Do you think it is a mistake going into nursing for me?


Hi, I am a 30 years old trying to get into nursing school. I am currently taking prereqs at local community college. 

The more and more I research about nursing there is so much negativity forums and articles about nursing.

- patients treat you crap

- management is terrible

- undervalued, underpaid, etc..

I am currently in a totally different field, but I hate my job..and I don't see any future career in this field..

I was always interested in medical field and specifically primary care or anesthesiology and at 30 years old decided to change my field to nursing. my goal was to work as a nurse and purse my career further as NP, PA or CRNA.

I've done some research and found out that NP, PA or CRNA will not be in demand in around 10 years and that is taking away my hope as well...

I feel so devastated whenever I read about these negativity side of nursing.

I have so much fear of maybe not getting accepted to nursing school, failing my NCLEX-RN, not being able to get a job as a nurse.

am I overthinking myself? Do you think it is a mistake for me to purse a nursing career? ? please share your thoughts




Specializes in retired LTC.

Be careful - there's such a thing as OVER-RESEARCHING a topic. Over-researching until your eyeballs pop out! And OVER-THINKING things! All you can do is work to do well on your studies while keeping an eye on your FUTURE plans. Focus on the present.

It's impossible to forecast so far into the future what the state of the industry will be. Take these times NOW as an example of how things have changed and are STILL changing! Who'd da thunk it!

And while there is a a lot of negativity in nsg, the positivity doesn't seem to make as much loud noise. We all don't require popmp & circumstances accolades for what we do, just a little recognition WOULD really be nice. But that's another story! When you've done a good job and you go home knowing it, THAT does feel good.

Go for it. If you don't you'll always wonder what if ....



amoLucia, thank you for your encouragement and kind words.

maybe I will share with you in the future what I have become ? 

Specializes in retired LTC.

Oh, you forgot, 'undervalued, underpaid', and OVERWORKED. LOL

Seriously, I retired after 36 years - it was my time. NO real regrets for those years, except to say that I would have liked to have been off on my birthday more often (some places grant birthdays as a paid holiday!).

Again, you'll never know unless you try. Good luck to you.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

It seems to me you left the most important piece of information -- How will you feel doing the actual work of nursing?   Is that the type of work you really want to do?

Working conditions, pay, public recognition, etc. are variable in nursing.   Sometimes they are good.  Sometimes they are terrible.   Most of the time, they are "somewhere in the middle."   Nursing is a relatively dangerous profession that is not always recognized and rewarded as such.

If nursing is the type of work you want to do, the pursue it.   If you are only considering nursing to get away from something else ... there are easier ways to make a decent living.

On 9/2/2020 at 3:25 PM, amoLucia said:

And while there is a a lot of negativity in nsg, the positivity doesn't seem to make as much loud noise. We all don't require popmp & circumstances accolades for what we do, just a little recognition WOULD really be nice. But that's another story! When you've done a good job and you go home knowing it, THAT does feel good.

Go for it. If you don't you'll always wonder what if ....

Thank you for this! I've been lurking around this forum in order to ease some of the nervousness while I wait to find out if I have been accepted to the ABSN program I applied to. After reading some of the threads, I've started wondering the same thing as the OP. What you write resonates with me - I am definitely someone who takes pride in feeling like I've done a good days work. :)

Although, I still wonder about how new nurses get treated by existing nurses and this idea of "nursing eating their own". I'd like to think that this is not as widespread as it is made out to be.

Specializes in retired LTC.
4 hours ago, FindingNovember said:

......  Although, I still wonder about how new nurses get treated by existing nurses and this idea of "nursing eating their own". I'd like to think that this is not as widespread as it is made out to be.

I most whole-heartedly agree with you. I truly believe that's it's a newer generation of nurses who freq feel 'bullied' or subject to other 'mean nurses don't like me' sentiments. They're the ones who're always moaning & groaning here. I would venture that they were cushioned in life experiences prior to & incl nsg school. And now, a REAL job in a REAL life or death environment with NO coddling or cushioning is occurring. No rosy, unicorn-sparkled, 'poor thing' support is forthcoming, and they are loathe to 'put on their big girl panties'.

I was actually called a 'KAREN' here in a post (2 other experienced nurses & myself) because we weren't nicey & sweety with the answers a nurse was wanting in her post. (I'm serious!!)

Nursing is a serious profession, nothing like TV! It can be downright dirty & nasty, soul-sucking at times. Others & I don't have the luxury to make things easy for ourselves, much less others who are SUPER surprised, dismayed, disappointed, angry about the true demands of nsg. I'm guessing that they just didn't know what they were getting into. AND REALITY SUCKS!

There's good & bad with every job. Just as long as one has reasonable expectations, they should make out OK.

Caring for patients is the most rewarding work I’ve done.  It doesn’t even feel like work because I love it.  It can be hard and challenging, but so far the benefit of being happy and good at what I do outweighs the challenges.

Specializes in Community health.

If I read a lot of parenting Instagram accounts and Reddit forums about parenting and Fb pages about parenting, I’d never have decided to have my son. I’m just saying... People online like to be negative. I think you should seek out some nurses in real-life, take them out for coffee, and see what they say about their careers. 

Nursing has its challenges, as do every other job in the world.  You have to love what you do enough to overcome the drawbacks.  I remember telling someone who was interested in nursing because we "make good money" that if you go into it just for the money, you are going to be sorry.  And probably a sub-par nurse

Specializes in SRNA.
On 9/2/2020 at 10:18 AM, nursetobeat33 said:

Hi, I am a 30 years old trying to get into nursing school. I am currently taking prereqs at local community college. 

The more and more I research about nursing there is so much negativity forums and articles about nursing.

- patients treat you crap

- management is terrible

- undervalued, underpaid, etc..

I am currently in a totally different field, but I hate my job..and I don't see any future career in this field..

I was always interested in medical field and specifically primary care or anesthesiology and at 30 years old decided to change my field to nursing. my goal was to work as a nurse and purse my career further as NP, PA or CRNA.

I've done some research and found out that NP, PA or CRNA will not be in demand in around 10 years and that is taking away my hope as well...

I feel so devastated whenever I read about these negativity side of nursing.

I have so much fear of maybe not getting accepted to nursing school, failing my NCLEX-RN, not being able to get a job as a nurse.

am I overthinking myself? Do you think it is a mistake for me to purse a nursing career? ? please share your thoughts

Where is this research? If anything it's going to get better for all APRNs. I would post research articles from the past year that helps support that but I doubt you'd want to read it.

If you want to get into anesthesia, but don't feel like nursing is a good fit for you, then look into Anesthesia Assistant programs. You would need to take some prerequisites such as: biochem, organic, anatomy & physiology, physics, etc. You also need a bachelors degree in some field. good luck in whatever you decide. 




Well, I’m a 36 year nurse and I would almost never recommend someone go into nursing. It will hurt you physically, spiritually and emotionally. It has changed so much  and that has much to do with our for profit system. There are other areas in healthcare that pay just as well or better and without the headaches of nursing. Examples would be radiology, OT, PT or even a PA. Although of course we need nurses,  I think it’s really important to evaluate what it is exactly that you are expecting nursing to be for you. I was able to escape the corporate nonsense by living on the Navajo reservation for many years. Grateful patients and about 30,000 a year more than my friends in the “non profit” big hospital systems and a pension with healthcare for life. Good luck to you in whatever you decide. ❤️

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