Do nurses get paid enough for what they do?


  1. Do nurses get paid enough for what they do?

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I am wondering your take on this, because I believe that nurses are one of the most hard working profession, but do they get paid what they deserve? I think I am getting what I deserve by helping people, but others cringe at the though that some bartenders are making more then them. what do you think?

I found that outside of the hospital pays better in my situation. It is much more than I made before I was in nursing. However, I must say that with daily exposures to biohazards, holding lives in your hands with your decisions, no we don't make enough. Which is probably why there is a shortage. Who wants to work in a biohazard nightmare, short staffed and huge pressures and not be compensated accordingly. (not to mention the attitudes you have to put up with at times)

Let's fix the nursing shortage by actually getting the compensation in line with the responsibilities.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

I think experienced, well-educated nurses, in particular, are horribly underpaid.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

Yes, we are "underpaid" ... but so are a lot of people -- police, firefighters, military personnel, etc.

We perform services that people expect to receive whenever they need they need them -- and we can only perform those services for a relatively small number of people at a time. If we were to produce a product or perform a service that we could sell a million at a time, we would make lots of money. Sell a million items at $1.00 a piece and you make $1,000,000. -- Perform a service or sell a product that sells for $100, but you can only sell 3 at a time, and you only make $300.

That's the economics of it. While we might make some gains in compensation and working conditions through hard work and political strategy, we will never get away from that fundatmental economic fact.


I'm happy with what I make. I live in California.

I hate to buck the trend but I'm pretty happy with my pay. I graduated in 2000 and make 85K, 5 weeks vacation. I'm due for a merit increase this month of about 3k and a 4% COL increase sometime this year. This is base pay-no call or overtime included. Over half the staff in my unit are making over 100k base pay. Say what you want about unions, but we sure beat employment in a "right to work" state.

I hate to buck the trend but I'm pretty happy with my pay. I graduated in 2000 and make 85K, 5 weeks vacation. I'm due for a merit increase this month of about 3k and a 4% COL increase sometime this year. This is base pay-no call or overtime included. Over half the staff in my unit are making over 100k base pay. Say what you want about unions, but we sure beat employment in a "right to work" state.

What state are you located in? COL in a particular area does effect pay.

For those who don't think they make enough: what would you consider "enough"? Exact numbers, too, please.

Jim Huffman, RN

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

About 10K more.

Cost of living is the reason. And i don't say this as an LPN, i'm factoring in the RN as well.

10K sounds like a good start. Problem here is there is no COL increase with merit increases. And merit increases are 0-3% and the 3% are the people who really do some major butt kissing. 2% is average, which doesn't even keep up with COL. Not to mention 3% requires additional paperwork from the manager to get processed (not too many want to do that).

Specializes in SICU.

UH.......not only no, but H-E-double hockeysticks, no!!!! :rotfl:

I don't think I'm paid enough for what I do, and i've only been a nurse for 6 months. I decided by my 3rd day on the floor to get my behind back in school. I start next month, it will take 4 semesters and I will graduate with my MSN, & be eligible for certification as an ARNP or/and CNS.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Cardiac, ICU.
I think that nurses are not paid enough. I am always harping on the fact that actors are paid millions for entertaining while others are saving lives and usually make less than $50K per year. I guess that's the injustices of life and we just have to live with it.

:offtopic: Whoa. I got to jump in real quick and speak on that one! As far as entertainers getting paid millions, that is OUR fault. If no one bought a concert ticket, a CD, a movie ticket, or a DVD, then these people would be just as broke as we are (or say we are). Where do you think the money they make comes from? Production companies spend millions on making a movie and are still able to pay actors a million dollar salary because WE as consumers pay for it. Soooo, on that note, I think nurses should be paid more because of the work they do.

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