stuff. Makes sense to me. What's the difference between a methadone pill or another compared to marajuana? (although I haven't looked up the indication for grass)

There is a big difference between methadone and MJ. Methadone is a synthetic narcotic, you can easily OD on it. We see that regularly in the ER. No comparison to Pot

I think that Marijuana should be completely leagl. While I think marijuana (along with cigarettes and excessive drinking) is completely disgusting, I think it is rediculous how much money our country spends on fighting Marijuana and its use. I dont see how it is any worse than alcohol use (which actually leads to many deaths). For decades the dangers of marijuana use has been grossly exagerated and countries that have legalized marijuana has even shown a decrease in use. Another interesting thing is that marijuana smokers generally are ocassional users and do not abuse it like alcohol and cigarettes. Anyway, ill step off my soapbox now.

The only prob I had with weed. (yes I used to be a pot head in my early yrs) was sometimes I would get a little paranoid. Not schizo paranoid, just the paranoia of trying to hide that you are stoned from the genral public or your parents. And then I would have an anxiety attack also.

The prob with "street weed" tho is to often it can be laced with something and you would never know it.

But your good ole fashion home grown is the safest by far. And I always thought that was alot better than any lidocain, It always made me numb and of course I laughed at everything.

I haven't touched the stuff for well over 10yrs. It's just not as fun as it used to be.

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