When patients present to our ER, the admitting reps are, apparently, required to assign a race or ethnicity to patients. I'll see it at the top of the computer screen. It's so obnoxious and inaccurate.
The main categories are White, Black/African American, Hispanic, Native American/Alaskan Native, Asian, Other, Declines to state.
I doubt they are actually asking patients, just making a judgement call. Plus, some of them are probably as annoyed as me by the whole thing and assigning Black to a White person, and White to a Black person, etc.
The whole thing is, frankly, offensive. Lumping everyone with some connection to Hispanic origins together is absurd, for one thing. Many Mexicans I see probably belong to the American Native category, and some Hispanics are thoroughly European. And what about mixed race people? My granddaughter is half Asian, what is she? Well, the most adorable baby girl on the planet, that's what. And the smartest, and prettiest.
Why don't they have a category for prettiest baby?