*Didn't Pass NCLEX-RN for the 4th Time =(*

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi everyone! I'm new to this community. I signed up because people here are usually uplifting everyone and I thought I could use some inspiration and encouragement too.:up:

Just took the NCLEX-RN for the 4th time last wk and today I found out that I didn't pass. :sniff: I feel like a failure and that not only did I let myself down but also my family and relatives. They really want me to pass ASAP. My parents told their friends a while back that I'm taking I'm taking the boards soon and now every time that I see them somewhere they keep asking me if I'm a RN or not. I just feel terrible. I haven't even kept in touch with some friends because I'm embarrassed to say that I still haven't passed. I tried my best on this 4th time but still didn't work. I also feel discouraged and don't know how I'll be able to start reviewing again for my next exam.:o

The following is what I've used to help me review:

-Kaplan Review Course (Wasn't helpful for me)

-Saunders Q&A Review Exam Edition 3 (Very helpful)

-Saunders CD

My weakest areas on the NCLEX are SATA (Select All That Apply) questions, COHORTING patients with different types of diseases, and meds. If at all possible I don't really want to purchase any more resources because I don't have the money.

If you have any suggestions or advice for me I'd really appreciate it. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to pass the NCLEX-RN on my next try. It's been my dream to be a RN. :redpinkhe Thanks for reading my story! God Bless!

I am about to take the NCLEX for the third time soon. I can relate to many being embarassed and feeling that sudden gloom come over you when you find out that you have to retake the test again. But I did not realize that you could take the NCLEX more than 3 times. I will have to check into that.

I have taken a online class and studied saunders and lipincotts review books. I would like to know if there are any other things(books, classes, etc) that could help me pass it the third time. I keep hearing about suzannes plan. What is it and where do I find it?

Everyone who has had to take it more then once and you are still trying, good for you and keep going after your dream. It will come true.

You can read about Suzanne's plan in the sticky post at the top of the NCLEX forum! :)

Sorry to hear that you didnt pass but keep your head up and dont be discouraged. I am not familiar with "Suzanne's Plan" but I used Kaplan and Saunders. Did you complete all of the questions in the Qbank and Question trainers?? Also, You must review ALL rationales even for those which you have answered correctly! And whatever you do,, DONT GIVE UP!!! :)

sorry to hear that.Try doing some content review.If you already know your content,thats the time you do the kaplan qtrainers/qbanks.Try to purchase pda by linda lacharity

Keep positive, don't give up, and try again! :redbeathe

I too have failed boards twice and I'm preparing for round 3. I know exactly how you feel when it comes to family and friends. I quit my job also, for 2 reasons though: I failed boards and couldn't stand the way everyone looked down on me and 2: I had a horrible preceptor and one more day under her I was definitely gonna catch case!!!! then I defeinitely wouldn't be able to sit for boards. I haven't kept in touch with anybody I graduated with, except my BFF. People can be so critical these, but who cares. I'm going to keep studying and take it again and pass, and so will u!!!!!!!

have a good day,and stay positive.

I feel your pain i too just found out that I did not pass for the 4th time today...It stinks I hate seeing classmates and having them ask me so where r u working or having to explain to family members why you didnt pass...It is so frustrating I feel like I will never pass...But we have to keep pluging away at this test until we see that results window pop up that say PASSED..I know itshard to do but keep your head up we can do this

you are not alone! keep ur head up, i just failed for the second time.. all i want to do is be a nurse and get into the field!

I love the fact that there are other people out there just like me...it sure does make it easier to get through this hard time in our lives when we know we aren't alone!!! Thank you everyone for their kind words and support...this website is AMAZING.

It's not easy to tell everyone that you've failed the nclex...i know what it's like. All my friends and everyone at work keep asking me when i'm going to take the nclex after i graduated from nursing school. Then after i took the nclex and found out that i've failed...that wasn't easy for me to face my co-worker either. My co worker are very supportive but it's just that sometimes we have these feelings inside of us that make us thinking people will reject/judge us if we failed. Just keep it up, review, and take it again. I'm doing suzanne's 1st tip right now....so far so good.

Sorry to hear that you didn't pass the NCLEX! I too feel your pain. I took it three times before finally passing. The very 1st time i took it I had 249 ques, 2nd time 75 ques, 3rd time 114 questions. And I went through the same thing with family and friends, but they were very supportive and eventually they stop asking questions about it and just let me do it in my time. Whatever you do, please do not give up! Try to think positive, I know easier said than done at this point in your life. This was my positive motto that I wrote on a index card posted on my mirror that I read every morning before starting my day. I CAN AND WILL PASS THE NCLEX! And began to believe it, and have confidence in myself that I could pass this test. You can do it! Good Luck and hang in there, it will get better.

Not passing multiple times does bring a dark cloud above your head. It took three times of failing till i passed. I worked as a tech on the floor I was suppose to be an RN. I felt embarrassed and sadly bitter when classmates of mine would float over as RN's to the unit.

I just tried to keep my head held up high and did Suzanne's plan.

You can do it, sometimes it takes others, like us, multiple times. It sucks, but you'll treasure it so much when it happens.

So keep up your spirits!! You can do it!!! :wink2:

JLnurse4life, I hope you get this thread. I'm new to this website, so I'm still trying to figure out how everything works. Anyway, I was wondering how you prepared for boards for the 3rd time. I am preparing for boards for the 3rd time by answering questions (not everyday, but at least 100 at a time), and looking at Hurst Review online. It's ironic that you said you wrote on an index card " I can and will pass NCLEX". I watched Oprah one day and she was talkn about the Laws of Attraction" where if u see and think positive things, positive things happen to you. With that being said, I made a vison board and I slapped my graduation picture up there and wrote under it, "Passing State Boards". It's in an awkward position, and I don't look at it everyday, so I think I'm gonna make out me an index card too, and put it in my mirror, in the bathroom, because I definitely look in that mirror everyday. I hope you reply back.

hi everyone! i'm new to this community. i signed up because people here are usually uplifting everyone and i thought i could use some inspiration and encouragement too.:up:

just took the nclex-rn for the 4th time last wk and today i found out that i didn't pass. :sniff: i feel like a failure and that not only did i let myself down but also my family and relatives. they really want me to pass asap. my parents told their friends a while back that i'm taking i'm taking the boards soon and now every time that i see them somewhere they keep asking me if i'm a rn or not. i just feel terrible. i haven't even kept in touch with some friends because i'm embarrassed to say that i still haven't passed. i tried my best on this 4th time but still didn't work. i also feel discouraged and don't know how i'll be able to start reviewing again for my next exam.:o

the following is what i've used to help me review:

-kaplan review course (wasn't helpful for me)

-saunders q&a review exam edition 3 (very helpful)

-saunders cd

my weakest areas on the nclex are sata (select all that apply) questions, cohorting patients with different types of diseases, and meds. if at all possible i don't really want to purchase any more resources because i don't have the money.

if you have any suggestions or advice for me i'd really appreciate it. i'm willing to do whatever it takes to pass the nclex-rn on my next try. it's been my dream to be a rn. :redpinkhe thanks for reading my story! god bless!


i am so sorry to hear that. i can really relate to your pain. i will be tring for my forth time but i was pass the nclex-rn in ten years ago, so i really don't know whyand i am so depressed and isolating. take care! but don't give up!

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