Do nurses have a responsibility to keep their Facebook professional?

Nurses Professionalism


I am "Facebook friends" with a large number of my nursing peers. I am often quite surprised at the behavior I see exhibited by them in so public a place.

I see:

1. Lots and lots of foul language/inappropriate pics, etc.

2. Lots and lots of "oh, man, I'm so wasted right now...bout to go to the next bar!!!"

3. Lots and lots of TMI about relationships, affairs, drunkeness, fights, whatever.

On their FB profile, they have it proudly posted that they are "Registered Nurse at So-and-so Hospital", or "Proud PEDI Nurse!" or "School nurse at Ur Dum Akadimy".

I cringe sometimes when I see some of this stuff, and think to myself "what would their employer think?" or, "Hope they're not interviewing soon with a computer-adept manager".

I try to keep my social media as clean as I can, and don't flaunt any of my bad habits for the world to see.

But, what do you think? Do nurses have a responsibility to maintain a professional demeanor on their (supposedly) private social media sites?

Another possibility: Am I an old fart?

I don't post stuff I wouldn't want my grandparents to see.

I was even very iffy about posting pics where I had a glass of alcohol in my hand. I went to Europe and it isn't legal for me to drink in the states but I can there, so I was hemming and hawing over posting a pic where my cousin and I are holding sangria in clear plastic cups (Mine was a vodka with lime *yummy!* but could easily be mistaken for limeade). I also hemmed about a pic of us at a table with a drink for each of us at the bar. But, as there was no bad behavior going on (I don't get drunk EVER) and it was legal in the country I was in I decided to post them.

I don't talk about bad behavior (who wants e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e to know every questionable choice you ever made or how often you get wasted?) and don't share personal relationship hooha.

It seems silly to me to broadcast that stuff to the world. I wouldn't want people to get the wrong impression of me based on my Facebook page.

Seems to me it has nothing to do with being a nurse but everything to do with being a classy person.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Academics.

I am as boring in real life as I am here and on my Facebook page. I have nothing to worry about.

Why do fools use their real names on Facebook? It's all gonna' come back to you.

I agree that anyone who posts on facebook should keep it professional. With that being said, most people let their 'slim shady' side out on facebook and other public forums. Don't know why they think that this is ok when the entire world is watching. The authors can't hide once their 'stuff' have been put out there. Nurses especially should keep it professional. We must maintain our professional standards at all times--and actually be professionals. Nurses currently are highly respected in the world. We were in the top 5 recently. Let's keep it that way.

Specializes in ER & ICU.

Yes, as nurses it is our responcibility to uphold the highest standard of professionalism. Nursing is the #1 most trusted profession and it is up to us as nurse to keep it that way.

Yes, as nurses it is our responcibility to uphold the highest standard of professionalism. Nursing is the #1 most trusted profession and it is up to us as nurse to keep it that way.

Honestly, when I see idiots posting and doing stupid things on facebook, my first response is never "omg that girl is a teacher," or "omg that guy is a nurse". I do think ok the other hand " wow that kid is an idiot"

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatrics, Palliative Care.

UGH facebook!! The place where people feel the need to go and spew anything and everything to anyone and everyone who will read it and pay even a little bit of attention to them. I often cringe when I see some things posted in my newsfeed from others and I have been known to clean up my friends list on a regular basis, deleting those who post nothing but drama, those who post filth, etc. I try to keep my facebook "light" and do NOT and will NOT post derogatory comments about work or my chosen profession.

Do we have a responsibility to keep our FB professional? I think within reason maybe we have a moral responsibility to do so HOWEVER, we are all human and we aren't perfect. My FB account is as private as I can keep it however I know that nothing is 100% and I keep that in mind when I'm on there. I try to keep my facebook light. I post inspirational things or something so random which reflects who I am as a person which I believe speaks volumes of who I am as a nurse. The only thing I've posted about my employment is that I love the profession I've chosen and that some days are better than others but that I'm rough and tough and will make the best of any situation... this is true to who I am.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatrics, Palliative Care.
I agree that anyone who posts on facebook should keep it professional. With that being said, most people let their 'slim shady' side out on facebook and other public forums. Don't know why they think that this is ok when the entire world is watching. The authors can't hide once their 'stuff' have been put out there.

I think this is why many employers are looking on FB profile pages to see who their possible employees are outside of the interview. We go into an interview at our best, putting up the best front. A view of a FB profile may show a different story.

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

Some people around here really don't get the concept of enlightened self-interest.

Specializes in Emergency.
I am as boring in real life as I am here and on my Facebook page. I have nothing to worry about.

Yeah that seems to be my issue as well!

Our state board of nursing had a two page spread on this in the last State Board of Nursing Newsetter. Nurses need to be aware that they can be held accountable for information that they post to their Facebook pages or other social media. They can be disciplined or even face HIPAA violations. Somehow nurses have this idea that if they do not mention the patient's name, they are home free. This is not the case. First of all, it is totally classless and unprofessional to mention anything about patient care in a non-work setting, but if the patient is identifiable by any means, there could be legal and ethicl ramifications. As far as griping about work online, that, too is very risky. Your employers have access to your Facebook accounts unless you have them very restricted, but I have had employees who have blocked me from their Facebook accounts, only to have their posts brought to my attention by other employees. Thankfully, I have not encountered many negative comments from our current or past employees, but I have seen some doozies that I think are crossing the line. If people are posting personal experiences, such as being drunk, wasted, or other personal behaviors of a questionable nature, it is difficult for there to be any direct consequences to that behavior, but they should be aware that it could impact their employability depending on who has access to that posting, and may certainly make an impression on people who know what they do for a living. Self-respect and self-control are two very important character traits in my book.

Specializes in Community Health/Public Health.

My Facebook is private, so only my friends can see it. I do post things sometimes that are silly or have salty language, but that is where I draw the line. I see other nurse's who are friends post things about sex and being drunk alot..I even saw one person who's profile picture was with her and one of her patients. I think that it is up to you what you post on your fb page, but people need to be mindful that it's called the world wide web for a reason.

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