Do you plan on working while in nursing school?


Specializes in ICU.

Right now I work and go to school at night and my husband is a stay-at-home dad. But when I start nursing school - the plan is he's going to have the be the bread winner. That scared the heck out of me!!! :uhoh21:

So are you planning on working while in nursing school - or is someone else going to support you?

Specializes in Psych, Tele.

My fiance will be supporting me so I can fully focus on NS. I don't think I'd be able to handle the stress of work, school, and most importantly, my child.

I plan to work in the per diem CNA pool at the local hospital. That way, If I need more time for my studies, I take my name out of the hat.

Yes, I will be working fulltime during NS but my current job is in a call center and I can study between calls. I'm trying to decide whether to work as a CNA during NS but the study time would be the problem. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Yes, I plan on working during nursing school. I am starting my pre-reqs this quarter and hoping for Fall 2009 admission. Thankfully, I only have to worry about myself, no kids and no marriage, and have a pretty decent job right now that I can support myself with. Working full time is not going to be fun or easy while going to NS, but it's something Iv'e gotta do.

volumne and we can do whatever we want in between calls, including read, study, talk on cell phone, even watch online shows or movies.

I currently am fulltime, but if it gets to be too much I will ask to switch to part time for sure and just work 2 days a week. It would hurt a little financially but would definately be doable!

I will be working full time. I am working lots of OT right now to pay my bills off so I can cut my hours down when I do not have a choice. I am lucky enough to have a job where I can study at work.

I'm planning on working during ns but who knows if it gets too demanding i might cut back. My husb and I are currently working at eliminating our debt and i'm starting my last few prereqs in january.

Specializes in SNU/SNF/MedSurg, SPCU Ortho/Neuro/Spine.

i am working... and i plan to be able to keep on doing so...!

Specializes in Corrections.

I don't plan on working while in NS. I give kudos to those who do..I know it must be tough to balance everything!

Yes I plan on working, unless congress gets into gear and passes the New G.I.Bill Amendment. If that happens, then I will have to weigh my options, but as of now, I do not have a choice in the matter.

God Bless,


Specializes in CNA.

depends. right now i think i will work a part time. this summer before i go to college i want to utilize my cna liscence that i will get to make sure that this is what i want.

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