Published Jan 21, 2013
2 Posts
Hi everyone!
I'm still in highschool, but I've been thinking about going into nursing. I went on some university websites and found that to get into their nursing program, you don't NEED physics, but they recommend that you take it since I'm guessing that you have to take physics in year one.
I, however, SUCK at physics!!!!! I can't take trying to learn it because it really makes no sense to me.... I love bio and chem, but are those enough to get me through the program? And if I don't take physics in highschool, will universities still accept me over someone who did take it?
Thanks so much!
195 Posts
I'm in California, and as far as I have researched I don't recall any schools requiring physics; my school has no requirement or recommendations for it.
queserasera, RN
1 Article; 718 Posts
Nursing doesn't require physics as far as I'm concerned. You'll only need physics if you're pre med.
KelRN215, BSN, RN
1 Article; 7,349 Posts
I took physics in high school (and it was a joke... I learned more about politics and guitar playing in physics than I did about anything to do with science) and then never thought about it again. Nursing programs don't require physics. The science classes you'll (likely) have to take are Anatomy and Physiology (usually 2 semesters), Microbiology and Chemistry.
62 Posts
My school requires Bio I&II OR Chem I&II OR Physics I&II
1,163 Posts
None of the programs I apply to require physics. They require chemistry 1, a & p 1 and 2, microbiology, and nutrition.
thanks for your replies!
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
Fundamental principles of physics are important when it comes to understanding complex human physiology. However, this is usually included in the appropriate sections. Physics is necessary to clearly understand concepts such as pressure gradients and systemic vascular resistance - essential to be able to effectively titrate vasoactive medications which is frequently a responsibility of ICU nurses.
382 Posts
None of the BSN programs require physics. The public university I used to go to did require it, but they just cut it out last fall
17 Posts
It would depend on the individual program's curriculum and their respective prerequisites.
I have researched and just applied to quite a few BSN programs (as a transfer) and from my experience only one BSN program wanted General Physics I (either high school or college). I'm from Connecticut and that school was UCONN. I just took Physics this past fall, and it was quite grueling to say the least... but it is possible to do reasonably well if you put your mind to it and seek extra help, even when you don't have a test coming up soon; I know it helped me.
As I'm sure everyone is well aware, the sciences are one of the most important factors when being considered for admission. If Physics is not "required" but recommended, I would assume that it could be seen as a way to "stand out" over other applicants or like you said, you may eventually have to take it. If that is the case, if I would just take it while you're still in high school and get it over with.
Good luck!
449 Posts
I've never taken physics, in high school or college. It isn't required for the program I'm in, or the programs I intend to do next. However, during my college search it was required for the state school that offers nursing (university of iowa).
258 Posts
I know this thread is older, but I loved I mean LOVED Physics II! It was so interesting, but I like astronomy!