I've been crying all night.
I just started this Spring, after many years of being out of school, at a local CC to apply for their nursing program for this Fall. I had attended several years before and had over 50 hours completed, but did not get my Associate degree in General Studies. I was planning on transferring to a 4-year at the time, but life got in the way.
When I met with the nursing advisor last August about attending this school, she pulled my college transcript, said, "This looks great, your grades are very good," and encouraged me to apply for Fall of 2007. She didn't say anything about high school, at all. I have a 3.4 GPA, I did extremely well on my TEAS.
Well, today I got a letter in the mail regarding my score that they use with my GPA, pre-reqs, etc for admission to the nursing program.
I about collapsed when I saw what they were using for my GPA. They used my HIGH SCHOOL GPA, which was extremely low because I had a horrible home life when I was in school and had an undiagnosed learning disability.
When I called the nursing program, they said that if I had finished my AA degree in General Studies this past Fall, they would have used my overall college GPA instead of my high school GPA. WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL ME THAT?
Guess how far I was away from finishing my AA degree? One history class, that was it! I could have taken that this past Fall if she had told me to!
I have this on appeal right now. On the flip side, a close friend of mine had a 3.75 in high school and has a 2.3 college GPA, after three years of coursework, and didn't do well on the TEAS, but she has a higher score for entrance than I do because they used her high school GPA.
I could fully accept if I didn't get in with the way my grades are now, but this faculty members is getting paid a salary to advise and she told me wrong! It was totally fixable!