*Didn't Pass NCLEX-RN for the 4th Time =(*

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi everyone! I'm new to this community. I signed up because people here are usually uplifting everyone and I thought I could use some inspiration and encouragement too.:up:

Just took the NCLEX-RN for the 4th time last wk and today I found out that I didn't pass. :sniff: I feel like a failure and that not only did I let myself down but also my family and relatives. They really want me to pass ASAP. My parents told their friends a while back that I'm taking I'm taking the boards soon and now every time that I see them somewhere they keep asking me if I'm a RN or not. I just feel terrible. I haven't even kept in touch with some friends because I'm embarrassed to say that I still haven't passed. I tried my best on this 4th time but still didn't work. I also feel discouraged and don't know how I'll be able to start reviewing again for my next exam.:o

The following is what I've used to help me review:

-Kaplan Review Course (Wasn't helpful for me)

-Saunders Q&A Review Exam Edition 3 (Very helpful)

-Saunders CD

My weakest areas on the NCLEX are SATA (Select All That Apply) questions, COHORTING patients with different types of diseases, and meds. If at all possible I don't really want to purchase any more resources because I don't have the money.

If you have any suggestions or advice for me I'd really appreciate it. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to pass the NCLEX-RN on my next try. It's been my dream to be a RN. :redpinkhe Thanks for reading my story! God Bless!

I understand what you are talking about, I have taken the exam several times and have not passed as of yet. But I refuse to give up. I spent too much time and effort in Nursing school to just give it up. I know and believe that we are going to pass it eventually with Gods help. We are meant to be Nurses and very good ones.

Hi Heavenzangel! I too have taken the Board exam several times, and was not successful.:down: I plan on taking it again because i know in my heart that this is the career i want to pursue. :nurse: So if this is really what you want to do, just keep trying. I'm sorry to say I don't have any "fail-proof plan" or review because i myself am still looking into that. But i hear this "Suzanne's Plan" is pretty good. Even though i cannot seem to find the "stickies" for more info.

Anyway, I feel the same way you do or did. I felt like a disappointment to myself and my family. I have isolated myself from my friends. And i contantly feared running into someone i knew, and that they were gonna ask me that dreadful question. But i do have family and friends who continue to support me and help me stay focus. And thank you for posting this thread. It's assuring that I'm not the only one going through this. :redpinkhe And good luck!

Wishing good luck to those who have posted that they haven't passed yet. Keep up the hard work and you will succeed.

Hello! I too just took my NCLEX-RN exam for the 4th time and failed!! My husband was so upset that he said he is going to have to stop paying for my school loans because he has to come up with the money for paying our property taxes this Nov. 2012. I am new to this community too. I've used these forums to help me find ways to remember things as I was studying. It seems that this time I studied for the kinds of questions that I saw on the NCLEX on the last two exams I took. I think they make it harder each time, and definitely give you very different types of questions. On all of my exams, I've only had 2 or 3 math questions, and I always felt sure about those. My test shut off this time at about 85 and I didn't know what to think. I had to leave feeling as if I really did well or I failed miserably. I took the test Friday and went home and did the Pearson Vue trick and I didn't pass. My husband thinks I shouldn't take the test again. I'm receiving unemployment and not sure if it will run out in two weeks or if I'll get another renewal, but he wants me to look for work. Does anyone know if you can challenge taking the LVN/LPN exam with a BSN degree? I'm trying to think of what I can do with a BSN degree if I can't get my RN license. I too could use some uplifting, but not sure if I'll be able to take the exam again, unless I can get a job elsewhere and eventually pay the fees again...then re-study? I graduated in July of 2010. How do you explain yourself in an interview if you do get your license eventually? Do you tell them you failed the exam a few times? Do you tell them you wanted to gain experience elsewhere first? Not sure how this would play out too. Thanks! :confused:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

You don't challenge the LVN/PN you have to apply and meet requirements and then sit NCLEX PN and pass to get a license. I see no reason why BSN doesn't meet requirements but really will depend on what you submit to the board. No reason to tell them how many attempts you take to pass the exam.

You could still work and study to sit the exam again. My suggestion is concentrate on answering questions and reading the rationale, even if right. This will help you understand what the question is actually asking and what key words to look for. Only study a subject if you are having issues answering the questions.

DO NOT rush to resit the exam but take time to prepare yourself

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