Do you disclose AN to coworkers

Specialties School


Do any of you SN folks let your coworkers know that you are on AllNurses ?

If so, do you disclose your username ?

Are you comfortable with this ?

Just curious. I do not want anyone I work with to know or identify me on here.

Thanks !

Nope. I also do not post from work. Do read though when I get a spare minute and sometimes get goofy glances from office staff when laughter can not be contained :)

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
It isn't that I don't respect or like other female nurses. I just don't like the ones who are so into cliques and gossiping about others. Or the ones that consistently complain about patients and make fun of them. I've worked over 35 years and have seen some pretty hostile environments. No reason for that in my opinion.

Your post doesn't sound as though you like or respect females. It sounds as if you are one of the women saying that being female is a defect, that males are more professional. Misogyny.

Here is your post:

And as a female nurse, I can honestly say that I find most male nurses to be honest and say what they think, instead of running around gossiping and back-stabbing. I'm glad to see more men becoming nurses. Helps to increase the professionalism.
Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
I meant what I said the first time. I just didn't fully explain myself. There are a lot of really nasty female nurses who seem to get a kick out of making other nurses miserable. They pick on the new grads (does eat their young come to mind?), talk trash and start rumors about whoever isn't working that shift, and so on. But that doesn't mean there aren't good and professional female nurses too. I was just trying to make a point that I don't see that negative behavior in male nurses like I do in female nurses. It is junior high behavior that some apparently never grow out of and I think it is terrible and unprofessional. It is especially bad when someone's feelings are hurt from gossip that usually isn't even true. We had a young male nurse on our unit, who unbeknownst to others,was dating my daughter. They encountered a few issues at one point and so he and I shared a few breaks as he wanted to talk about it and asked my advice. Next thing I knew, it was all over the place that we were having an affair. He was 20 years younger than me! It was embarrassing for him and I was furious. I was actually told by my head nurse to keep my personal life outside of the work place. She felt stupid when I explained the truth and she apologized. He actually transferred off our unit! It was very unpleasant and gossiping and the damage it can cause affects people's lives. He and my daughter ended up breaking up over it. Our next staff meeting included a lecture on the topic of gossip because it wasn't the only incident and I wasn't the only recipient of such crap. And God forbid if I was seen talking to any other male coworker. Some people still believed it! I was married to my high school sweetheart and 47 years later, still am. I was never interested in any other guy. And especially one dating my daughter. That is just sick.

You still sound like a misogynist. You keeping pointing out over and over that females are nasty, females gossip, females are unprofessional, etc. etc. As if males weren't nasty, gossipy or unprofessional. None of your subsequent posts have helped your case for being anything other than a misogynist.

When you attribute negative traits to someone's (female) gender and positive traits to the male gender, you are being a misogynist. None of your "explanations" have changed anything. You are still making misogynistic statements.

Personally I think it's bizarre so many of you will not disclose you AN participation. Hiding anything? :saint:

Specializes in MICU, ED, Med/Surg, SNF, LTC, DNS.

I kinda get what she is talking about. I'm sorry you have had that type of experience, and I do realize you are talking from your experiences from where you have worked for many years. But as a male, there are some that act that way also. It really does not matter what sex the person is, but how they were raised and honestly how management reacts to the environment gossip creates. Don't forget, to do nothing is to do something.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
You still sound like a misogynist. You keeping pointing out over and over that females are nasty, females gossip, females are unprofessional, etc. etc. As if males weren't nasty, gossipy or unprofessional. None of your subsequent posts have helped your case for being anything other than a misogynist.

When you attribute negative traits to someone's (female) gender and positive traits to the male gender, you are being a misogynist. None of your "explanations" have changed anything. You are still making misogynistic statements.

Did I mention I love women?

Did I mention I love women?

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.
But as a male, there are some that act that way also. .

As the one lone female who once was working along side of a group of seven guys, I can attest to that!

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.
As the one lone female who once was working along side of a group of seven guys, I can attest to that!

You probably intimidated them and that was their coping mechanism.

You probably intimidated them and that was their coping mechanism.

Or they were just jerks.

Specializes in School Nurse. Having conversations with littles..
Personally I think it's bizarre so many of you will not disclose you AN participation. Hiding anything? :saint:

Rigggght?! Do you think we act like we are hiding anything???!! I am like a kid with a new toy. Finally, I HAVE SCHOOL NURSE CO-WORKERS!!! After 20 years?! Yes, I think so!!

Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN.
You probably intimidated them and that was their coping mechanism.

I intimidated them because they didn't intimidate me!

And because I'm " a mean moto-scooter an' a bad go-getta!" :woot:

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