Published Apr 14, 2009
184 Posts
Kind of a weird situation and I don't know what to do (if anything). I'm a freshman in a 4-year Nursing program. My roommate is also in the program. The rules are you must pass A&PI (lecture + lab), A&PII (lecture + lab) and Chem (lecture + lab) with at least a C (75) by May of your first year in order to continue on in the program.
Last week in conversation my roommate revealed she had gotten a C- in A&PI lecture.
Let me just say that anyone who does not pass any one science course with the required C is allowed to retake that class to get a higher grade. She chose not to do this. (She claims her advisor never said anything so she doesn't think there's a problem).
Today is course selection. She successfully signed up for all the nursing classes (intro, health assessment, clinical, labs, micro) while at least 2 other girls I know of did NOT get put in.
I feel like 1) the program should have caught her grade slip and either told her to retake or not let her sign up... and 2) I kind of want to bring this to the attention of someone but I don't want to seem like an a** or whiney student.
I'm just very frustrated at this point, because I feel that it is very unfair that she is taking up spots in the classes she technically shouldn't be in.
Any advice??
704 Posts
The semester isn't even over yet and she may still pull off the required grade. It isn't your place to get involved. Don't forget that you might have to live with this person for the next few years. I am sure once the grades for the term are posted, the school will pull people out of classes they won't be able to move on to, and place those that are next in line. I understand your loyalty to your friends but trust that the school knows what they are doing and stay out of it.
Lefty Lou
59 Posts
I had a similar situation while in undergrad. My roommate and I were both biology majors and she got a C- in bio II. The rule at our school was that you could retake any class over, but if you went to the next level then you could never go back and retake that class. Well, she signed up for genetics with me and I told her that she couldnt take it because of getting a C- in bio, but she said her advisor never mentioned anything to her. Finally, she started listening to me and asked her advisor and what I told her was right, she wouldnt have been able to retake bio if she got through genetics. Your situation is a little different but I would definitely mention something to her again and tell her that it could become a problem in the end. If she chooses not to take your advice I would say something to an advisor, because its not fair, and im sure they just didnt catch it.
Well I'm hoping that's what they'll do. We took A&PI last semester and that's the class she got the grade in - and with 3 weeks left til the end of the semester, she obviously can't make it up now. I'm hoping they will see this error and fix it for the sake of the other students who did work hard to earn passing grades.
I know I shouldn't get involved and that's why I won't say anything to administration or the director of the program but I just feel so bad for the other students, and I wish my school would look and see that this girl has no chance of moving on because she didn't pass and didn't retake so by the rules she can't continue. I guess this is just a major vent about the whole situation. I hope it's resolved soon.
Oh and I wanted to mention that had she continued with genetics and finished the semester she would not have been allowed to graduate because the requirements state that you must have a C or better. So this situation was a very big deal and the school didnt notice it. If I wouldnt have told her that, she wouldnt have a degree right now. In my case it was good that I got involved, and you never know, it could be the same for your friend.
SierraMoon, ADN, BSN, RN
215 Posts
A C- in lecture might average to a C overall, if she did well enough in lab.
I believe I would keep out of it.
If you DO mention it to an advisor, make it sounds as though it is a situation you are curious about in case it happens to you, and mention that your roommate was able to register for classes with a C-. DON'T present it in a tattle-tale manner. Sound concerned, and ask for clarification. Unless you can't stand your roommate and couldn't care less about animosity, then by all means tell the entire school.
I still don't think it is your business or place to say anything to an advisor but after reading Lefty Lou's response I now see that she could just be ignorant and might thank you in the long run, after she gets over the initial anger of you confronting her or ratting her out.
I agree with FutureNOVARN, dont do it in a tattle-tell manor. I was concerned for my roommate because I didnt want to see her get through four tough years of bio to only find out she couldnt graduated because she couldnt raise her C- to a C she went to the next level of classes. I think your friend would rather take the class now, then get through more classes only for them to tell her they dont count or she has to go back.
908 Posts
The way I'm reading doesn't sound like your telling would be from a friend who was concerned..but more of a tattle-tell perspective. Doesn't seem like you're trying to help her out..but instead..doing it for some other reason.
So in that case..I think you should leave well enough alone. If the school catches it..oh well. If they don't..oh well. Unless it's directly affecting you and your entrance into the program (which it doesn't sound like it is) really isn't your business or place to say anything to anyone.
If she was a friend..I still wouldnt' advise you to say anything to an advisor..but I would say you should be more firm with her in making sure she has her information correct. Not to hope she gets pulled out (which sounds like what you want) but to make sure nothing will hold her back in the long run.
I said something to her about it, and she was adamant that because her advisor said nothing, it was okay. She also acknowledged that she knew she had to retake it, and didn't. I am not going to tattle on her, but I wish the school would've caught this before she took up other students' spots.
No, it does not affect me, I am just frustrated that she doesn't care that she is holding up other people's spots and essentially failed a class by the school's standards. And that the college seems to not notice.
Well, then don't worry about it. Especially if she knows she should retake it..and blantantly didn't. Karma will catch up with her..
Sounds like she is a real idiot. I hope they catch her. It's sad, really, that she doesn't care. She could be making the biggest mistake of her life.