I need advice about one of my pt. refusal to cooperate when taking meds. This pt. will put all pills in mouth and refuse to swallow, I have tried one pill at a time, I have tried crushing, I'm at my wits end. Pt. has 8 to 10 pills to take bid, it takes anywhere from 10 to 20 min. to try and cajole her into swallowing. This pt. can hold more water in her mouth than anybody I've ever seen, water and pill residue will run out the sides of her mouth, she can swallow, she just won't. Laughs, thinks it's funny. I just don't have the time to deal with this every day, day in day out, I'm afraid I just don't have the patience to deal with someone that thrives on aggravating the you know what out of staff just because they have always gotten away with it. I have tried being stern with her, kindness, bribery. Everybody that has ever given meds to her, say that is "just the way she is". Fine, but, I'm ready to start documenting that pt. refuses to take meds and be done with it. Pt. is A&O, CVA, no difficulty eating or drinking anything she wants, reg. diet, I'm fed up. HELP ME PLEASE!!!