I'm in my second semester of nursing school. In my clinical today on the Med Surg floor, I got to hang an IVPB. The nurse already had the main line primed. With my instructor and another classmate and the nurse, I primed the IVPB. We all went to the patients room, and I hung the saline and IVPB. Then I went to connect the main IV line to the patients IV on their hand. I took the cap off the main line and wiped it with an alcohol swab....Well, yes, I made a mistake. Since the IV line port is sterile since it just came out of the packaging and had a cap on it.
But my intructor flipped out! She seemed very upset that I would wipe the sterile end with an alochol swab, she exclaimed to the nurse about, who said we could just get some new tubing, she took me aside and said, "Why did you do that?!" Then later had a discussion with me about my thinking process and why I did what I did. She is holding my end of semester evaluation until tomoorrow, and might take points off for it.
My question is, Did I do something horribly wrong?? I know I shouldn't have wiped the sterile end with an alochol swab, but is it as huge a deal as she is making out? I thought changing the IV tubing was an easy fix and I had determined not to do that again. But I'm thinking I just commited something very horrible.
Can anyone give me any insight?